Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for June 27, 2017

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 7 years ago

    I cannot wait to see this man’s negativity towards Auto Y Rod’s owner Mr. Rod… ALSO a “foreigner.” (Is this man here to trash talk about foreigners taking natives’ jobs, or to ask about certain piece of merchandise he needs for his car?)

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    ninjanick101  over 7 years ago

    Two strips in a row with that ugly face. Baldo needs to kick this psycho out to the curb.

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    Carole Athena Costa  over 7 years ago

    I’ve witness this exact type of thing, no exaggeration necessary.

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    debra4life  over 7 years ago

    Everyone in Canada or the US who is not pure Native American is an immigrant or a descendant of one or more, including this guy with the huge racism chip on his shoulder.

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    debra4life  over 7 years ago

    He belongs down south with the other Wearers of the White Sheets and Pillowcases.

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    loonygardener  over 7 years ago

    Debra4Life, not all bigots live in the South. Or wear “white sheets and pillowcases”. There is racial bigotry world wide. Religious bigotry, your tribe isn’t the same as my tribe. This kind of crap has gone on since the first spark of recognition was seen by one of the other humans and decided it wasn’t acceptable and pointed it out. So kindly don’t sequester your opinions that the attitudes are only in the South. I’ve met some of the worst bigots who were from other parts of the country. The cartoonist is going to make a point in a good way.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 7 years ago

    Senility can be hard to watch at times … sad part is that customers can be jerks just in general. Had one case with a moron expecting me to know about every product, or at the very least his, while sitting at the registre – and oh so fun being called an idiot by someone like him.

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    gammaguy  over 7 years ago

    People who want to hate just pick a “group” to hate, and no amount of truth — e.g., that you don’t actually belong to that group — will dissuade them.

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    AKHenderson Premium Member over 7 years ago

    A bigot might complain abotu seeing Hispanics where he or she doesn’t normally expect to see them. In that case we can rule out Southern California or Texas (or ESPECIALLY San Antonio) as the strip’s setting.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Wow. We’re really going there. Kudos Hector and Carlos.

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    texasbob  over 7 years ago

    no doubt emboldened by cheeto, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and the rest of the bigots in DC. I thought we had turned a corner and entered the 21st century, sadly it looks like we are returning to 1950’s.

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    Ralph Newbill  over 7 years ago

    Stop with the politics and stereotyping. Oh, the irony!

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    More or Less Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Glad to see we’re taking a nuanced. balanced approach.

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    Strider Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I hate it when a comic strip gets political. There enough of that crap in our everyday lives.

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    dakyorlando  over 7 years ago

    Okay, it’s clear this guy is a xenophobic jerk. Now let’s see how is Baldo going to handle him.

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    morningglory73 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Ignorance, intolerance, fear.

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    Greyhame  over 7 years ago

    Just remember that xenophobia is a survival instinct. It must be controlled like other instincts like lust, greed, gluttony.

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    Sparks13  over 7 years ago

    There are Native peoples in Southwestern states whose families were living there when the Spanish missionaries arrived in the 1500’s. They learned Spanish from those missionaries. Many of those families still speak Spanish in their homes, and their children learn English from older siblings, or when they start school themselves. Since their families are bilingual, they often continue to speak both Spanish and English, and never completely lose the accent they have from their first language. Their people have lived here for many, many centuries, far longer than anybody off the Mayflower, or any other immigrants. Only in America are immigrants whose families haven’t been here even as long as America has existed, so insecure, so inadequate, and so ignorant, that they feel the need to hate on people that are smart enough to speak two languages (or more), and brave enough to risk their lives and leave everything they’ve known behind them for a chance at a better life. These haters are ones that were lucky enough to be here because their immigrant ancestors DID speak two or more languages, and were brave enough to leave everything behind for a chance at better lives for themselves and their families. Too bad all THOSE genes were lost, and all the bad ones are all that’s left. Besides, why do we need a national language? So ignorant fools who think speaking more than one language is somehow something to be looked down on won’t have their noses rubbed in the fact that the US are rapidly losing ground in the world business community because of our inability to speak other languages? Why care what losers think.

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    LynnWoolley  over 7 years ago

    So is Baldo now a comic strip just for left-wing nutcases? I’ve enjoyed it for years. Now, I despise what Cantu & Castellanos are doing. They might look at the output of Ray Billingsley for some guidance on how to make a comic strip funny without smearing an entire group of people. Baldo should avoid becoming Doonesbury.

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    CeeJay  over 7 years ago

    Where my wife worked the company hired a refugee from Viet Nam. One of her fellow workers, speaking of the refugee, complained: " He don’t speak good English."

