Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 07, 2017
Blonde girl:...One week! Caulfield: She pronounced it wrong. Frazz: Oh, did she pronounce it "Valentine's Day"? Caulfield: No, she pronounced it "adored". Frazz: To be fair, a lot of people mispronounce "get the same two-dozen obligatory department-store cards everybody else does."
Samrhoads Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Is someone going to explain this one? I don’t get it.
whiteheron almost 8 years ago
Department store? Shoot, I get the ones from the five and dime….but I am old.
pumaman almost 8 years ago
Yes, I hated it in elementary school when we were forced to buy and fill out a card for all the other kids in class. Especially awkward for most boys that age.
docredbird almost 8 years ago
Adored versus odored? As in Caulfield thinks this holiday stinks? (shrug)
pshapley almost 8 years ago
The school I work at has banned commercial valentines (& associated treats) this year — instead they’re going to make “friendship cards” in class. I think each student makes one addressed to the entire class.
Olddog1 almost 8 years ago
Ordered? Whatever it is it seems. Like a stretch.
Jon Premium Member almost 8 years ago
She was probably saying something like “You’ll see how much I’m adored on Valentine’s Day in one week.”
water_moon almost 8 years ago
@puma & pshapely My 4th grader’s class has to “Write 2 complete sentences with 3 nice things about each child on their valentine.” Thank goodness they only have 15 kids in class or they’d never have time to get it all done after their hour plus of homework :(
toahero almost 8 years ago
I wish this strip would go back to the storylines.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 8 years ago
That’s one strike.
RAGs almost 8 years ago
Maybe she “ordered” her cards?
jbarnes almost 8 years ago
Ah, Valentines Day, the day on which most of the populace is forced to buy into fake commercial sentimentality. Every student at my daughter’s elementary school (like many around the country) must give valentines to their entire class. I bet most of them never even read what is on the cards. Way to promote sincerity, folks! And then there are the grown ups, who are pressured to “be romantic” – by spending money. Not for me, thanks.
Varnes almost 8 years ago
Hey! Time out! Does anybody know what this comic is about or did I miss something?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
I thank everyone for commenting, now I understand it fully.