Luann: Thanks for saving me. I hadn't thought about my artistic statement. Man: No prob. Hey! Max likes you! We should take our dogs to the dog park! Luann: mmm.... Man: it'll be fun! rollin', rompin', slobberin'- Man: sure you're talkin about the dogs?
Namrepus about 8 years ago
Emo’s got a pair to make a crack like that. And luckily for us, he’s also got a sign.
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
I’m with the goth guy on this one… we sure the jock ain’t talking ’bout Max and Puddles?
Pointspread about 8 years ago
Looks like Luann found her date for the wedding.
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
What a line… a smooth operator, he aint!
jeff_e about 8 years ago
Miraculous vanishing earrings!
Darsan54 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Somebody really needs to put some pants on. And a shirt.
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
Emo is evidently comfortable with himself and isn’t afraid to speak up, even if it is to the big lug there. I’m thinking he might make a good replacement for one of the characters that has gone slightly stale.
Fear not, Gunther – I won’t throw you under the bus…
GirlGeek Premium Member about 8 years ago
I knew it.
AnyFace about 8 years ago
Those guys remind me of anime characters – Just not sure from which anime.
ORMouseworks about 8 years ago
What happened to Max’s “Trump” fur style? =-O I think Luann should take up the “Jock’s” proposal…he’s a friend and that’s part of what friends do. It doesn’t mean they’d actually be on a “real” date or anything. Max and Puddles might even become dog “friends,” and run around together at the dog park. That’s what my Irish Setter (Katie) did when I used to take her to the local dog park. She ran with a couple of Irish Wolfhounds and enjoyed herself immensely. :)
ORMouseworks about 8 years ago
Just took Katie for her last pee of the day. Of Course, it was lightly raining…Again! Any more of this rain and my body’s north side is going to be growing moss! :P
ORMouseworks about 8 years ago
Well, time to hit the hay…sog that it is…and check my poor bank balance. It is So much fun “balancing…” Has there ever been an arc about Luann’s having a checking account? Or dealing with money in general? Could be a funny one, I think! ;)
kenhense about 8 years ago
Get used to it, Luann…
TexanAtHeart about 8 years ago
Maybe Jock has more going on than we originally thought. I recently misjudged a woman, not only me, but all those with me. Our initial response was that she was using everything God gave her and that wasn’t much. Turns out she has two Engineering degrees and runs her department.
Emo is the one who seems to be missing marbles.
And who wears their bridesmaid dress to two school projects before the wedding has taken place? That doesn’t seem particularly respectful.
Jock is looking like the brightest bulb in the box at the moment.
riddlemethis about 8 years ago
Such a cute strip today. Even Jock’s dog looks a whole lot less rabid than he did yesterday.
reedkomicks Premium Member about 8 years ago
The wood is good.
Barry1941 about 8 years ago
Isn’t that dress going to be worn out by the wedding? I thought that is what it was for?
sueb1863 about 8 years ago
I would think that the school would have some sort of restrictions in place about allowing people to hang around without any clothes on.
Wesley_B about 8 years ago
Astute observation from Jack… (One-eyed Jack, for those of you who are a little slow catching the pun).
My shout: “DON’T LOOK, ETHEL!”
Willywise52 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Says the naked guy.
jrankin1959 about 8 years ago
Hasn’t security taken you away yet, dude?
QuietStorm27 about 8 years ago
I wanted to hear the guy in the pom-pom’s statement and LuAnn’s “dress” looks more like a nightgown. Just tell him Puddles prefers girl dogs.
Germanshepherds4ever about 8 years ago
Thank you thank you! Finally a non-wedding theme!
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
Takes a confident guy to wear a lavender shirt!
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
ever the optimist, our “Mr. Jock”.
æ² about 8 years ago
Wasn’t there some old country song that went something like, “Yeah I ain’t got no good pick up line / But I’ll take you in my pickup ‘n’ make you mine all mine” That seems to be about Jock’s level of sophistication here.
LadyJ4444 about 8 years ago
I think Emo’s jealous and wants to ask Lu out himself.
