Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 19, 2016
toni: You guys! this is so sweet! Man: Hey, need any hot firefighters for a bachlorette bash? Man: Are we all invited to the nupitals? Man: We're fam, right? Toni: Absolutely. Man: As your bro in law? I think you should reconsider marrying this lunk. Brad: I think your invite's gonna get lost in the mail.....
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
what a goof-ball (that one fire fighter colleague of the lucky couple)
Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago
I think that dude’s jaw is stuck like that. He’s probably a hoot at funerals…
Argythree over 8 years ago
People who were so worried that no one would be invited to the wedding should be relieved. (I always figured the coworkers would be invited, though. Fellow workers often do feel like family, especially when you spend shifts together and risk your lives for each other…)
AnyFace over 8 years ago
I was once at a wedding where the Bride’s side of the family was represented by the Bride, the Bride’s mother, and me.
kenhense over 8 years ago
So far – Mr. Wiseguy is not out of bounds (but getting there).
bjy1293 Premium Member over 8 years ago
There’s one (at least) in every family. ; )
AnyFace over 8 years ago
In case I forgot to mention this yesterday, Aaron Weber recently updated his blog in regards to the changes to the comment system, though it was sort of a non-update …
Mordock999 Premium Member over 8 years ago
If I were the Evil Type, I would Very STRONGLY suggest You *SHOVE that PIZZA Slice Down old ‘Loud-Mouth’s’ Gaping Maw.
Fortunately, I’m Not the Evil Type….,
AnyFace over 8 years ago
Dangit, now I want to change my forum name to “Perfected Reading Experience!”
AnyFace over 8 years ago
( … or maybe “The Spammers” )
AnyFace over 8 years ago
Out of curiosity, just read the wiki entry on “Betterman” – I was definitely off on the specifics there.
sueb1863 over 8 years ago
The wedding’s less than two months away, everyone should have already gotten their invitations..
OneTime59 over 8 years ago
Getting caught up in the spirit of the “surprise”, Toni’s desire for a small ceremony just inadvertently grew by four. Now Luann needs to approach them about inviting Gunther.
OneTime59 over 8 years ago
Getting caught up in the spirit of the “surprise”, Toni’s wish to the keep the ceremony low-key just inadvertently expanded by four. Now Luann needs to approach them about Gunther.
Tyge over 8 years ago
Hey! Come on folks. This is well within the bounds of bro’ behavior. If Brad considers him a bro’.
Clotty Peristalt over 8 years ago
I suspect the fire alarm will soon go off, breaking up this party unless Greg is saving that story line for the wedding itself. One imagines Toni and Brad in their wedding finery fighting the fire side by side and Toni saying it’s the happiest day of her life.
ACTIVIST1234 over 8 years ago
Yay! They show appreciation— good guests after all!
luann1212 over 8 years ago
You know I am not a firefighter, but I know a few, and I went to a all boys Catholic High School, as did my son, and quite a few cops and firefighters go to those institutions. They have a duty mentality, as I guess I do, although my path was different. One thing I know is that in a house with usually all men, this situation is an outlier, there is a lot of camaraderie. Here I am going to cry: when I think about those firefighters who risked their lives walking up the Twin Towers, with up to 100 pounds of gear, and many who lost their lives, that comaraderie means so much. Joking around and being silly is part of that whole scene. The more trauma people face the more they find ways to deal with it. What GE has these guys doing is perfectly normal, and beautiful in my opinion. These guys may be silly, but they will risk their lives to save others. Jesus would smile upon them, and so do I. Let them be nuts.
ACTIVIST1234 over 8 years ago
CROSS-STRIP ALERT: In Judge Parker, the golden Parker-Driver families are taking a fall. Old Judge is dying or had a stroke; daughter in law Hope is missing in Balkans; her “reformed” father & family friend just murdered another man; Sophie has been disappeared; and Neddy the fashion-designer is getting bad press (pun intended). If you were sick of their good fortune, you might want to check in.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
Changes, I have found, do not mean improvements.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
I’m shocked that the usual PC crowd isn’t wailing about the stereotypical portrayal of a Hispanic man with a mustache! Where’s all the “Sun” bashers ?!
