In all reality , P3 either Gil forgot to use his Grecian Formula to cover his grey or those are flames and his head’s on fire . That’s one hot tamale you’re snugling with Gil.
P2- Still marveling over Mimi’s flexibility with her leg draped over the side of the armrest. Those aquatic stretching sessions with Pedro have made her more flexible than a 1960’s Julie Newmar. Purrrrrrr-Fect!!!
I’m going to check some local pawn shops around here to see if they have something comparable to what’s in P2. I’ve never seen a radio like that in a long time.
kdizzle over 7 years ago
Is that supposed to be Mimi’s leg over the arm of the sofa in P2? I’m asking for a friend in Cirque du Soleil
bitsy twill over 7 years ago
Are Gil and Mimi watching TV and listing to the radio at the same time or is he asserting his dominance over the remote just because?
Mr Reality over 7 years ago
In all reality , P2 what happened to Mimi’s legs ? Mimi also exhibits some very defensive body language , sorry Gil none for you today !
bearwku82 over 7 years ago
I challenge Rod Whigham to put Mimi, H.E. Burns, Uncle Gary and Marty in the same panel. What? Mr. Saucy has another nickname?
Irish53 over 7 years ago
What’s Marty pointing at in P1 for Gil to see?
miffedmax over 7 years ago
Time marches on in Milford. I think my parents had a stereo set-up like that in 1975.
chiphilton over 7 years ago
What are Gil and Mimi sitting in, anyway? Too wide for a chair, too narrow for a loveseat. Maybe they had it custom-made for moments like this.
TheBrownStarfish over 7 years ago
Gil replies in P1, “A broken down old drunken high school sports announcer.”
P2, Gil must have taken one of his little blue pills as he reaches in to cop a feel but unfortunately for him, Mimi has the goal mouth blocked.
P3, Gilcula going in for the kill.
twainreader over 7 years ago
It’s a Lazy Boy-oh-boy
twainreader over 7 years ago
Is it just me, or does Gil look like Count Dracula in P-3?
twainreader over 7 years ago
P-2: Time for R&W to take a perspective class. What angle is that wall compared to the rest of the room?
jslabotnik over 7 years ago
Time for a little romantic music, Gil slips the 8-track into the stereo
Mr Reality over 7 years ago
In all reality , P3 either Gil forgot to use his Grecian Formula to cover his grey or those are flames and his head’s on fire . That’s one hot tamale you’re snugling with Gil.
bearwku82 over 7 years ago
P2- Still marveling over Mimi’s flexibility with her leg draped over the side of the armrest. Those aquatic stretching sessions with Pedro have made her more flexible than a 1960’s Julie Newmar. Purrrrrrr-Fect!!!
James St. John Smythe over 7 years ago
I’m going to check some local pawn shops around here to see if they have something comparable to what’s in P2. I’ve never seen a radio like that in a long time.
James St. John Smythe over 7 years ago
The Cincinnati Bengals offense has a lot of potential. Too bad I can’t sub Tyler Eifert for another TE in Week 2 now.