Yes, WaitingMan, yours along with many other papers across the country were afraid to run this cartoon. In doing so, it is rife with irony, as it is obviously satirizing the paralyzing fear in media of anything regarding Islam. Cowards indeed.
For those of you whose paper ran the alternate edition, I strongly suggest you contact the editor and voice your opinion on the matter. They are the ones who need to hear it, as they are the ones who made the decision.
Just like in “real life” he’s not there, doubtful he ever was…Way to go Wiley. I appreciate your courage to draw and write today’s edition, and if I live to 100 I will always wonder why those in Islam get all bent out of shape when someone dares to draw their prophet but remain silent when others (in Islam’s name) strap bombs to themselves and blow up innocents or do nothing when women and children can get beaten or if adulterers are stoned to death, or chop off body parts for petty crimes. Please explain slowly using small words (because I just don’t get that religion) exactly how this makes sense. Until then, take a walk Islam and get over yourself.
For those who got a different strip in today’s paper, was it a rerun or a new alternate strip? Does anyone have a link to it? I’m just curious about whether it slyly comments on the controversy in its own way, such as by satirizing the media.
Brilliant! I love all the little touches as well as the message. It’s disappointing to see that so many media outlets proved the topicality of Wiley’s commentary.
But please, everybody, keep in mind that fanatical Muslims represent only a small proportion of Muslims, the same way that Terry Jones, Fred Phelps, Shelley Shannon, Paul Jennings Hill, and their ilk do not represent all Christians.
The media is also too scared to report on the prominent Muslims who speak out and act against violence. They’re scared that it’s not “newsworthy,” that they will be perceived as “soft on terrorism,” or they’re simply too ignorant and lazy to bother looking into this news.
How many people have heard of Tahir ul-Qadri? Hamza Yusuf? Google them to see what prominent Muslims are doing against violence. The question is really “How come the Muslims who speak out against violence, the ones who speak out against mistreatment of women, the ones who by their words and actions every day stand against violence don’t get news coverage?”
Not that it matters, but I’m not Muslim, so I’m not defending “my people,” I’m just worried that the hate and fanaticism and prejudice that some Muslims are spouting is being met with hate, fanaticism, and prejudice.
Now we know what Muhammad looks like – apparently he’s one of the 14 men in this picture, we just have to figure out which one! (I don’t know what the prize is for the first correct guess, but I suspect I don’t want it!!)
I was surprised to see this in the left-wing Toronto Star – they usually go so far out of their way to avoid the slightest chance of offending ANYONE! (Except Christians, the one group left in the world not protected by hate crime legislation.)
Lawreader, Mohammed was not a man of peace, he invented Jihad, The Holy War. It was he wo said If they convert, welcome them, if they don’t, Kill Them. Ther terrorists do not pervert Islam, they ARE Islam. Mohammed was a very violent man who ruthlessly waged war against those he called infidels, and an infidel is anyone, including muslims, who do not follow a strict interpretation of the Quran.
Unfortunately, we get Non Sequitur in the paper on everyday except Sundays. I would have liked to see if our paper had the guts to use today’s strip, but since I am forever skeptical, I doubt it would.
Yes KSfarmgrl, they did… Hundreds of years ago! How, exactly, is that in any way relavent to strapping a bomb to someone and sending them to murder innocent women and children today?
Hundreds of years ago? It seems as though I remember Protestants and Catholics killing each other in Ireland a lot more recently than that.
Most religions seem able to justify killing “non-believers” at some point. It tends to happen when you think you have an all-powerful entity on your side.
Wiley: Excellent. Too bad it didn’t run everywhere, but you’re right about the irony
The crusaders killed innocent women and children. I think religions and political parties tend to corrupt people. I don’t understand this need to slaughter people for differences in skin color, religion, sex, country of origin, etc etc. Even the Tories and Whigs killed each other.
Just like in “real life” he’s not there, doubtful he ever was…Way to go Wiley. I appreciate your courage to draw and write today’s edition, and if I live to 100 I will always wonder why those in Islam get all bent out of shape when someone dares to draw their prophet but remain silent when others (in Islam’s name) strap bombs to themselves and blow up innocents or do nothing when women and children can get beaten or if adulterers are stoned to death, or chop off body parts for petty crimes. Please explain slowly using small words (because I just don’t get that religion) exactly how this makes sense. Until then, take a walk Islam and get over yourself.”
That is grossly unfair, ignorant, and rather hateful. Just because Fox doesn’t cover the Muslims who don’t agree with extremists actions, it means there aren’t any? Extremists get heard because…well, they’re extreme. Terrorists and extremest represent a minuscule percentage of Muslims world wide, just as with Christianity. Can you imagine if the rest of the world thought all of Christianity (and America) were like Westboro Church or the KKK?