Pipe Tobacco over 8 years ago
This week continues to progress in a much more fun fashion than I had feared would happen at the start of the week. I enjoy the dialogue and the camaraderie between all the firefighters.
One point of confusion for me today is in the grey haired fellows line, “As in your Bro-in-law?” I am not really understanding how to read/interpret this line:
1. He is obviously not Brad or Toni’s brother-in-law, so this is some sort of humorous joke, I presume…. but I sincerely do not get it.
2. Does the “As in your Bro-in-law?” line refer back to the request to be invited to the nuptials or is it meant to be a precursor to the “not marry this lunk” statement that continues in the grey haired guy’s talking balloon?
3. I guess the confusing part to me of the “As in your Bro-in-law?” statement is really the question mark. If Greg had used a period instead of a question mark, I think I would have understood this better. The question mark makes me unsure if I am understanding the intent.
Any opinions/advice would be appreciated.
3pibgorn9 over 8 years ago
They’re their fam, right, so…..hence…..?
GirlGeek Premium Member over 8 years ago
Oh cool. The old banner’s back, I like that banner.
Luanaphile over 8 years ago
Love the 1940s dialogue.
Luanaphile over 8 years ago
Question for archivists/activists: Why can’t direct image drag and drop be used here? Is it a matter of copyrights?
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
the system’s automatic reformatting is a real pain in the you-know-what!!!!
locake over 8 years ago
It is very poor manners to ask the couple if you are invited to the wedding in front of other people. They don’t have much choice except to say yes.
Andrew Sleeth over 8 years ago
Who cares about the wedding. I want to know if they’re invited to the honeymoon.
ironman01 over 8 years ago
Luanaphile over 8 years ago
Get it? Honeymoon. Yuk. Yuk.
Mikeyj over 8 years ago
I hope that guy closes that yap, when he’s on the job… he could drown himself with the firehose!
Mikeyj over 8 years ago
Pipe, I believe the bigmouth made the Brother-in-law joke, because as Toni said, he’s family (as a fellow fire fighter).
Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago
If you figure out exactly who it is, let us know.
JPuzzleWhiz over 8 years ago
Not, Walken. Robin, Christopher Robin. It fits with Brdshtt. I have always wondered what the missing vowel is. O or I?
He once said it’s an O.
Snoopy_Fan over 8 years ago
“Hey, need any hot firefighters for a bachelorette bash?”
“Why? Do you know any?”
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
It seems that every close-knot group, or family, has at least one loud-mouthed, thoughtless, but well-intentioned member that everyone wishes would just shut his pie-hole….
FrostbiteFalls over 8 years ago
The loudmouth firefighter must be related to Hair.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
9:09p, Oct 18 at
there is a mail from someone who was going to try the beta version. Apparently, to sign up required agreeing to mails from GoComics and associated sponsors. I can not recall the exact wording, but the poster got specific. There was no box to check to select to not receive the spam messages.
Please, go read it. Just scroll till you find the signature line, then read the associated message.
Argythree over 8 years ago
A suggestion for something instead of the usual blenders and coffee makers…
AnyFace over 8 years ago
[ I miss proper html formatting so very, very much. ]
flowergirl19 over 8 years ago
Firemen are so cool. I remember reading how they are practically perfect men, or at least as close to perfect as a man can be! I have had really good experiences with firemen. When I was fifteen I was walking down Ventura Blvd in the San Fernando Valley and a firetruck stopped and the guys invited me to step up on the back of the truck and we rode down the boulevard for a few blocks. I was really thrilled about it. I was with my brother and he just couldn’t believe it!
Then in my twenties I was driving to work in the SFV and had my windows up I guess, and the radio was blasting plus I’m deaf in one ear, and I didn’t hear the siren from the firetruck behind me. Well they didn’t have an emergency they were just trying to get my attention lol, and they followed me to work and invited me to the station for lunch. So I went and they cooked a delicious meal and it was really fun.
Another time when I was eighteen years old and renting a room in downtown LA, my room burnt down and I lost everything I owned. But I showed up awhile after the fact, so that’s the closest I’ve come to meeting them professionally.