Frazz by Jef Mallett for July 14, 2017

  1. Vote 4 nobody button
    Mr Nobody  over 7 years ago

    Not my cup of tea.

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    garcoa  over 7 years ago

    Nobody asked to be supersized on the kombucha.

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  3. Me sarcastic never 2
    alien011  over 7 years ago

    I had to google Kombucha, and it seems it’s just the hipster way of drinking alcohol in public. Without the brown bag.

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    Mugens Premium Member over 7 years ago

    What’s so sad is that Caulfield is exactly right

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  5. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member over 7 years ago

    People criticize “big drums of pop” all the time. In fact, a few years ago, the mayor of New York tried to OUTLAW them.

    And no one pretends that big drums of pop are like Yakov’s Magic Elixir, selling them for a ridiculous price to gullible people who have been fooled into thinking that they’ll cure all your ills.

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  6. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I tried it once. It made me feel both healthy and queasy.

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  7. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member over 7 years ago

    What IS wrong with just water?

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  8. Kalkkuna
    Kalkkuna  over 7 years ago

    What drink is ‘pop’? Soda?

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  9. 09 ben turpin
    sloaches  over 7 years ago

    Speaking of the cost of bottled water
We drink a lot of bottled water and recently I looked into getting a home water dispenser that uses 5 gallon jugs. After calculating the cost, it would wind up costing more for the five gallon jug vs. the equal amount of bottled water from the same company. I would figure it would be the other way around!But I digress

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    joe.altmaier  over 7 years ago

    Water is fine the first hour of exercise. After that you need to replace lost salts and minerals. Thus, Gatorade was invented. And the rest is history.

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    bigoldguy Premium Member over 7 years ago

    You need to do some research on Kombucha; don’t just believe the stuff the product vendors are saying. Go back to water, the truly natural beverage.

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  12. Lizardtiltglow
    Lizard Lass Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Before I looked it up, I had assumed kombucha was what it sounded like in Japanese, tea made with seaweed.

    According to Wikipedia, serious illnesses and death have been associated with this drink, and despite claims, there’s no evidence of genuine health benefits
 I do guess drinking it lets you look cool and hipster and totally special though.

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  13. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I remember back when I was in college (in the dark age before commercially bottled water.) Being poor students, we would take wine bottles we had emptied, fill them with tap water and pretend we were drinking really pretentious stuff.

    It was not to much later that bottled water came on the market. I often wondered if one of those enterprising guys we used to party with had something to do with it.

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  14. Kitty
    roberta.forbes.pyle  over 7 years ago

    I carry a metal drinking bottle with me and refill it at the nearest drinking fountain. Who needs to spend all that money on bottled water?

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  15. Me1 018
    robert39503  over 7 years ago

    It was soda pop in the old days, just pop or soda.

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    13shark77  over 7 years ago

    LOL there something said about health! Wow nobody thought wait one sec! Gal of soda a child drinking! Love the comment that soda cheeper then healthy water

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    feefers_  11 months ago

    We Brits call it fizzy drinks

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