And people say you can never find a cop when you need one! Won’t it be great when the Nappingville PD arrests Thick? “Subject was booked on a fifty-four-forty: causing a ruckus or fight.” Meanwhile D-cubed demonstrates the use of his latest invention, the automatic cash dispenser, Dispenses clouds of money all night long! Automatically puts on sunglasses for convenient nighttime use!
How far did D-cubed and Thick run to find that rolling ground and tree? Will they still be downtown tomorrow? Or did they have to run themselves out of town to find that patrol Horn Hair sent?
And what happened to the Flab Four, and the Because Trio from Saturday? Couldn’t the rest of those undercover cops keep up with D-cubed and Thick?
Maybe he’ll run into the graveyard, get in a shootout with Thick, and die on his own grave. After which we’ll never hear a rational explanation for his behavior, unless the Wrist Genee contains an actual genee, or at least a ouija motherboard.
Until then, if that’s an actual cop and not a cabbie, he’d better be real suspicious of the way an obvious bum like D-cubed is shedding that flurry of money.
It’s a pity that panel #3 is part of an arc makes no sense, because by itself it’s visually striking. D-cubed, surrounded and betrayed by his own money. There’s a quality of Greek myth to it, as though the thousand dollar bills are vengeful Furies in pursuit of an evil man. The sunglasses even hint at the Cyclops, who Odysseus defeated by turning his own possessions against him, rendering him blind in the process.
Is that a cabbie? Uniformed policemen usually have a badge on their caps. Maybe it’s a doorman from one of the ritzy hotels. Whoever it is, I doubt if I’d let that dude with all of the money flying around him get outta reach.
I beg the faithful again……… WHAT LAW HAS 3D BROKEN (that Macy is aware of)? Name one! And how, pray tell, did every agency except the Farm Bureau get an agent planted on Skid Row ahead of Macy’s appearance on the scene? They must have more up-to-date newspapers to get their information.
Finally, WHY is Macy so angry all of a sudden? He ought to be angry at himself for being so ………. uh, THICK!
Panel 1 : You’d think Tracy was chasing Flattop after he had just shot Murphy in the head, instead of arresting that Female for impersonating a CIA operative.
Panel 2 : morrow is right. That’s likely the Police Patrol that Chief Lizz dispatced downtown last week, but where is the usual insignia on the hat ?
Panel 3 : Why would the Police Officer be moyivated to - “get over there quick” (?) when he sees Thousand dollar bills flying all around his Squad Car ?
You know what? I’m starting to agree with you Dick Tracy critics! Annie’s stories were far more interesting and they ended her? Maybe it is time to put Dick out to pasture, after all he’s had a long, long run. At least the Phantom, according to today’s strip, is starting to get some sense–maybe.
If I were a billionaire, could I get an aura of thousand-dollar bills that orbits loosely around me? Because it’s the most awesome superpower I’ve seen all month.
I was actually entertained yesterday when all the homeless people turned out to be undercover agents from various government agencies…there’s potential in that, especially since all five of them couldn’t stop one person from running away. Unfortunately, as ever the Keystone Cops angle seems to be just bad writing rather than inspired parody.
morrow, I still don’t see where Thick has grounds to arrest D-cubed. Locher hasn’t put Thick and any clues in the same panel. He’s seen a lot of things that would have put him on the trail of any actual crime, if he’d conducted a real investigation instead of this Halloween dress-up bit.
Right now I’m guessing that D-cubed wanted to destroy his rivals through a mixture of industrial espionage and stock manipulation. But why would that require him to play hide-and-seek among the homeless?
Officer? Shoot him! PLEASE shoot him! And nail Thick Spacy while you’re at it! Don’t worry, you’ll have thousands of gocomics subscribers who will swear you acted in self defense against two violent lunatics. If there ever were a time for a public-service homicide, this is it!
margueritem over 14 years ago
Zzzzzz-zzzz, HUH?!? It’s Monday, you say?
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
Another exciting week ahead…
Fusnr over 14 years ago
That’s 18 K bills or the tree is shedding rectangle leaves .
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
Here, there, everywhere! 3D’s throwing $100 million in $1000 bills away!
Bill Thompson over 14 years ago
And people say you can never find a cop when you need one! Won’t it be great when the Nappingville PD arrests Thick? “Subject was booked on a fifty-four-forty: causing a ruckus or fight.” Meanwhile D-cubed demonstrates the use of his latest invention, the automatic cash dispenser, Dispenses clouds of money all night long! Automatically puts on sunglasses for convenient nighttime use!
How far did D-cubed and Thick run to find that rolling ground and tree? Will they still be downtown tomorrow? Or did they have to run themselves out of town to find that patrol Horn Hair sent?
And what happened to the Flab Four, and the Because Trio from Saturday? Couldn’t the rest of those undercover cops keep up with D-cubed and Thick?
FLIGHT SUIT over 14 years ago
Yesterday we were in the heart of the big city. Now we’re in the woods.