You got your facts wrong man, every religion has some fanatics, and they are the ones who corrupted the religion. every religion (almost) was originally truthful and had good rules, laws, and codes of conduct, but some people came and corrupted it and made it look like a bad religion.
about your comment
“It was he wo said If they convert, welcome them, if they don’t, Kill Them.”
That is not true, go read a history book, thy went to them and asked them to convert by telling them benefits of converting and the principles of their religion.
Then if the people did not convert, they told them to give a tax for living under the protection of the Muslim nation.
If they also refused the tax, then they fought and defeated them.
that’s my response to that comment.
for this:
“Mohammed was a very violent man who ruthlessly waged war against those he called infidels, and an infidel is anyone, including muslims, who do not follow a strict interpretation of the Quran.”
As I said, your sources are incorrect. Go read a proper, non-biased history book and you will find that Muhammad (S) was not a violent man, but a peaceful person. and he did not instruct the Muslims to kill anyone, read my above explanation to find out who they killed and who they didn’t.
Excellent strip today. Thank goodness for gocomics, as our local newspaper (the Austin American-Statesman) was also in the coward category (not that I minded having two Non Sequiturs today instead of one).
Just from the chaos I think it looks more like “Where’s Danae?”
Love it Wiley. I love living where I do, because I get 2 Wiley’s on Saturday. Your Sunday strip appears in my Comics Section of my Saturday Paper and GoComics has your real Saturday strip. A surfeit of riches. Thank you.
The Syracuse Sub Standard ran an Obvious Man strip. They chose not to run the one above as far as I can tell because of what it didn’t show. Weirdest case of censorship ever.
ellisaana, you are indeed correct about the execution. Sometimes living without TV keeps me blissfully uniformed. :-)
I would wager that more papers chose not to run this version of the strip today than those that did. I wonder if Wiley has any way of knowing who chose to run it and who backed off.
Ah, yes. The search for “the terrorists among us.” It brings to mind the McCarthy Trials of the 1950’s and the Falklands War of the 1980’s. Both were ignorant, knee-jerk reactions to threats that were only as big as they were hyped to be in the minds of elected officials, pundits, and people too lazy to think for themselves or too caught up in herd mentality. Those who dared speak out were all too often dubbed “in league with the enemy,” whatever the “enemy” was.
So go ahead and look. People will realize this is a load and start doing something about it, while sheeple will go along with whatever is spoon-fed to them. Oh, and inaction is worse than ignorance IMO. Anything worthwhile is worth sacrifice; I did some of my part recently by criticizing my employer for turning away the perfect person to fill a vital spot simply because they were Muslim, even ran an article in the company newsletter and a column in the local paper’s editorial section, and now I’m unemployed for it. I actually find being unemployed preferable to working for a company so ignorant. Then again, I have enough saved to keep me afloat for a few months, so I have the luxury of morals.
if christians AREN’T killing nonbelievers, they’re conveniently ignoring parts of the bible:
If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. 9 You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
That paper in St Pete appears to be the only one who actually ran the strip! So many people mentioning major papers who didn’t. Stunning.
Editors too dumb to get the irony and the non-prophet name.
Wiley, it’s brilliant, and not just for the caption, but the whole thing. (I think I see Kate getting ice cream maybe, but Danae has black hair so who could it be with her back to us?!)
In Hell where the other false prophets are. He was a murderer, liar, thief, pedophile and never a peaceful man. Those that devoutly follow him want to kill the rest of us kufirs that do not.
ks farmgirl: yes, and when they discovered all the animals in the cities were dead too, they rounded up the remaining civilians and ate them instead. this was common for about 100 years, and earned christians a well deserved bad rep among muslims (also jews, hindus, and others in the area).
this is also why there are no arab allies with us in iraq & gaff-istan (george the 2nd made the error of referring to our efforts as a terrorism “crusade”–all bets were off after that).
Fantastic. As a target because of the original cartoons… strike that. As a target because of various religious fruitcakes’ reaction to some strangely placed ink in a newspaper in an obscure little country in the far north I truly appreciate it. Doesn’t get more zen than this. A nice koan, in fact. Spot on, Wiley.
i had to smile at this one. i loved the ‘eye scream” visual pun. btw, my paper (which today was the san jose mercury news) didn’t have this one in it. they printed the one from 4 years ago, an obviousman strip. i’m guessing that they wanted to play things safe. my USUAL paper, the monterey herald, doesn’t even run the strip.
Cat on a house…
Man on a bike…
Squirrel in a tree…
Ice cream for a tyke…
Duck in a pond…
Kite in the sky…
Hippo snoozing…
Oh my, Oh my….
