I use the word from time to time. I learnt it from Pride and Prejudice chapter 25: “Mr. Darcy may, perhaps, have heard of such a place as Gracechurch Street, but he would hardly think a month’s ablution enough to cleanse him from its impurities, were he once to enter it.”
If you have a PRO account (or even if you don’t), I recommend you log into your account at beta.gocomics.com (before the transition), and check your profile (MY PROFILE in the dropdown menu shown by clicking your avatar). You may be surprised by what’s there (may want to change it, like I did). If you change it, I don’t know that the change will be effective after the transition (may want to check your profile again).
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
no, seriously, what’s an ablution? the fronts of the lower legs belonging to the bear from “The Jungle Book”?
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago
Seriously, Templo…..
Here’s a link ….
(highlight it, right-click, and open in a new window.)
Hope that helps.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago
Laughing Kitty….
It’s a site called lmgtfy.com…..
which stands for “Let Me Google That For You dot com”
It used to be snarkier (and funnier) ….
cos it didn’t give the tips, on the left….
it would merely open Google and type in your query…
and after it reached the results page it would type out,
“Now was that so hard?”
As if to say “Can’t you just Google that, instead of asking us?”
But they realised a lot of people thought it was meant to be helpful rather than sarcastic,
so they toned down the snark.
As for the right-click menu…
it depends on what browser you use.
My example is from Firefox, which I find to be the browser with the most, and also the most helpful, options.
There are some browsers that won’t even follow links….
you have to copy and paste them into the address bar of a fresh window.
I used to mention all that every time I posted a text link,
after they took away our ability to post “live” ones you could just click.
But it gets unwieldy… and time-consuming.PMark about 8 years ago
I use the word from time to time. I learnt it from Pride and Prejudice chapter 25: “Mr. Darcy may, perhaps, have heard of such a place as Gracechurch Street, but he would hardly think a month’s ablution enough to cleanse him from its impurities, were he once to enter it.”
ANIMAL about 8 years ago
OK, it’s January 9th – Where’s my “New GoComics Experience”..???????
Tyge about 8 years ago
Wisdom passes from generation to generation. BTW, never watch.
Plods with ...™ about 8 years ago
Smart man
Linguist about 8 years ago
It’s the Miracle of Spousal Transformation that Nelson will learn all about – when he’s older and married !
mabrndt Premium Member about 8 years ago
If you have a PRO account (or even if you don’t), I recommend you log into your account at beta.gocomics.com (before the transition), and check your profile (MY PROFILE in the dropdown menu shown by clicking your avatar). You may be surprised by what’s there (may want to change it, like I did). If you change it, I don’t know that the change will be effective after the transition (may want to check your profile again).
cubswin2016 about 8 years ago
You can do magic. You can have anything that you desire.
jtviper7 about 8 years ago
Earl needs a few beers and Opal won’t look that bad. The best part is beer’s not just for breakfast anymore.
coco8215 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Why women live longer then men…..
pschearer Premium Member about 8 years ago
My GF and I use the word ‘blute’. I blute, you blute, he/she/it blutes, they shall have bluted.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
In her case , the ablutions are in solution to clean her up for the day.
coffeeturtle about 8 years ago
what does grandpa know about ablutions? HAHA!
Jonni about 8 years ago
I don’t want to know what or where she washed today.
HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member about 8 years ago
I’ve been watching reruns of Barney Miller, and Earl sounded just like Fish (Abe Vigoda) talking about his wife Bernice.
laughingkitty about 8 years ago
This “sign in to comment” is getting REALLY annoying! I’m starting to get used to this new site, but I certainly DO NOT like it so far!
Jeff0811 about 8 years ago
Abra Ca D’ablution, nah, I would rather just say Shazamm!