What word did he say in the second panel? Also, use one of Hobbes’ vowels. Also, can’t one word be seven letters at least unless you’re adding to another one?
If Calvin makes “IN” from the “I” in “ZYGOMORPHIC,” and Hobbes then makes “NUCLEOPLASMIC” from that, that also puts a “U” after the “C.” What kind of word is “CU”?
Sorry, but I tend to think about these things. :-)
I love Scrabble on these cold winter nights. We usually put on a movie in the background that doesn’t require much attention, such as Planes Trains and Automobiles.
Great strip, but this gives Watterson a place in the Scrabble Hall of Shame!
“B” is worth 3 points, so Calvin would have scored 4, not 2.
“N” and “I” are both worth 1 point, so he would have scored only 2.
With only 7 tiles, Hobbes could not have spelled the 11-letter word “zygomorphic” (and there’s no 4-letter word to build upon).
Nor could he have scored 150 points! While he would get a 50 point bonus for clearing all his tiles, there is no way to score 100 points for “zygomorphic”. The problem is that you cannot hit a triple-letter square AND a triple word square with the same word! (They are not in line.) “Z” is worth 10 points, but a double-letter square & triple word wouldn’t be enough!
Poker, anyone? (Does Hobbes have some cards hidden up his fur?! :-) )
BE THIS GUY about 8 years ago
Just fold, Calvin.
Just fold.
the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover about 8 years ago
What word did he say in the second panel? Also, use one of Hobbes’ vowels. Also, can’t one word be seven letters at least unless you’re adding to another one?
Bilan about 8 years ago
Hobbes must be bluffing in the last panel. His tail is not wagging.
Yngvar Følling about 8 years ago
If Calvin makes “IN” from the “I” in “ZYGOMORPHIC,” and Hobbes then makes “NUCLEOPLASMIC” from that, that also puts a “U” after the “C.” What kind of word is “CU”?
Sorry, but I tend to think about these things. :-)
ellisaana Premium Member about 8 years ago
My Scrabble game doesn’t have tiles for those symbols.
bigcatbusiness about 8 years ago
Wow, Calvin is actually swearing. Never seen that before… at least in this comic.
keltii about 8 years ago
I play scrabble online on a site and I assure you, those words MrEdCollins listed are listed are acceptable!
cubswin2016 about 8 years ago
You’ve got to know when to hold ’em. Know when to fold ’em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run.
jessegooddoggy about 8 years ago
I love Scrabble on these cold winter nights. We usually put on a movie in the background that doesn’t require much attention, such as Planes Trains and Automobiles.
Astroman007 about 8 years ago
Great strip, but this gives Watterson a place in the Scrabble Hall of Shame!
“B” is worth 3 points, so Calvin would have scored 4, not 2.
“N” and “I” are both worth 1 point, so he would have scored only 2.
With only 7 tiles, Hobbes could not have spelled the 11-letter word “zygomorphic” (and there’s no 4-letter word to build upon).
Nor could he have scored 150 points! While he would get a 50 point bonus for clearing all his tiles, there is no way to score 100 points for “zygomorphic”. The problem is that you cannot hit a triple-letter square AND a triple word square with the same word! (They are not in line.) “Z” is worth 10 points, but a double-letter square & triple word wouldn’t be enough!
Poker, anyone? (Does Hobbes have some cards hidden up his fur?! :-) )
gantech about 8 years ago
Cats’ tail do a kind of jitter thing when they’re about to pounce.
dwdl21 about 8 years ago
Am i the only one who just used google…lol
set435 about 8 years ago
I used it too lol
Aaron Saltzer about 8 years ago
Sore loser. I’ll bet any game that Calvin loses at, he quits.
Perkycat about 8 years ago
Thanks for all this. I will save some of these words for Words With Friends. I always seem to get all consonants or all vowels.
BiggerNate91 about 8 years ago
Appearing in tomorrow’s strip:
“Calvin has mysteriously shrunk to the size of an insect!”
neverenoughgold about 8 years ago
Let’s all play a game of 3D Scrabble…
neverenoughgold about 8 years ago
Wouldn’t you prefer a nice game of chess?
zeexenon about 8 years ago
I foresee trouble in River City.
ACTIVIST1234 about 8 years ago
Try Calvinball. To beat a tiger, grab his tale.
bookworm0812 about 8 years ago
Only two points for the word “be?” Isn’t the letter “B” worth three and then the “E” one?
neverenoughgold about 8 years ago
I’m leaving now, to play another game of Monopoly, with real money…
Yngvar Følling about 8 years ago
Like “fourth” or “tenth” but at position “n.”https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/nth
Professor W about 8 years ago
30 years and you’ll know every word to lose your opponent
tea62 about 8 years ago
Freaking hilarious!!
tea62 about 8 years ago
I think “be” is worth at least 4 points. Give the kid a chance!
Yontrop about 8 years ago
When this strip was new, eight dollars was a significant amount of money.