Where shall we go?…
What shall we do?…
The giraffe is coming…
And he’s coming for you…
Paranoia strikes deep…
Fear is the reward…
Terror comes from the terrified…
How much fear can we afford?…
Ps. Did any paper run ur strip? I mean really… Thank Mohammed for go.comics….
kane2742 wrote: “For those who got a different strip in today’s paper, was it a rerun or a new alternate strip? Does anyone have a link to it?”
I search many newspapers sites but couldn’t find the old Obviousman strip. Those that did carry NS online, got their feed from Uclick so they ran the one you see above.
Good job Wiley, Better hire extra security for your building tomorrow! Plus the irony here is the cowardly papers decided to use an Obviousman strip. What’s obvious is their appeasement for fear of offense.
i was thinking Hi Lites for Children, can you find the….
great strip, pointing up our hippoxcrayphy about freedom of the press and freedom of religion.
“You got your facts wrong man, every religion has some fanatics” – itwally
There probably aren’t Pastafarian fanatics, since its gospel clearly asks Pastafarians not to be fanatics (pp. 78-79).
“and they are the ones who corrupted the religion.” – itwally
I’m not so sure, the fanatics seem to be the only ones actually reading their scriptures and doing what it says.
“every religion (almost) was originally truthful” – itwally
For me, the definition of a religion is that it’s based on nonsense.
“Muhammad (S) was not a violent man, but a peaceful person. and he did not instruct the Muslims to kill anyone” – itwally
“take [unbelievers] and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them” – Qur’an sura 4 ayat 89
“slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.” – Qur’an sura 9 ayat 5
“[believers] shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an.” – Qur’an sura 9 ayat 111
person918 said:
if christians AREN’T killing nonbelievers, they’re conveniently ignoring parts of the bible
… and goes on to quote Deuteronomy 13, 6-10.
I wonder how you found that? Clearly you do not have a working knowledge of the Bible or of Christianity. You are quoting from what is called the “Old Testament” which is the code of conduct for Jews, not Christians. Christians do not sacrifice sheep either, or circumcise their infant boys on the eighth day. Or are you deliberately mis-quoting just for effect?
And - the crusaders were not strictly speaking, Christians either.
“You are quoting from what is called the “Old Testament” which is the code of conduct for Jews, not Christians.” - Paul_B
“Don’t suppose that I came to do away with the Law and the Prophets [The Jewish Scriptures, that is, the Old Testament.] I did not come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning.” - Jesus, Matthew 5:17
“God said, ‘Honor your father and mother.’—(Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16) He also said, ‘If anyone calls down a curse on his father or mother, he will be put to death.’—(Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9)” - Jesus, Matthew 15:4
The new testament sometimes contradicts the old testament, but remember both testaments were written by people who heard voices in their heads telling them to kill everything that breathed in several cities (sometimes the voices told them to spare the pretty virgin girls and take them as slaves), or believed in zombie gods and ghosts.
How could you all miss him… he is sitting next to his master at the bottom of the ‘toon. See the guy with the remote control? That is Muhammad the dog sitting next to him with the big b@!! licking grin on his face. Ask Wiley…. uhh Wiley?
Hmmm better not. He is already in enough hot water. ;)
Hey Wiley… can I have permission to cross post this to my blog? Watch the doo-doo hit the fan when it goes viral like those cartoonz from Europe did. Have the Islamofascists started with the death threats yet? And all you did was mention a name… sheesh!
“The new testament sometimes contradicts the old testament, but remember both testaments were written by people who heard voices in their heads telling them to kill everything that breathed in several cities (sometimes the voices told them to spare the pretty virgin girls and take them as slaves), or believed in zombie gods and ghosts.”
Again, you clearly have not actually read the New Testament, or are vainly trying to put snippets together to construe perverse interpretations. Jesus indeed did point out that he was the fulfilment of the Old Testament, rendering its sacrifices unnecessary and inappropriate, and absorbing all its punishments in proxy. Thus the Law stood, but its rigours did not apply - to believers.
The quote from Matthew 14:4 is but part not of Jesus’ reinforcement of OT rules, but a critique of how his critics failed to respect them.
It is simply denial and mendacious to suggest that the New Testament advocates any form of violence. Are you confusing the actual New Testament with the actions or dictates of later syncretistic pretenders?
You’re all wrong! Muhammad is that fat old lady with the ice cream. Didn’t you know Muhammad gets turned on by dressing up as a woman and picking up giraffes in the park? The 72 virgins you get in heaven are giraffes, not people. This is all in the Quran people, read up on it.
