I mention yesterday in the Stone Soup Sunday strip how they (DC Comics) changed Wonder Woman. This the original way she’s supposed to be. Not the way saw her in that animated movie, clad in yoga pants! There are some things that should left alone!
The costume looks right, but… well, it seems like Gilchrist is THIS close to figuring out how to draw the female form, but is not quite there yet. Unless, of course, the odd proportions and weird placement of body parts is intentional for a strip like this. Still, it seems like there’s an attempt to titillate here. I just don’t know. Hmm.
Guy, you did a great job! She is the most beautiful, gorgeous Wonder Woman around. Wish I could hold her like Phil is. I thought you had forgot to get her in costume and now I am elated! I had vied for Cat Woman but this is great!
Argythree about 8 years ago
This is a great ’toon, but why is it oriented this way? Even ArcaMax does better…
Partyalldatyme about 8 years ago
Fritzi can really pull it off— the costume, I mean.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 8 years ago
I mention yesterday in the Stone Soup Sunday strip how they (DC Comics) changed Wonder Woman. This the original way she’s supposed to be. Not the way saw her in that animated movie, clad in yoga pants! There are some things that should left alone!
grassler about 8 years ago
I just turned my laptop sideways….and I still own CD’s and cassettes (hope she does Rulah next Halloween)
jrankin1959 about 8 years ago
Actually, in the W.W. comics, I believe his name was Steve…
JPuzzleWhiz about 8 years ago
Guy Gilchrist must be going out as Tom Batiuk!
Just Me about 8 years ago
Notice how tall Phil is getting? Now he’s the same height. Look back at earlier strips when he re-appeared. Easily a head shorter than Fritz.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe about 8 years ago
Doonesbury and Non Sequitur have vertical strips
cubswin2016 about 8 years ago
Good answer! Good answer!
atomicdog about 8 years ago
“I need both hands, professor Palmer.” – Wonder Woman to the Atom, Justice League Unlimited, “Dark Heart”
roberta.forbes.pyle about 8 years ago
The newest movie version of Wonder Woman wears metal armor.
Takagi-san about 8 years ago
The costume looks right, but… well, it seems like Gilchrist is THIS close to figuring out how to draw the female form, but is not quite there yet. Unless, of course, the odd proportions and weird placement of body parts is intentional for a strip like this. Still, it seems like there’s an attempt to titillate here. I just don’t know. Hmm.
smurf764 about 8 years ago
I will say he is the luckiest guy!
Trainman about 8 years ago
Guy, you did a great job! She is the most beautiful, gorgeous Wonder Woman around. Wish I could hold her like Phil is. I thought you had forgot to get her in costume and now I am elated! I had vied for Cat Woman but this is great!
Skywatcher68 about 8 years ago
Phil should be in New York Yankees pinstripes with #4 on the back.
USN1977 over 6 years ago
I think there was one where Nancy said since her parents are dead and Aunt Fritzi is her guardian “to me you are Wonder Woman”.