Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 31, 2017

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    Namrepus  over 7 years ago

    You’re also not in high school anymore.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 7 years ago

    as if a bully’s victim is a bully’s role model {sigh/groan}

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  3. Little lulu
    sallymargaret  over 7 years ago

    Strange. Gunther and Leslie almost connected once. Both of them didn’t/don’t have fathers.

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    gromit82  over 7 years ago

    Some people wondered why Gunther is wearing a suit to dinner at his mom’s house. It could be that he is dressing up to impress Tiffany or at least show her that he cares about his appearance. If she has to go to an unpleasant dinner, at least she will be with someone who is dressed well.

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  5. Ipta3
    Carrots  over 7 years ago

    This is all adding up to a disastrous night. Gunth who hates Les but still can find common ground (ex. Both don’t have fathers), Les who is an anti-social high school bully, Mr. Gray which Gunth loathes and we know almost nothing about him, Gunth’s mom who Gunth is afraid to tell how he really feels, and an oblivious Tiffany who is being dragged into a situation she isn’t apart of. Buckle your seats, we are in for a bumpy ride.

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  6. Man standing
    And Your Point Would Be  over 7 years ago

    Well, Tiff doesn’t seem too concerned about her own unpleasant history with Les. Maybe she has put that behind her, or figures he is no threat to her.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The closest prediction is not very close at all. On Monday Brd mentioned the car. Of course, he thought that Mrs. Berger was going to be in it to chaperone, but at least he did mention the car. Sallymargaret mentioned cars, too, but if memory serves that was on a bit of a tangent. So, Brd, you got the closest, but maybe in the next three days some will get much closer in their predictions. Congratulations!

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Today is probably going to be extremely busy here, so if people could either put any new predictions as replies to this, or put them in comments rather than replies with the word “PREDICTION” made noticeable, that would greatly help.

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    howtheduck  over 7 years ago

    The joys of exposition. In this dialogue we learn:

    1.Gunther had a big fight with Leslie Knox in high school.

    2.Leslie’s last name is Knox, in case you didn’t already get the “Less Knocks” joke.

    3.Gunther’s desires for his enemies are remarkably similar to the dreams of most astronauts.

    4.The lie that Gunther’s mom feeds him about why she invites Leslie Knox to dinner is that Gunther is an excellent role model.

    5.Gunther is not an excellent role model.

    6.When Gunther is angry, he squints a lot. I suspect he went to the Clint Eastwood School of Anger Management.

    7.The windows on Gunther’s car are enormous.

    8.It occurs to me that Gunther is wearing a gray suit, like Mr. Gray always wears; so apparently either his fashion sense has started rubbing off on Gunther or Mr. Gray has imposed a dress code on the monthly dinner.

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    Pointspread  over 7 years ago

    Shave Gunther.

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I just checked with my 1958 Philco Predicta Television, and it is pointing towards a huge snowstorm. No, wait – the screen is full of snow because I don’t have an antenna connected. (Not that it would do any good anyway, it is an old analog set)


    But it could be right, a huge storm could be brewing at the Berger dining table…

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    Argythree  over 7 years ago

    The only role that Gunther can model right now is the role of a monster in a horror movie, with his face all frozen in hatred like that. If his mother keeps telling him that she wants him to serve as a role model for Les, and that’s why she wants him at those dinners, what is Mr. Gray telling Les? That LES is a role model for Gunther?

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    Airman  over 7 years ago

    Mr. Gray’s “Mini-me” has to grow up and cut the apron strings. That was one of the reasons he left Peru: he couldn’t stand the thought of his mom having a boyfriend. Rosa saw that, and now Tiff will also see that Gunther has no potential if he doesn’t have a backbone. Quill used to tell him to be more impulsive, so a cell phone, a little lie, and then a dim, intimate restaurant and back to Tiff’s room for a nightcap. Get those hormone ducks all lined up in a row like they should be.