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Dunno. Does he wear a red-and-white striped shirt and floppy cap?
black_knight15_au over 14 years ago
what about Where’s Osama?
SuperGriz over 14 years ago
Where’s Osama?
BookScorpion over 14 years ago
You mean like this: ?
painterplumber over 14 years ago
in de skies selling eye scream
kcorl001 over 14 years ago
Brilliant! On the order of walking along the precipice pretending to fall in…
Brockie over 14 years ago
A true work of art, yet another…Walt Kelly would have admired the work this took….
Ursula A Kehoe Premium Member over 14 years ago
Brilliantly irreverent!
Justice22 over 14 years ago
I don’t know, but I found Elmo.
dutchdude04 over 14 years ago
He’s the one holding the detonator and the explosive toy boat
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 14 years ago
Captain Eddie is in the outhouse, that is his cat on the roof. Maybe Muhammad is in de-skies?
Possum Pete over 14 years ago
Hopefully, inside the hippo.
3hourtour Premium Member over 14 years ago
..Allah is everywhere..Muhammad is on his right…
HonganOs over 14 years ago
He can’t be pictured… lol
autumnfire1957 over 14 years ago
I see dead people
WaitingMan over 14 years ago
The Philadelphia Inquirer printed an alternate “Non Sequitur” today (an Obviousman adventure). Cowards!
UBBM Premium Member over 14 years ago
This ought to get osama off the help the flood victims B.S. and back to his ususal ravings.
lunatic03867 over 14 years ago
This is weird - This is NOT the one that the Boston Globe Printed today!
Thomas Overbeck Premium Member over 14 years ago
Yep… Dallas Morning News ran the Obviousman strip too.
What a bunch of wusses.
Wiley creator over 14 years ago
Yes, WaitingMan, yours along with many other papers across the country were afraid to run this cartoon. In doing so, it is rife with irony, as it is obviously satirizing the paralyzing fear in media of anything regarding Islam. Cowards indeed.
For those of you whose paper ran the alternate edition, I strongly suggest you contact the editor and voice your opinion on the matter. They are the ones who need to hear it, as they are the ones who made the decision.
wicky over 14 years ago
If you’ve seen juan you’ve seen amahl.
wicky over 14 years ago
Brilliant Wiley!!! just brilliant!
CedarCircle over 14 years ago
Well done! I scrolled slowly toward the answer and realized this was a clever “Where’s Waldo” takoff long before I saw the punchline.
Edsonman over 14 years ago
Datona Beach News-Journal also chickened out.
Wiley…you need a “Chickenman” response to these weenies!!
gjsjr41 over 14 years ago
Great cartoon, Wiley.
lewisbower over 14 years ago
This comic should be pulled
I see Mohamed at the head of an army for his joyful return to Mecca.
Since He was a peaceful man, this image should not be shown to His peaceful followers.
joefish25 over 14 years ago
Just like in “real life” he’s not there, doubtful he ever was…Way to go Wiley. I appreciate your courage to draw and write today’s edition, and if I live to 100 I will always wonder why those in Islam get all bent out of shape when someone dares to draw their prophet but remain silent when others (in Islam’s name) strap bombs to themselves and blow up innocents or do nothing when women and children can get beaten or if adulterers are stoned to death, or chop off body parts for petty crimes. Please explain slowly using small words (because I just don’t get that religion) exactly how this makes sense. Until then, take a walk Islam and get over yourself.
Lurah over 14 years ago
Sweet! You always hit a bullseye!
I just drove 23 miles for the AZ Star - they wussed out and printed the Ombudsman…cowards!
langr53 over 14 years ago
I didn’t know giraffes liked chocolate ice cream. Live and learn.
vldazzle over 14 years ago
Love it!
kane2742 over 14 years ago
For those who got a different strip in today’s paper, was it a rerun or a new alternate strip? Does anyone have a link to it? I’m just curious about whether it slyly comments on the controversy in its own way, such as by satirizing the media.
afeeney over 14 years ago
Brilliant! I love all the little touches as well as the message. It’s disappointing to see that so many media outlets proved the topicality of Wiley’s commentary.
But please, everybody, keep in mind that fanatical Muslims represent only a small proportion of Muslims, the same way that Terry Jones, Fred Phelps, Shelley Shannon, Paul Jennings Hill, and their ilk do not represent all Christians.
The media is also too scared to report on the prominent Muslims who speak out and act against violence. They’re scared that it’s not “newsworthy,” that they will be perceived as “soft on terrorism,” or they’re simply too ignorant and lazy to bother looking into this news.