Airman about 8 years ago
If Jock met Ox for lunch they would need a table for 4. Dem boys are big.
2Goldfish about 8 years ago
How long is that dude gonna walk around naked?
seismic-2 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Launn confirms that she missed the point of the assignment and hadn’t really thought about the dress as “art” at all. But she gets an “A” anyway, because, Luann.
luann1212 about 8 years ago
Hey fellow historians, afficianados, and better followers of the strip—what is the jock’s name. I know Emo and I like both of them. They are so opposite, but clearly are friends. I have known a few jock types in my life and they can be great, stand-up friends, particularly if they are basically humble. Clearly Jock likes Luann, and I am beginning to see a possible friendship which might become something more, or maybe not. I think Jock is a gentleman, and let me state my opinion: the dudes she has been with before are not “mens” men. I know that is sexist to some people, but I don’t mean it that way. For example, Brad, her butt crack showing slump of a big brother has turned into a sensitive, “man’s” man. I mean having a sensitive, needy, but loyal babe like Toni as your future wife can do a lot to help. Maybe in a way this might be what GE and company has in mind for Luann and jock? Just a thought, but its sweet.
Pipe Tobacco about 8 years ago
I tend to think that Jock really is a “face value” sort of guy. I do not think he naturally purposefully tries to have double entendre statements…. and I tend to think he is only talking about the dogs at the dog park. I definetly think he would like to date Luann, but I tend to think he has not really looked far beyond what that may entail.
Raenalex about 8 years ago
I like jock guy. He’s not a rocket scientist, but he’s cute, sincere, been sweet, and he has repeatedly demonstrated his love for his dog. So far, all good.
cubswin2016 about 8 years ago
Go to the next arc please!
Vorticia about 8 years ago
See, told yeah he’d ask for a date…seems like emo guy is a bit jealous.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
The collections now go through album 20 in
capricorn9th about 8 years ago
Anyone notice Greg has improved the Emo’s face? He was first drawn as nondescript generic oddball character and now I am seeing a clearer face, defined hairstyle and he could be described as a good looking Emo guy. In fact, I am hoping Luann will finally a gem in the Emo guy. He is intelligent, articulate, empathic…Emo kids dress that way as a statement against society but they do outgrow the phase as I expect he will, so I am hoping he will emerge a swan.
kaffekup about 8 years ago
Give him credit; it’s hard to be a naked goth.
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
Is Luann wavering?
Is Jocko’s persistence paying off?
Emo, stay outta this!
chain gang charlie about 8 years ago
Considering LuAnn’s love life she seems strangely
accepting of the naked guy in the room…
Airman about 8 years ago
Don’t pick on Emo, he’s just hanging around.
Lamberger about 8 years ago
To misquote the great Jessica Rabbit for Jock, “I’m not dumb, I’m just drawn this way!”
Outsideplaying about 8 years ago
Luann is definitely weighing this proposal from Jock. And Jock is pretty smart IMO. He’s not pushing anything too huge. Just a walk in the park with the dogs to see how it goes. I could see them as a couple even though he isn’t her typical ‘type’. But then no one would have ever paired up a girl like Toni with Brad a few years ago either.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
We learn that the house that Brad and TJ have been renting from Nancy and Frank has only two bedrooms. So, do the renovations TJ has been making include adding a little bedroom for Shannon? If so, where?
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
Oh, and the commentary in Volume 19 also tackles the sex questions.
ironman01 about 8 years ago
Train wreck in 5…4…
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
A cool wet washcloth for the soup is more correct than ice. (Read it to see what i mean.). The arc w Shannon is absolutely precious. Oh, and besides the heroism i really enjoy Brad refusing Nancy’s desired mothering as a real milestone in growing up.
flowergirl19 about 8 years ago
This reminds me of the UCSD art class that requires the students to get completely nude for the final or something like that.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
I think this is what you are referring to:
“While the gestures are necessary to complete the course, getting completely naked wasn’t the only way to pass. Students learn they can do the gesture in a number of ways without having to remove their clothes.