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    kenhense  over 7 years ago

    The building tension is worthy of “Breaking Bad.” My guess is that Tiffany or Mr. Gray will say or do something to save the day. I would love Tiffany to be a hero…

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    luann1212  over 7 years ago

    As Brdshtt metaphorically stated this arc is very tricky to try to predict. I will state that I think Tiffany will be key to resolving it, how don’t ask me. I say that because she has not been an element that has been in these dinners, and now she is introduced, thus leaving the possible inference that she will be some kind of change agent, whether she has any idea. One thing also I want to add which is that Gunther can be quite the emotional guy, I think because his emotions tend to be repressed until some event makes them spill over. That happened when he whacked Leslie with the heavy book bag in high school, and when he dropped everything and followed Rosa to Peru, only to drop everything there and come back. I may be wrong, but I think Rosa decided to go to Peru, partly because when she strongly hinted to Gunther she wanted to go to Yale, and she hoped he would come, he was too scared to change what he was familiar with so he decided to go to Mooney U, instead. He failed to assert himself to an interested female, so she asserted HERSELF. She decided to go to Peru, and he followed. I can be corrected on that, but at the time I do remember thinking that a more satisfying storyline would have been that they decide to go to Yale together. But noooo, that never happens in Luannverse, no straight lines. This ought to be very interesting, but I think Tiffany will be a dramatic key somehow.

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Better open your eyes, Gunther – it might be your last chance to see a big car wreck like this.

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    AnyFace  over 7 years ago

    “Caution: Speed Bumps Ahead.”

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    TexanAtHeart  over 7 years ago

    Gunther isn’t looking very manly anymore. Besides his 3-day beard-look, he looked like he had some shoulders and backbone when he came back from Peru. I thought there was hope for good’olGunther. This messed up immature twit isn’t ready for the likes of Tiffany. Even she is more mature.

    Please, Greg and Karen. Let Gunther mature. It would be so much more interesting. He has always been someone who knew where he was going, the quiet, smart kid. This knew characterization as angry lost kid isn’t compelling.

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    annebonny  over 7 years ago

    That is all pretty normal: Gunth not liking that dinner and being honest to Tiff. Tiff is actually being a good friend coming along. i am curious: may be she will be ok with Leslie ? and i think after all that what happend with Pru that Leslie is not that bad. And he likes elegant women.

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  20. Tyge
    Tyge  over 7 years ago

    Do I hear an anti-Les conspiracy brewing?

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    Ruth Brown  over 7 years ago

    Must remember that Les is a thief and there’s that whole parole and judge and mom business that was never enunciated. I’m beginning to think that Gunther dressed up for Tiffany.

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    drewpamon  over 7 years ago

    Gunther really needs to work on his anger issues. It must be hard when you consider he apparently didn’t start puberty till after high school.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Gunther? If You Really, Really, REALLY wanted to make this dinner “Interesting,” AND at the SAME Time, “Corner” Mr. Knox, You SHOULD have Invited Ox INSTEAD of Tiffany……,

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    JayBluE  over 7 years ago

    “Mr. Berger’s Neighborhood”

    “Broken Bad”

    “A Hard Knight’s Daze” (♩)

    “Breathe…Breathe In The Glare” (♪)

    “When Dirty Harry Met Sally Forth”

    “The Brother’s Grimace”

    “Scowl’s Out, For Summer” (♪)

    “Tempest In A Teacup”

    “Chain Overreaction”

    “See Ya Later, Agitator!”

    “Eating Chicken, With A Seasoned Jerk”

    “Barney Stubble, Man About Frown”

    “A Batch Of My Famous Grudge”


    “Can It, Peaches….Just Cling To Me!”

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    NCSteelerFan  over 7 years ago

    For accuracy, Gunther should substitute the word wimp for role model.

