Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 16, 2017

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    annwaw  over 7 years ago

    This is one of my favorites. So very cat.

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    Charliegirl Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Poor babies. And they won’t like it any better when they get out, either. But they WILL adjust.

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    Robin Harwood  over 7 years ago

    This is the big drawback of living with humans. One can live with the fact that they are not very bright. Their ability to open tins and produce fuzzy blankets makes up for that. But from time to time they go mad. Just when you have organized everything to you liking, they change things that do not need to be changed. They buy a new sofa, or have another child, or, worst of all, move!

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  4. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 7 years ago

    Oh no! The cat journalists are arrested
 People are trying to suppress the voice of the felines

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  5. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  over 7 years ago

    Contact a feline rights organization, such as Catnesty International
 get a pet-ition going

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  6. Dennycrop
    Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I’m with Robin Harwood. The “featured comment” should more correctly be labeled “today’s annoyance” for that’s what it is. Requires the user to make more effort to see the comments, messes with the screen, uses bandwidth, etc etc ad nauseam. Does GoComics have anyone on staff who understands “user-friendly”??

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    ladykat Premium Member over 7 years ago

    When we moved to our current apartment, we walked over with Yum Yum. Being a Siamese, she shrieked hysterically the whole way there, to the point where we were stopped by a police car and asked politely what the !#%# we were doing to the poor cat! We explained that we were moving and she is Siamese. "Nuf said.

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  8. Dennycrop
    Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Pucky always seemed to be the cat who’d most likely just say ‘to heck with it’ and go to sleep in the carrier. Elvis, of course, is the one who’d be yowling his fool head off.

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    Gloria Fleming  over 7 years ago

    I think I understand their attitude. Perhaps the last time they were taken hostage, they were taken to a “prison” and “shot” full of a truth serum and forced to give up all of their sources. (aka a visit to the vets)

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Free the BCN 3!

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    Sabrina17  over 7 years ago

    They need to be raking their coffee cups along the bars.

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  12. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  over 7 years ago

    I just want to say . . thank you Georgia for never failing to put a smile on my face even when I feel like my heart is breaking. I’ve slipped into a very dark depression since this past weekend and I can’t seem to shake it, but reading BCN works a magic that can lift me up beyond the gloom.

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    oops Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Leave it to Elvis to be the one “rattling his cage”

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    Elettaria  over 7 years ago

    Hah, I knew there would be massive betrayal after yesterday’s comic. Treats, forsooth. As if treats could ever make up for such indignity.

    Our cat is actually subjected to the carrier (currently using a little kitty rucksack with mesh windows she can look out of and a bit of fleece blanket to sit on) twice a week, as my partner and I don’t live together and swap flats twice a week. She’s pretty good about it, she likes having two territories, but occasionally she isn’t really in the mood for the dreaded five minutes in the carrier and hides somewhere. We tend to lure her out by pretending it’s not happening, finishing packing, and then playing the piano to show that it’s OK, nothing happening here, you can trust us, tra la la.

    Or treats. Last weekend I was ill and we were all a bit stressy, and we used a treat to help lure her out from under the futon, giving her the other half as soon as we got to my flat. The next evening we decided to sleep in separate flats as I’m still ill, and my partner gave her a treat before he left. He broke it up, threw bits which she scampered after, and put the last bit on top of my bedroom bookcase, as is our tradition. She hid under the bed! As soon as he left, she came out, climbed the carpet we’ve put on the side of the wardrobe for her, trotted along the first bookcase, jumped over the door, trotted along the second bookcase, picked up the treat, and jumped down again, as she always does. She must have thought she was going to be packed again, poor love, and was Not In The Mood. Normally she’s absolutely fine, no struggling when she’s put into the carrier and not a peep out of her on the short journey over, but she does react stressily when one of us is particularly ill.

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  15. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 7 years ago

    SPECIAL REPORT: Catmerica Held Hostage – Day 1

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    bonita.eley  over 7 years ago

    yup – you’ve been traveling forever
or 20 minutes..

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    TheWingedAlpaca  over 5 years ago

    Puck’s sorrowful mewling is so adorable! Awww

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