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    barister  over 7 years ago

    everyone below the 1% is fighting for a piece of the pie. This is truely a sad comedy. We can’t fight the Rothchilds, so let me pick a fight with Bob down the street whose feet hit the floor every morning to get to work just like me.

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    onesoni  over 7 years ago

    When I was a young lad in the 60’s, we went to visit family in Southern California. I saw a very lovely young lady at the public pool, but was told that ‘we’ didn’t mix with ‘those kind’.

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    Margaret Faulkner  over 7 years ago

    Not again! Listen, Gentlemen. The world has enough of this nonsense going on without having more of it showing up here. And I well and truly believe this isn’t helping anyone get “better.” Anger is a fearsome weapon. It destroys everything in sight if not wielded carefully. It has been said that behind anger, fear lies. One of the things your work has done so beautifully over the years is to expose people to a culture other than their own, gently. But, this is not gentle. And it does feel something like an undeserved slap in the face. Most of us are scared spit-less these days. I know I am. But, I also know that this kind of approach, while making you feel better, alienates others. I don’t like it and I’m on YOUR side! We must be made of better stuff than this.

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    Cameron1988 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Okay time for Baldo to get the manager, and kick this ahole out!

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    locake  over 7 years ago

    He’s not even buying anything. Baldo should tell him to leave, stores can eject people who are loitering.

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  26. Flatfootcopper
    masterchip  over 7 years ago

    The “Old White guys” are making this “Old White guy” ashamed of “Old White guys”. I WASN’T raised this way. I’ve been around Hispanics my entire life, and I find them to be the most respectful, gregarious people I’ve encountered. If I knew Spanish, I’m sure I’d have more friends than I could count.

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Kill him with kindness Baldo. Don’t stoop to his level. He doesn’t speak for the majority.BTW. We are all immegrants or decsendants of immegrants.

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    larry Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I really like Baldo. I hope the intention of introducing this truly disagreeable customer at the auto parts store isn’t to impute his lack of couth and character to non-Hispanics in general. Few of us actually think or behave that way.

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  29. Obama e. neuman..
    cosman  over 7 years ago

    When people ask me if i’m liberal or conservative, i give them a Paul Harvey pause-stare, then reply, “I’m an American..”

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    jmworacle  over 7 years ago

    Keep it up and I’m gone….

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    Sadandconfused9  over 7 years ago

    Unless we learn or relearn what originally made this country great, a truly unique experiment, we are going to become a failed government. The only governments that can survive are the ones that can encompass all of its people- that’s the people that lived there from the beginning, that came to help make it grow and develop, the ones that go out to help other countries become a great part of our world. those are the people that I see in Baldos comics. I love this comic strip you all can fight with yourselves over what’s going to happen but I think Baldo is going to turn this man around and I’ll get a smile out of the end of this arc. Or maybe Ron’s going to come out and show us why he’s the boss.

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    Spade Jr.  over 7 years ago

    LYNNWOOLLEY is right. As I said yesterday in other terms, this type of story line is simply going to drive people away from the strip—-or, make the customers leave the store, so to speak. And this point of view has absolutely NOTHING to do with politics at all. I read the comics to be entertained with humor-not preached to by any political view or any kind, including those with which I agree. Readers, join me: if Cantu & Castellanos don’t end this garbage by week’s end, I am ending my readership by yanking the strip from my favorites. C&C: tick your readers off and watch ’em leave.

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    Azorean Lady  over 7 years ago

    where is this subject matter going? Baldo is one of my favorite strips to enjoy the family unit. There is so much racism in the real world that it makes me feel sad that it has to be brought up here.

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    LarrySheldon  over 7 years ago

    I am sure this crap happens. Seriously, I have seen it.

    And the author needs used what he has to fight what is wrong.

    G*d bless.

    But. Do analyze the costs and the benefits. Carefully.

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    booga  over 7 years ago

    Excellent work. Thank You for presenting this issue being faced by young American children everyday from neighbors that have been agitated by foreign agents to hate Americans based on the color of their skin. These foreign powers seek to diminish American moral power by dividing Americans from each other – effectively ensuring Americans will not be capable of mounting an attack against Russian and other Autocratic regimes interference.You may think that those brown-skinned people are out to get your job, but in case you forget, those brown skinned people died in the fight against Al Qaeda, ISIS, and every other war fought by the USA. Additionally, the entirety of both continents that make up the Americas was given thus by God.

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  36. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 2 years ago

    Lynn is a tRumpy, no doubt about it.

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