Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for February 14, 2017
Lupin: Tonight we discuss "Vacuum Cleaner Preparedness." Where ill YOU be when the vacuum cleaner strikes? Elvis: It's a troubling statistic Lupin. This year possibly trillions of cats will be caught unaware by the vacuum cleaner. Preparation is the only thing keeping you from being sucked into disaster! Puck: If a cacuum cleaner appears, seek shelter immediately. Remember: "If it's not a broom, leave the room." Elvis: Lupin, what should cats keep on paw in case they need to take shelter? Lupin: Food and water, Elvis. Litter, if there's time. Elvis: One reason cupboards make excellent shelter. Lupin, how long should cats be prepared to wait out the vacuum? Lupin: Minimum: forever. Puck: Family drills are helpful. But make me nervous- Elvis: Go! Go! This is the CN News crew, reminding you that vacuum cleaner preparedness is every cats responsibility! Lupin: What we need under the bed is ham.
DankMemes about 8 years ago
i thought they apologised the vacuum cleaner when it was Christmas?
Lady Bri about 8 years ago
Oh no! Not the vacuum cleaner! Cat’s gotta be prepared! I just love Pucky’s little vacuum cleaner awareness pin. :-)
stairsteppublishing about 8 years ago
Puck – where can I get a Vacuum Cleaner Awareness pin? I don’t like vacuums either.
Queen of America about 8 years ago
I’ve learned from fostering kittens, that if I start using the vacuum as soon as I get them, they won’t be afraid of it after a while. To clarify, I don’t use a big one the first day and scare them to death ; I start small by using a battery vac outside of their room. If my husband is home, I go in and hold the babies while he vacuums outside of the door. It’s a process. I like them to get used to noises they’ll hear in their new homes.
SunflowerGirl100 about 8 years ago
As I recall, Georgia said she wrote this right after the move to California and she saw disaster preparedness announcements on tv.
dadoctah about 8 years ago
To answer Lupin’s question in the first panel, if it’s a Roomba, where you want to be is sitting on top of it, riding it around the room as it works.
bookworm0812 about 8 years ago
Maybe one of these cats should invent a vacuum cleaner warning siren like the ones they have for tornados!
Nuliajuk about 8 years ago
My big Siamese has no fear whatsoever of the vacuum cleaner – or dogs, or strangers, or passing cars when I walk him on a leash. He’s so fearless it frightens me.
metagalaxy1970 about 8 years ago
I always warn my babies when I vacuum. I tell them “hidey hole guys, hidey hole” and they go where they feel the safest.
CoffeeMom about 8 years ago
Oh, I think there’s plenty of “ham” under the bed ;-)
scaeva Premium Member about 8 years ago
We had a cat once who liked being vacuumed.
bonita.eley about 8 years ago
If it is not a broom – leave the room. words we can all live by -LOL
drmickeyg about 8 years ago
Given Pucky’s love of bacon and ham, I’m surprised it wasn’t he who realized they needed more ham under the bed!