How many people have heard of Tahir ul-Qadri? Hamza Yusuf? Google them to see what prominent Muslims are doing against violence. The question is really “How come the Muslims who speak out against violence, the ones who speak out against mistreatment of women, the ones who by their words and actions every day stand against violence don’t get news coverage?”
Not that it matters, but I’m not Muslim, so I’m not defending “my people,” I’m just worried that the hate and fanaticism and prejudice that some Muslims are spouting is being met with hate, fanaticism, and prejudice.
Destiny23 over 14 years ago
Now we know what Muhammad looks like – apparently he’s one of the 14 men in this picture, we just have to figure out which one! (I don’t know what the prize is for the first correct guess, but I suspect I don’t want it!!)
I was surprised to see this in the left-wing Toronto Star – they usually go so far out of their way to avoid the slightest chance of offending ANYONE! (Except Christians, the one group left in the world not protected by hate crime legislation.)
MobyD over 14 years ago
Where’s Muhammad? He’s in de-skies flying a turban-powered airplane.
Wiley creator over 14 years ago
Edsonman said “Wiley…you need a “Chickenman” response to these weenies!!”
No, actually, YOU do, as you are their customer.
Cheryl_FreeThinker over 14 years ago
Joined GoComics just to give Wiley two big thumbs up. The local paper is run by cowards when it comes to religion - it’s in the BuyBull Belt.
BTW, that’s Mo being lead by a dog.
BillWa over 14 years ago
Lawreader, Mohammed was not a man of peace, he invented Jihad, The Holy War. It was he wo said If they convert, welcome them, if they don’t, Kill Them. Ther terrorists do not pervert Islam, they ARE Islam. Mohammed was a very violent man who ruthlessly waged war against those he called infidels, and an infidel is anyone, including muslims, who do not follow a strict interpretation of the Quran.
cleokaya over 14 years ago
Muhammad is in prison along with Malvo.
cleokaya over 14 years ago
Unfortunately, we get Non Sequitur in the paper on everyday except Sundays. I would have liked to see if our paper had the guts to use today’s strip, but since I am forever skeptical, I doubt it would.
cleokaya over 14 years ago
Today’s comic went into my favorites collection. I love the imagination and the imagery.
KSfarmgirl over 14 years ago
Didn’t the Christian Crusaders slaughter humans in the name of God??
HogFan over 14 years ago
Yes KSfarmgrl, they did… Hundreds of years ago! How, exactly, is that in any way relavent to strapping a bomb to someone and sending them to murder innocent women and children today?
Frankr over 14 years ago
HogFan: Hundreds of years ago? It seems as though I remember Protestants and Catholics killing each other in Ireland a lot more recently than that.
Most religions seem able to justify killing “non-believers” at some point. It tends to happen when you think you have an all-powerful entity on your side.
Wiley: Excellent. Too bad it didn’t run everywhere, but you’re right about the irony
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hmmm… safest way to not show Muhammad in a comic strip I’ve ever not seen not show Muhammad…
Ah Hah! I get it!
Muhammad - not Mohammed!
Weasely way out of this one, Miller…
KSfarmgirl over 14 years ago
The crusaders killed innocent women and children. I think religions and political parties tend to corrupt people. I don’t understand this need to slaughter people for differences in skin color, religion, sex, country of origin, etc etc. Even the Tories and Whigs killed each other.
Wiley creator over 14 years ago
That was the joke, Ron, which makes it so ironic that editors were afraid to run it.
GeraldTarrant over 14 years ago
“joefish25 said, about 2 hours ago
Just like in “real life” he’s not there, doubtful he ever was…Way to go Wiley. I appreciate your courage to draw and write today’s edition, and if I live to 100 I will always wonder why those in Islam get all bent out of shape when someone dares to draw their prophet but remain silent when others (in Islam’s name) strap bombs to themselves and blow up innocents or do nothing when women and children can get beaten or if adulterers are stoned to death, or chop off body parts for petty crimes. Please explain slowly using small words (because I just don’t get that religion) exactly how this makes sense. Until then, take a walk Islam and get over yourself.”
That is grossly unfair, ignorant, and rather hateful. Just because Fox doesn’t cover the Muslims who don’t agree with extremists actions, it means there aren’t any? Extremists get heard because…well, they’re extreme. Terrorists and extremest represent a minuscule percentage of Muslims world wide, just as with Christianity. Can you imagine if the rest of the world thought all of Christianity (and America) were like Westboro Church or the KKK?
ellisaana Premium Member over 14 years ago
cleokayaGenius_badge said, 33 minutes ago “Muhammad is in prison along with Malvo.”
No. He’s not. That guy got executed.
As I understand it, it is Allah who cannot be depicted. Maybe because God is too large to comprehend.
Mohammad, like Jesus, and the other prophets, was a man.