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    seismic-2 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    “He tried to beat me up.” Translation: “I assaulted him by repeatedly hitting him with my backpack, all the while adamantly denying that I was doing it, but grinning smugly with enormous self-satisfaction at my ‘brave’ and ‘heroic’ action.”

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  27. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Gunther demonstrates in Panels 2 & 3 that his true calling in life is to be a Gilbert Gottfried impersonator.

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    JayBluE  over 7 years ago

    Gunther’s full on ’dagger eyes" reminds me of:

    A) Dirty Harry Callahan

    B) Billionth-aire Broodz Wane

    C) Detective Mike Hammer’s little cousin, Mickey Feather, hoping to solve a murder mystery at a dinner party

    D) (most likely) Dr. Gunther Berger, a.k.a. Davey Bannedster, who, when agitated from not getting the ‘deal’ he wants, becomes “The Incredible Sulk”

    E) What you look like, when you realize you just passed up the last restroom before your destination….and you have to drive past Niagra Falls….

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    stuartj12  over 7 years ago

    So the red head does have a temper

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    sallymargaret  over 7 years ago

    Gunther would be so much more attractive if he had joy in his life.

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    StackableContainers  over 7 years ago

    It is one of the interesting ironies in life that when you force two people together hoping the better behaved one will be a good role model for the other that often the good one gets dragged down by the bad one into worse behavior or attitudes.

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    drycurt  over 7 years ago

    Want to see Tiffany character suggest they just go out somewhere else – just have a pleasant time out together.

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    1rbturner2  over 7 years ago

    I wonder if Leslie will come on to Tiffany at Gunther’s house. If he tries to steal Gunther’s date, I also wonder if Gunther will let out all of this rage he’s been keeping inside.

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  34. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 7 years ago

    Gunther is just not a good person. And did Team Evans forget Tiffany has been harassed by Les in the past, or did they decide that’s not important?

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  35. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 7 years ago

    keep this up Gunther and you’re going to drive right into a tree !

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    booga  over 7 years ago

    Gunther has no idea that he’s walking in with HOTTIE, when Les got wrecked by Pru and is still alone.Gunther wins dinner, hands down.

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    RolloTheGrouch  over 7 years ago

    After all this is over, Tiff needs to take her boy-friend shopping and get him a new suit & dress shirt & tie. Gunther isn’t hip enough to pull of off the 1960-retro look ironically. Unless the Evanses are turning Gunth into Mr. Gray Jr.

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    Outsideplaying  over 7 years ago

    I wonder (still) how much of Gunther’s anger is directed verbally against Les, when he’s really still angry at his mother for dating Mr Gray.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 7 years ago


    We all “get” that Gunther does not like Les (even though they both lack a “father” figure) nor Mr. Gray for that matter. But, from my perspective, Gunther’s choice of expressing his dislike in what seems to always be a very angry way…. without any sort of finesse…. basically just “spewing” out his anger…. this “newish” development in him over the last year or two…. is just making his character distasteful and unlikable.

    It seemed that Gunther dealt with his anger in BETTER ways when he was in high school. He typically dealt with his anger rather “nebbishly” and while that was not really the best way to deal with anger either, it is, IMO, better than his typical way of late.

    As far as his “look”…. well, I would say (like others) that Piro wears “stubble” in a way that is distinctive and IMO looks decent on him. Gunther’s stubble upon return from Peru initially seemed to be a reflection and indication of emotional growth, but by-and-large, the exterior “stubble” has not really panned out in much if any real emotional growth. IMO Gunther’s “stubble” looks rather foolish on him. I think he would be better off either shaving or letting it actually grow into a mustache, beard, or goatee.

    Tiffany, today, is being very kind in being a sounding board for Gunther’s emotions. From my perspective, even though I find Gunther aggravating again today, I am generally happy with how Tiffany is participating and is trying to in a few ways, be a good friend to Gunther, even though he is not seeming to notice or appreciate it much at the moment.


