As a professional IT tech, I use a lot of computer language, to wit: “You stupid blankety blank computer!” Never let the machines see fear in your eyes or it is all over. I can’t help with a 404 error, though; it is the equivalent of the phone intercept that tells you the number is not in service… check your directory. Thank you for flying Crazy Elephant airlines.
JoanHelen about 7 years ago
This really presses my funny button :)
Argythree about 7 years ago
I wonder how you reboot a magic cauldron?
Gent about 7 years ago
Heh Heh. Good one.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 7 years ago
And the puns just keep on coming.
cubswin2016 about 7 years ago
I bet Lord Voldemort never had that problem.
flagmichael about 7 years ago
As a professional IT tech, I use a lot of computer language, to wit: “You stupid blankety blank computer!” Never let the machines see fear in your eyes or it is all over. I can’t help with a 404 error, though; it is the equivalent of the phone intercept that tells you the number is not in service… check your directory. Thank you for flying Crazy Elephant airlines.
sandpiper about 7 years ago
Wonder how long he’ll be on hold.
Nyckname about 7 years ago
Do witches write their curses in hexadecimal?
sandpiper about 7 years ago
Curious background in the center panel. Dirty snow? Smog?
blakerl about 7 years ago
Clark’s 3rd Law “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”