I’m with Snorri Sturluson on this, who suggested in the 12th century that gods begin as human war leaders and kings whose funeral sites develop cults.
The Media is probably over reacting to all the grief given them when they advertised the intended qoran burning.
RadioTom over 14 years ago
Muhammad is the giraffe…
itwally over 14 years ago
@ Billwa
You got your facts wrong man, every religion has some fanatics, and they are the ones who corrupted the religion. every religion (almost) was originally truthful and had good rules, laws, and codes of conduct, but some people came and corrupted it and made it look like a bad religion.
about your comment
“It was he wo said If they convert, welcome them, if they don’t, Kill Them.”
That is not true, go read a history book, thy went to them and asked them to convert by telling them benefits of converting and the principles of their religion.
Then if the people did not convert, they told them to give a tax for living under the protection of the Muslim nation.
If they also refused the tax, then they fought and defeated them.
that’s my response to that comment.
for this:
“Mohammed was a very violent man who ruthlessly waged war against those he called infidels, and an infidel is anyone, including muslims, who do not follow a strict interpretation of the Quran.”
As I said, your sources are incorrect. Go read a proper, non-biased history book and you will find that Muhammad (S) was not a violent man, but a peaceful person. and he did not instruct the Muslims to kill anyone, read my above explanation to find out who they killed and who they didn’t.
crlinder over 14 years ago
Excellent strip today. Thank goodness for gocomics, as our local newspaper (the Austin American-Statesman) was also in the coward category (not that I minded having two Non Sequiturs today instead of one).
SQLMamma over 14 years ago
I don’t know whether today’s Obviousman is a rerun or a ‘spare’ for controversy.
It’s dated ‘06 and couldn’t offend anybody – just a rant on ‘baked’ lasagna.
MatureCanadian over 14 years ago
Just from the chaos I think it looks more like “Where’s Danae?”
Love it Wiley. I love living where I do, because I get 2 Wiley’s on Saturday. Your Sunday strip appears in my Comics Section of my Saturday Paper and GoComics has your real Saturday strip. A surfeit of riches. Thank you.
ArtboyJim over 14 years ago
The Syracuse Sub Standard ran an Obvious Man strip. They chose not to run the one above as far as I can tell because of what it didn’t show. Weirdest case of censorship ever.
Nelly55 over 14 years ago
Brilliant Wiley
just stinkin’ BRILLIANT!
langr53 over 14 years ago
Turns out the Chicago Tribune weaseled out, too. Subbed an old “Obviousman” strip. Duh.
lin4869 over 14 years ago
Love this one, Wiley. And may I suggest that it would make a really fun jigsaw puzzle?!
cleokaya over 14 years ago
ellisaana, you are indeed correct about the execution. Sometimes living without TV keeps me blissfully uniformed. :-)
I would wager that more papers chose not to run this version of the strip today than those that did. I wonder if Wiley has any way of knowing who chose to run it and who backed off.
Ernest Lemmingway over 14 years ago
Ah, yes. The search for “the terrorists among us.” It brings to mind the McCarthy Trials of the 1950’s and the Falklands War of the 1980’s. Both were ignorant, knee-jerk reactions to threats that were only as big as they were hyped to be in the minds of elected officials, pundits, and people too lazy to think for themselves or too caught up in herd mentality. Those who dared speak out were all too often dubbed “in league with the enemy,” whatever the “enemy” was.
So go ahead and look. People will realize this is a load and start doing something about it, while sheeple will go along with whatever is spoon-fed to them. Oh, and inaction is worse than ignorance IMO. Anything worthwhile is worth sacrifice; I did some of my part recently by criticizing my employer for turning away the perfect person to fill a vital spot simply because they were Muslim, even ran an article in the company newsletter and a column in the local paper’s editorial section, and now I’m unemployed for it. I actually find being unemployed preferable to working for a company so ignorant. Then again, I have enough saved to keep me afloat for a few months, so I have the luxury of morals.
rockngolfer over 14 years ago
The St. Petersburg Times ran this comic. I like the “eye scream” cart, too
person918 over 14 years ago
if christians AREN’T killing nonbelievers, they’re conveniently ignoring parts of the bible:
If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. 9 You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
-Deuteronomy 13, 6-10
banderpal over 14 years ago
The San Francisco Chronicle wimped out with Obviousman also. My next email will be to their editors.
napaeric over 14 years ago
San Francisco Chronicle also chickened out. Thought they might man up, they didn’t
Such very good work. It is a pleasure to see such insight and humor together.
