Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for November 01, 2010

  1. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    Are you ready Dick?

    Time to start running!

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  2. Jack noire comic
    LordDogmore  over 14 years ago

    Ok, the bad guy has the gun, so all the cops open fire right? Or do we wait another six months for something logic….never mind I forgot where I was.

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  3. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 14 years ago

    Why was the prisoner not in cuffs Why was law enforcement sitting on their duffs Where is McDermott of the bunko squad Don’t you think all this is a little bit odd Trey-D grabs the gun that no-one else could For, with their thumbs up their butts they all stood Now Tracy can scream, run and hide There is no danger of wounding his pride What a sad state Tracy has become Reading the strip now just leaves one numb Locher, it seems really hates the cops Else why would he portray them as nothing but flops Fortunately his retirement is just a couple of months away And how we will cheer on that wonderful day.

    Thank you, morgueritem, Gweedo’s Morgue, Panel-Panner, Bill T., Fusnr, jumbo brain and woodworker318.

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  4. Avatar
    jumbobrain  over 14 years ago

    and you may ask yourself, “self? how did I get here?”

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  5. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 14 years ago

    You said it all, wndrwrthg…

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  6. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 14 years ago

    ”My turn!”, says 3D. I suppose we’re in for a week or so of Mr. 3D holding the gun as Tracy and the Feds stand idly by…

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  7. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    A moment’s respectful silence for my glasses, please. When I tried to look at today’s strip a lens popped out of the frames. Yes, this strip is so bad that my glasses had a nervous breakdown and attempted suicide.

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  8. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago


    Just be glad an eyeball didn’t pop. I know my eyes ache after each strip. The pain… the pain…

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  9. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    Panel 3: Dobie Gillis in drag and Maynard G. Krebs. Man, look how they ended up. They didn’t age well.

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  10. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Panel-Panner, I know how lucky I am. After I got my glasses fixed and saw the strip, I realized that having (uncorrected) 20/800 vision isn’t so bad after all.

    And now we’re in for a week of having D’oodoo lecture us. I’m sure he’s really a stand-in character for Locher, who clearly realizes that no one will listen to him unless he holds them at gunpoint.

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  11. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    Another great one by WW who wrote:

    “Fortunately his retirement is just a couple of months away And how we will cheer on that wonderful day.”

    But what’s next? At this point an eight-year-old kid with broken crayons could produce a better strip.

    Maybe it’s time for DT to take a nap – a dirt nap.

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  12. Fearless 2
    thejensens  over 14 years ago

    Please - Someone explain this to me. We have Federal Cops on the scene - shouldn’t this guy be full of holes. Or do they not carry a gun, just like Tracy. Plus, Tracy should have bored him to death by now with his conversation.

    I have a suggestion - I have been purchasing the series of books of The Complete Dick Tracy by Chester Gould with all the original strips. They are great reading.

    Everyone should do the same and forget about this poor excuse of a comic strip.

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  13. Helix.arf
    ARF2  over 14 years ago

    “I knew you couldn’t kill me Penny! You haven’t the guts! Now, everybody stand back while I do the job myself!”

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  14. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Please let him have the sense to make a run for it and escape to points unknown, just so we can be rid of this bozo!

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  15. Adopted from phoenix az  humanes societyavatar
    Fusnr  over 14 years ago

    All the feds from all the agencies will becoming out from behind the trees, will see a gun in someone’s hand & they will all empty their chambers on the scene. When they are finished only Dick & Penny will be downed on the ground while the $1,000.000 man gets away because their weapons were not of such high caliber for that pricey figure,

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  16. Missing large
    mjmsprt40  over 14 years ago

    Locher, a reality check is in order. Last time I was in Naperville and happened to notice a cop, he was equipped with a gun just like most cops everywhere are. Like most cops, Naperville police are required to spend time at the shooting range so they know how to use their weapons. The feds have similar requirements.

    So, in your story here the place is crawling with undercover cops and NOT ONE OF THEM HAS A GUN???? There should have been enough official firepower on display to make our “Dynamic Duo of Crime” think twice about the stupidity of pulling this gun and threatening each other. Once the gun was pulled every officer on the scene should have had theirs out and leveled with the command to drop the offending weapon being given.