    1. At dinner, Gunther will have another “blow-out” and will spew out his emotions…. apparently this time at Les.

    2. Tiffany will unfortunately be caught in the crossfire of the Gunther blow-out and whomever tries to get him to act more appropriate…. and Tiffany will inadvertently get her feelings hurt.

    3. Mr. Gray will say very little and remain his mostly stoic self.

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    capricorn9th  over 7 years ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Tiffany falls for Les. Girls like her likes bad boys. Like intelligent Crystal falling for a doofus like Knute. Like gorgeous Toni falling for homely guy like Brad. Which is why I doubt Luann and Jack will last – they are too alike. Hmmm, likewise for Bernice and Nil – peas in a pod. They make cute snarky pals. Bernice and Piro? Perhaps when we know more about him. So, folks, be prepared for a new pair of lovebirds in Tiffany and Les.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    As of 4p EST

    First off: prediction congratulations to jimmj and wizardgoat for their commenter predictions. Hey, we are having an anniversary, so why not spread the joy?

    Predictions for the arc so far today (soooo many when yesterday is added in, with the sheer numbers of posts and predictions tying me in a bit of knot, so if i err then others really, really should award their own prediction congratulations, please):

    G & T leave dinner & have fun elsewhere: outside

    Huge storm brewing at the dinner table: brd(though that one is likely a given…)

    Tiffany or Mr. Grey will save the day: kenhense

    Tiffany is the key to resolving the arc: luann1212

    Mr. Grey will remain silent and stoic: Pipe(Inertia being also pretty much a given)

    Tiffany will get caught in the middle and hurt: Pipe

    Gunther will blow up at Les at the dinner table: Pipe

    Tiff falls for Les: Capri

    That seems to be it as of 4p EST

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    nathenleeturner  over 7 years ago

    Obviously Tiffany wasn’t such a self absorbed airhead in High School if Gunther’s feud with Leslie registered. I honestly think there is more to her then she lets on. I am hoping this is the beginning of an arch to show us the Tiffany buried deep. And Gunther should mature. He’s in college and on his way to making something of himself. Leslie isn’t, so Gunther won.

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    nathenleeturner  over 7 years ago

    Obviously Tiffany wasn’t such a self absorbed airhead in High School if Gunther’s feud with Leslie registered. I honestly think there is more to her then she lets on. I am hoping this is the beginning of an arch to show us the Tiffany buried deep. And Gunther should mature. He’s in college and on his way to making something of himself. Leslie isn’t, so Gunther won.

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    RSH  over 7 years ago

    I don’t recall Mrs. Berger telling Gunther that his being a role model is the reason why Les is invited to dinner (on a regular basis). It was more that the two of them might have something in common having both been raised w/o a father. I figure she and Mr. Gray plan to marry and having these dinners is a way to get members of a potential merged family better acquainted. That said, Gunther has serious anger problems that are re-surfacing. The last time he was like this was when he had returned from Peru and it was directed toward his mom. Tiffany seems a little taken aback, like this is a side of Gunther that she hasn’t seen.

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  45. Ligand1
    RSH  over 7 years ago

    Interesting threesome around the table… I propose. Tiffany also didn’t have a father e.g. having one who is ineffective may be the same as not having one at all.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Tiffany on a date with Gunther – Mein Gott im Himmel.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    And maybe having second thoughts about it?

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    Sisyphos  over 7 years ago

    Oh, the thankless irony of having to live up to your perceived billing as “the Good Guy”!

    But, on the bright side, Tiffany is seeming far more sympathetic to you today, Gunny….

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    I wonder how many real bad guys considered themselves “good guys”? Many a dictator has.

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    Argythree  over 7 years ago



    Tiffany, not quite as empathetic as some thought, rubs salt in a wound…

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Spoiler II: Tiff sure knows how to tell a guy just what he wants to hear.

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    Rose686  over 1 year ago

    I know right

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