Thank you, Wiley Miller.
bmonk over 14 years ago
Book Scorpion’s link is (I hope): here
HowieL over 14 years ago
Banned in Boston (Boston Globe) as well. Sigh.
snate686 over 14 years ago
The San Jose Mercury also chickened out and ran the Obviousman comic.
bostonoski over 14 years ago
That paper in St Pete appears to be the only one who actually ran the strip! So many people mentioning major papers who didn’t. Stunning.
Editors too dumb to get the irony and the non-prophet name.
Wiley, it’s brilliant, and not just for the caption, but the whole thing. (I think I see Kate getting ice cream maybe, but Danae has black hair so who could it be with her back to us?!)
dolz over 14 years ago
The Washington Post wimped out.
dougdash over 14 years ago
In Hell where the other false prophets are. He was a murderer, liar, thief, pedophile and never a peaceful man. Those that devoutly follow him want to kill the rest of us kufirs that do not.
dfowensby over 14 years ago
ks farmgirl: yes, and when they discovered all the animals in the cities were dead too, they rounded up the remaining civilians and ate them instead. this was common for about 100 years, and earned christians a well deserved bad rep among muslims (also jews, hindus, and others in the area). this is also why there are no arab allies with us in iraq & gaff-istan (george the 2nd made the error of referring to our efforts as a terrorism “crusade”–all bets were off after that).
ReaderLady over 14 years ago
Please, please don’t apologize for this one, like the South Park people did. I’d be terribly disappointed.
I think he’s wearing the giraffe suit.
Wiley creator over 14 years ago
Not a chance, readerlady. What’s there to apologize for? The satire is directed at media.
And the guys who do South Park DIDN’T apologize. It was the suits of the network.
ranulf over 14 years ago
Fantastic. As a target because of the original cartoons… strike that. As a target because of various religious fruitcakes’ reaction to some strangely placed ink in a newspaper in an obscure little country in the far north I truly appreciate it. Doesn’t get more zen than this. A nice koan, in fact. Spot on, Wiley.
trekkermint over 14 years ago
but mohammed’s a common name - could be any of the men in the strip, and any of the guys could also be named jesus
sorry about the print media wimping out on you
Thomas Overbeck Premium Member over 14 years ago
I just noticed the dog walking the man. LOL
And it’s great to see the toothy bulldog again. :)
glenardis over 14 years ago
The media are afraid. People are afraid. America is afraid.
The war on terror is over. We lost.
VikThor over 14 years ago
The Arizona Republic (Phoenix AZ) also wimped out and ran the Obviousman strip. I will be writing them.
mokicomic over 14 years ago
Add the Seattle Times to the list of chickens who ran Obvious Man instead of this great satire.
mrgromit over 14 years ago
I think it’s also ironic that they ran “Obvious Man,” as it’s obvious that the papers didn’t get the irony.
Mr. Wiley, excellent work and an awesome show of courage doing this.
firedome over 14 years ago
i had to smile at this one. i loved the ‘eye scream” visual pun. btw, my paper (which today was the san jose mercury news) didn’t have this one in it. they printed the one from 4 years ago, an obviousman strip. i’m guessing that they wanted to play things safe. my USUAL paper, the monterey herald, doesn’t even run the strip.
Joseph Krois over 14 years ago
Cat on a house… Man on a bike… Squirrel in a tree… Ice cream for a tyke… Duck in a pond… Kite in the sky… Hippo snoozing… Oh my, Oh my…. Where shall we go?… What shall we do?… The giraffe is coming… And he’s coming for you… Paranoia strikes deep… Fear is the reward… Terror comes from the terrified… How much fear can we afford?…
Ps. Did any paper run ur strip? I mean really… Thank Mohammed for go.comics….
JP Steve Premium Member over 14 years ago
If you fear the terrorists, the terrorists win!
davidmww over 14 years ago
He’s the dodgy-looking man standing behind the little girl at the ice-cream stand, isn’t he?
Bittermelon of Truth over 14 years ago
kane2742 wrote: “For those who got a different strip in today’s paper, was it a rerun or a new alternate strip? Does anyone have a link to it?” I search many newspapers sites but couldn’t find the old Obviousman strip. Those that did carry NS online, got their feed from Uclick so they ran the one you see above.