“One can ‘be’ nude while being covered,” Jordan Crandall, chairman of the university’s visual art department, says via e-mail."
Mordock999 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Aw, whattsa Matter, One-Eye?
Jealous because your STUPID “sign-art” got a ‘C’ minus or something?
ACTIVIST1234 about 8 years ago
Bet Jacque & Lu go out, hit it off, and have a couple informal dates like many of us did our first two years of college. They might even stay pals for the rest of their lives.
I fondly remember a couple of guys I went out with for maybe six months— no sparks, let alone flame, but someone pleasant to be with..bdmiles1 about 8 years ago
I still can’t get over how dowdy and frumpy Luann’s dress is. It looks more like something Gunther’s mother would wear as a wedding guest.
beb01 about 8 years ago
While the jock guy is busy hitting on Luann, the Emo guy is proving to be an interesting character and more fun on a date than Jock guy of Gunther,
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
Okay, on Oct 18 and 24 Piro is passed out, but of UNDESCRIBED cause so it coukd even be lack of sleep (a condition very familiar to us during college). I will keep looking.
themom51 about 8 years ago
I just checked out the winning wedding dress design and it’s ok but I voted for Design # 536 and would have LOVED that dress for my own wedding waaaaay back when…
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
I looked a bit more closely
No signs of impairment on
Immediately followed by first mention of “passed out”
Then referred to as “sleeping”
Waking him
Immediately followed by him becoming fully coherent
So, for me the cause is certainly NOT clear as being something other than lack of sleep.
SactoSylvia about 8 years ago
Maybe Luann is starting to see Jaques – or even Emo – in a new light and will consider going out with one of them. It might be a good idea for her to go out with someone just for fun, without an expectation that the date will lead to a long-term relationship. (I know, GASP!!!)
RSH about 8 years ago
I do not look forward to a thread involving Jock and Luann. Between her behavior during Toni’s wedding dress search and now this… (not to mention that I don’t think designing a dress counts as wearable art… as Zebo meant it), I feel disappointed in Luann. She seems adolescent, and doesn’t appear to be moving in any in any defined direction artistically. I also never thought that making a dress counted as an engineering project for Gunther. So this whole bridesmaid dress affair has been a weird thing plot-wise and now it leads to Jock? But we have to remember that there were three guys in Gunther’s engineering class who also wanted to get to know her. Is this where we are headed?…. all on account of a dress???. How does Greg come up with these things. I guess he knew that Toni and Brad needed to get married but he wanted some side plot so that other main characters could be involved.
Airman about 8 years ago
With Dez we had a name but no face for months, Now we have two faces and no names, and its been more than just a few months. Get Gunther back on the phone I need some information.
Make Mine Marvel about 8 years ago
I use the names “Jacques” and “Cyclops”, but that’s very much just me. I’m quite sure their real names haven’t been given yet. I do think taking dogs to a dog park is about the lowest-risk, casual-comfortable sort of a “first date”. I’d give the guy an “A” for an opening strategy — which doesn’t mean Luann will necessarily say “Yes”, or follow through if she does.
And I line up with those who are not convinced that Piro passed out from drinking. I’m prepared to believe that he doesn’t have a reliable place to sleep, which suggests that he may not be enrolled as a student, or may be financially stretched in other ways, even if he is.
I don’t think Bernice has given any real thought to who Piro is, or taken any serious steps towards figuring that out — but maybe she’s just infatuated with the guy. I’ve felt that way about women I didn’t know a time or two…dozen.
Airman about 8 years ago
Ring. Ring. Hello? Hello Gunther, this is the Airman and I need information about Luann’s art class friends……. I don’t know you, Airman, and I don’t know anything about Luann…. Come on Gunther, Wikileaks says otherwise……..Oh my. I’ll get back to you, Airman, right now Tiffany is hot to, uh, ….study………..Okay, Gunther, I understand. CLICK.
Argythree about 8 years ago
Thanks, but no thanks, and a very surprised little dog…
Cavenee Lonnie Premium Member about 8 years ago
Good job on Lu’s expression in the last panel Greg! She’s thinking about it.