Steve Bartholomew over 14 years ago
He won’t get far BECAUSE!
Bill Thompson over 14 years ago
Maybe he’ll run into the graveyard, get in a shootout with Thick, and die on his own grave. After which we’ll never hear a rational explanation for his behavior, unless the Wrist Genee contains an actual genee, or at least a ouija motherboard.
Until then, if that’s an actual cop and not a cabbie, he’d better be real suspicious of the way an obvious bum like D-cubed is shedding that flurry of money.
LudwigVonDrake over 14 years ago
The money is back to flying through the air. Consistency is not a strong point for Locher.
JCFremont over 14 years ago
Let me guess. This guy is, uh, Lynne of the E.L.O.?
Bill Thompson over 14 years ago
It’s a pity that panel #3 is part of an arc makes no sense, because by itself it’s visually striking. D-cubed, surrounded and betrayed by his own money. There’s a quality of Greek myth to it, as though the thousand dollar bills are vengeful Furies in pursuit of an evil man. The sunglasses even hint at the Cyclops, who Odysseus defeated by turning his own possessions against him, rendering him blind in the process.
veldy over 14 years ago
This is getting so bad I can’t even comment on it, where are the members of the SimonPenn Society?
Morrow Cummings over 14 years ago
Is that a cabbie? Uniformed policemen usually have a badge on their caps. Maybe it’s a doorman from one of the ritzy hotels. Whoever it is, I doubt if I’d let that dude with all of the money flying around him get outta reach.
I beg the faithful again……… WHAT LAW HAS 3D BROKEN (that Macy is aware of)? Name one! And how, pray tell, did every agency except the Farm Bureau get an agent planted on Skid Row ahead of Macy’s appearance on the scene? They must have more up-to-date newspapers to get their information.
Finally, WHY is Macy so angry all of a sudden? He ought to be angry at himself for being so ………. uh, THICK!
Dr. Midnight over 14 years ago
“You better get over there quick”
Yeah, because the report of a “ruckus” is way more suspicious than a guy with thousand dollar bills flying off him.
sydney over 14 years ago
Panel 1 : You’d think Tracy was chasing Flattop after he had just shot Murphy in the head, instead of arresting that Female for impersonating a CIA operative.
Panel 2 : morrow is right. That’s likely the Police Patrol that Chief Lizz dispatced downtown last week, but where is the usual insignia on the hat ?
Panel 3 : Why would the Police Officer be moyivated to - “get over there quick” (?) when he sees Thousand dollar bills flying all around his Squad Car ?
Dberrymanal1 over 14 years ago
You know what? I’m starting to agree with you Dick Tracy critics! Annie’s stories were far more interesting and they ended her? Maybe it is time to put Dick out to pasture, after all he’s had a long, long run. At least the Phantom, according to today’s strip, is starting to get some sense–maybe.
OldTracy over 14 years ago
The cop is part of Spacy’s police department. Do you think he’ll notice all the money flying around?
avatarjk137 over 14 years ago
If I were a billionaire, could I get an aura of thousand-dollar bills that orbits loosely around me? Because it’s the most awesome superpower I’ve seen all month.
jumbobrain over 14 years ago
I was actually entertained yesterday when all the homeless people turned out to be undercover agents from various government agencies…there’s potential in that, especially since all five of them couldn’t stop one person from running away. Unfortunately, as ever the Keystone Cops angle seems to be just bad writing rather than inspired parody.
Poor Dick Tracy. It used to be good.
Bill Thompson over 14 years ago
morrow, I still don’t see where Thick has grounds to arrest D-cubed. Locher hasn’t put Thick and any clues in the same panel. He’s seen a lot of things that would have put him on the trail of any actual crime, if he’d conducted a real investigation instead of this Halloween dress-up bit.
Right now I’m guessing that D-cubed wanted to destroy his rivals through a mixture of industrial espionage and stock manipulation. But why would that require him to play hide-and-seek among the homeless?
billdi Premium Member over 14 years ago
those aren’t $1k bills… they’re remnants, no wait that rarest of species, the Blue Lepidopterus Squareus
akado2000 over 14 years ago
Get that litterbug!
veldy over 14 years ago
Tigger-appears the only time Spacy has his Wrist radio turned on is when he’s in the biff
Bill Thompson over 14 years ago
Officer? Shoot him! PLEASE shoot him! And nail Thick Spacy while you’re at it! Don’t worry, you’ll have thousands of gocomics subscribers who will swear you acted in self defense against two violent lunatics. If there ever were a time for a public-service homicide, this is it!
marvee over 14 years ago
I THOUGHT EVERYTHING WAS UNDER CONTROL! I guess Tracy didn’t believe that.
idarke over 14 years ago
We’re finally getting some insight on why these people are homeless. A guy throws money around like confetti and they run for the cops.
countoftowergrove over 14 years ago
“He’s getting away!” Classic line by Margie in “Fargo.”