Good job Wiley, Better hire extra security for your building tomorrow! Plus the irony here is the cowardly papers decided to use an Obviousman strip. What’s obvious is their appeasement for fear of offense.
natureboyfig4 Premium Member over 14 years ago
under the cat
Constantinepaleologos over 14 years ago
The important thing about Islam or any other religion is not whether most Muslims are violent or not, but what the Koran, their scripture, teaches.
dflak over 14 years ago
My paper was too chicken hearted to publish it. Viva censorship. RIP freedom of the press.
mrgromit over 14 years ago
I just looked at the copyright date of the Obviousman strip and it’s from ‘06.
treered over 14 years ago
i was thinking Hi Lites for Children, can you find the…. great strip, pointing up our hippoxcrayphy about freedom of the press and freedom of religion.
chicochico2 over 14 years ago
why is it we all can’t practice, or not, our religious believes without infringing on the rights others?
bbHhh over 14 years ago
“You got your facts wrong man, every religion has some fanatics” – itwally
There probably aren’t Pastafarian fanatics, since its gospel clearly asks Pastafarians not to be fanatics (pp. 78-79).
“and they are the ones who corrupted the religion.” – itwally
I’m not so sure, the fanatics seem to be the only ones actually reading their scriptures and doing what it says.
“every religion (almost) was originally truthful” – itwally
For me, the definition of a religion is that it’s based on nonsense.
“Muhammad (S) was not a violent man, but a peaceful person. and he did not instruct the Muslims to kill anyone” – itwally
“take [unbelievers] and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them” – Qur’an sura 4 ayat 89
“slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.” – Qur’an sura 9 ayat 5
“[believers] shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an.” – Qur’an sura 9 ayat 111
Paul_B over 14 years ago
person918 said: if christians AREN’T killing nonbelievers, they’re conveniently ignoring parts of the bible
… and goes on to quote Deuteronomy 13, 6-10.
I wonder how you found that? Clearly you do not have a working knowledge of the Bible or of Christianity. You are quoting from what is called the “Old Testament” which is the code of conduct for Jews, not Christians. Christians do not sacrifice sheep either, or circumcise their infant boys on the eighth day. Or are you deliberately mis-quoting just for effect?
And - the crusaders were not strictly speaking, Christians either.
bbHhh over 14 years ago
“You are quoting from what is called the “Old Testament” which is the code of conduct for Jews, not Christians.” - Paul_B
“Don’t suppose that I came to do away with the Law and the Prophets [The Jewish Scriptures, that is, the Old Testament.] I did not come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning.” - Jesus, Matthew 5:17
“God said, ‘Honor your father and mother.’—(Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16) He also said, ‘If anyone calls down a curse on his father or mother, he will be put to death.’—(Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9)” - Jesus, Matthew 15:4
The new testament sometimes contradicts the old testament, but remember both testaments were written by people who heard voices in their heads telling them to kill everything that breathed in several cities (sometimes the voices told them to spare the pretty virgin girls and take them as slaves), or believed in zombie gods and ghosts.
atl_taz over 14 years ago
i’m just proud (or saddened, i can’t decide!) that you chose not to include a pig in your comic strip. that took class wiley!
jrfoleyjr over 14 years ago
How could you all miss him… he is sitting next to his master at the bottom of the ‘toon. See the guy with the remote control? That is Muhammad the dog sitting next to him with the big b@!! licking grin on his face. Ask Wiley…. uhh Wiley?
Hmmm better not. He is already in enough hot water. ;)
Hey Wiley… can I have permission to cross post this to my blog? Watch the doo-doo hit the fan when it goes viral like those cartoonz from Europe did. Have the Islamofascists started with the death threats yet? And all you did was mention a name… sheesh!
Paul_B over 14 years ago
“The new testament sometimes contradicts the old testament, but remember both testaments were written by people who heard voices in their heads telling them to kill everything that breathed in several cities (sometimes the voices told them to spare the pretty virgin girls and take them as slaves), or believed in zombie gods and ghosts.”
bbHhhAgain, you clearly have not actually read the New Testament, or are vainly trying to put snippets together to construe perverse interpretations. Jesus indeed did point out that he was the fulfilment of the Old Testament, rendering its sacrifices unnecessary and inappropriate, and absorbing all its punishments in proxy. Thus the Law stood, but its rigours did not apply - to believers.
The quote from Matthew 14:4 is but part not of Jesus’ reinforcement of OT rules, but a critique of how his critics failed to respect them.
It is simply denial and mendacious to suggest that the New Testament advocates any form of violence. Are you confusing the actual New Testament with the actions or dictates of later syncretistic pretenders?
lehooo about 14 years ago
You’re all wrong! Muhammad is that fat old lady with the ice cream. Didn’t you know Muhammad gets turned on by dressing up as a woman and picking up giraffes in the park? The 72 virgins you get in heaven are giraffes, not people. This is all in the Quran people, read up on it.
Archistoteles 11 months ago
Just read the comic “Jesus and Mo”. Easy to find on the internet, very funny and very enlightening.
pheonixeaglescorpion 9 months ago
I figure Mohammad is either inside the hippo or he’s depicted inside the book that one guy’s reading.