    So, here’s an idea: Go down to the Naperville police station. Talk to some actual officers. Maybe talk to some actual detectives. Take a good look at some real, professional officers. Hey, it couldn’t hurt.

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  17. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 14 years ago

    This is action?

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  18. Missing large
    JCFremont  over 14 years ago

    Uh, oh. The Spam’s up early today. Let’s facelift bar, indeed.

    Hey, maybe that’s what the cops are doing instead of drawing their guns. Except Dick. He’s too busy thinking about that Ed Hardy stuff.

    Delivery time of 3-6 days? No problem. We’ll still be here with that tiny gun waving in our faces and the platitudes a-flying. Ah, it’s a great time to be alive!

    (Once the spam’s been deleted, you should probably ignore this.)

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  19. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    This garbage will stretch out to mid-December, after which Locher will congratulate himself for his award-winning career.

    In the real world D’oodoo would have been handcuffed, as Wonder Warthog pointed out (evidently he was brought back under arrest by McDerrmott of the Fraud Unit).

    Handcuffed or not, every armed agent and cop in the scene would have reached for their weapon the instant they saw Penny holding that pistol. Yes, she looks like a sweet little old lady. She’s also making death threats and she’s clearly irrational. She’s a menace both to the cops and to any civilian in the area.

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  20. Rick
    davidf42  over 14 years ago

    This strip is getting worser and worser.

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  21. Missing large
    prrdh  over 14 years ago

    As usual, reading this strip set my mind wandering…if Penny and David have any nieces or nephews, that would make her Aunty Penny.

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  22. Av1
    steveyorkdesigns  over 14 years ago

    Who will save our Detective in Distress this time?

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  23. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Captain Zero, if Sue Doko doesn’t intervene, it will be the statute of limitations that saves Thick. By the time this arc ends any and all crimes mentioned in it will no longer be open to prosecution.

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  24. Missing large
    OldTracy  over 14 years ago

    Hopefully, the federal agents will whip out their guns and shoot all 3 of them so that Fearless Fosdick can take over tomorrow.

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  25. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 14 years ago

    Yeah, “Everyone stand back!” 3D doesn’t want anyone hurt as Macy sprints for the exit, running over people. Of course, Macy leaves a vapor trail when he exercises this often-executed maneuver. So, he’s easy to find. Maybe there is a WWII Stuka “hanging” around that he can climb up and hide in.

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  26. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 14 years ago

    That’s the PROBLEM *Radfish *- those jerky, unexpected surprises, which an untalented writer aspires to PASS OFF as ‘top of the line’ story telling. They simply look disengenious, ‘thought up that morning’, as the rest of his tale is riddled with laughable contradictions.

    Any untalented writer can produce that kind of JUNK. If you LIKE the Author - say so, for it’s most unusual to describe this bewildering abberation as “swell”, or as anything remotely praiseworthy.

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  27. Missing large
    veldy  over 14 years ago

    I wish I could say it was just my eyes that hurt

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  28. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 14 years ago

    VistaBill said : “I suppose we are in for a week or so of …”

    You really know Locher — a ‘master’ of stretching out a mini sequence, with little discernable forward movement. This unmotivating tale (degraded further by no - “traditional villain”) IS effectively over. Yet it will be prolongated for a further 3 weeks, fully nursed on with - ARTFULL REPETITION !

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  29. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Well, Radfish, your Simon Penn impression gave me a belated Halloween scare!

    Unfortunately the Feds aren’t going to shoot D’oggydoo. We’re in for a week of lame excuses from him. If we’re lucky Sydney Phillips is right with his George Soros theory. Then Sue Doko might show up and shoot him after only one more week of nattering.

    Meanwhile in our dimension the earth turns on its axis, and orbits the sun; the seasons change and office workers appear on the way to their jobs. In Locherland time stands still and it’s oh-dark-thirty for as long as Locher requires.

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  30. Fashion fail looks like you bumped your head
    tsouthworth  over 14 years ago

    “Now everybody stand back!” because you’re harder to hit that way? Everybody get back about a block and I’ll see if I can wing you!

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  31. Missing large
    veldy  over 14 years ago

    I still haven’t seen anyone peeing on the wall in this arc

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  32. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 14 years ago


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  33. N211317039976 6359
    trekkermint  over 14 years ago

    please - this is crud and sinking lower

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