Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for January 10, 2017

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    kdizzle  about 8 years ago

    Sign Man is speechless

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  2. Mr peterson
    Mr. Peterson  about 8 years ago

    Criminy – this is an Oedipal thing…

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    chiphilton  about 8 years ago

    By “connects” do they mean Aaron is shooting accurately or just that he seems to be mentally engaged?

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    chiphilton  about 8 years ago

    Any chance Mrs. Aagard’s first name is Molly?

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  5. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  about 8 years ago

    I’m unfamiliar with that number on the dude blowing past Aaaron in P3. Is that an upside down g?

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  6. 5v65o35x13n83of3pfbaq59a7b680210e10f0
    TheBrownStarfish  about 8 years ago

    That basket looks to be about 20 feet high and 3 times as big around as normal but if you can manage to fire it up there it should go in.

    I hope poor #10 isn’t right handed. He won’t make many shots with that little stump. Of course that little flipper of a left hand won’t help much either.

    Well Mrs. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA looks a lot healthier than she did the first time we saw her and now we know she’s a farmer.

    Looks like A Quad could use some more molly in P3. He’s running out of energy. The ants on the other hand are highly active today.

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  7. 5v65o35x13n83of3pfbaq59a7b680210e10f0
    TheBrownStarfish  about 8 years ago

    Okay this new format isn’t all bad. I like the larger size of both the comic and the comments.

    What I don’t like? You have to click a few too many times to get to the same things that were there when the strip displayed in the old format. It looks like you can’t delete your comment anymore if you make a mistake, and there is still no edit function to save yourself from looking like an idiot. I hope they can fix at least some of these.

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    Mr Reality  about 8 years ago

    In all reality , Mrs A has to plow through a few lines of coke.Ants in Double A’s house must be bringing them home from the Gym .

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    cuttersjock  about 8 years ago

    P2- code for “get plowed”P3- Hitler Youth haircut really in evidence

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  10. Oip
    James St. John Smythe  about 8 years ago

    This is on BKB for not calling “switch”.

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  11. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  about 8 years ago

    The mighty ant is dominating the sub plot this season. Not a Flock of Seagulls, but an impressive colony nonetheless.

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  12. Sign man avatar
    Sign Man  about 8 years ago

    Oh man, I choked. I spent so much time trying to figure out this new GoComics format that I forgot to write anything on my sign!

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    chiphilton  about 8 years ago

    Bitsy seems to have a severe case of jaundice today.

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    twainreader  about 8 years ago

    P-1: Knees locked, limp wrist on hip; yep R&W know how to portray a Dork. P-2: Quad son, your toothpaste makes your teeth so white it makes me squint. P-3: Time for our star to take some Geritol. or he’s a Moma’s boy who can only perform when she watch’s. Wasn’t there a 1930’s movie like that? The boxer is getting wacked but all of a sudden his kidnapped girlfriend escapes and tells him to go get ’im.

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    cuttersjock  about 8 years ago

    strange…this new format gave me the name “empresshood”

    Anybody else having sign in problems?

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  16. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 8 years ago

    I just noticed this now, after I finished today’s MUT. The Aaaagaaaard household has even a worse ant problem than Milford. Did Aaaaron bring them home from school (like lice), or is he the one that infected Milford in the first place? And speaking of the first place, rumor has it that today’s Mopped Up Thorp is the heavy favorite for a Golden Globe in the “ridicule of a long running comic strip” competition. That is a thing, isn’t it?

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    twainreader  about 8 years ago

    Wow, it’s like charades! Crazy Ants, wandering story-line, young man raving; I’ve got it Aarsonic and Old Lace!!

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    David Stevens  about 8 years ago

    I’m ashamed to admit it, but it took me all day to find the comments. I think I like the new size, but I have to click too many times to get to where used to be. And I do not like having to sign in every time! That is all.

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  19. P1010044
    Lukebunkin   about 8 years ago

    Old habits die hard!

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