Drazen’s Law of Restitution: The time it takes to reverse damage is inversely proportional to the time it took to do the damage (It takes longer to glue a vase together than it did to break it).
Drazen’s Law of Restitution: The time it takes to reverse damage is inversely proportional to the time it took to do the damage (It takes longer to glue a vase together than it did to break it).
Janis should decide what weight feels best on her and achieve that weight. Extra weigh does not feel good on my body. There are many other ways to exercise in bad weather without being outside.
My mother was very athletic and never had any trouble at all with weight, so she was rather unsympathetic to women who did. I remember her making a comment about some (slightly) overweight woman once, and my dad, exasperated, responding “You and your skinny women….!” I still chuckle about that quite often.
Army_Nurse about 7 years ago
Carguy about 7 years ago
John Smith about 7 years ago
“NOW she asks!” Says Arlo who’s New Years resolution was to become a vegetarian
John Smith about 7 years ago
Meat yes. But that fat has to go!
1MadHat Premium Member about 7 years ago
Yes, indeddy! Sez Taj Mahal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7gO2wUkSvc
DanielJ.Drazen about 7 years ago
Drazen’s Law of Restitution: The time it takes to reverse damage is inversely proportional to the time it took to do the damage (It takes longer to glue a vase together than it did to break it).
DanielJ.Drazen about 7 years ago
Drazen’s Law of Restitution: The time it takes to reverse damage is inversely proportional to the time it took to do the damage (It takes longer to glue a vase together than it did to break it).
Tyge about 7 years ago
“Come over here and I’ll warm you up. You can leave your hat on.”
morningglory73 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Being skinny and boney isn’t pretty but neither is having too much curve, there is a nice medium in there someplace.
locake about 7 years ago
Janis should decide what weight feels best on her and achieve that weight. Extra weigh does not feel good on my body. There are many other ways to exercise in bad weather without being outside.
Airbender about 7 years ago
He’s probably going to be in trouble no matter what he answers.
Airbender about 7 years ago
He’s probably going to be in trouble no matter what he answers.
bryan42 about 7 years ago
Considering the weather on the Eastern seaboard today this ‘toon couldn’t have been batter timed.
WF11 about 7 years ago
My mother was very athletic and never had any trouble at all with weight, so she was rather unsympathetic to women who did. I remember her making a comment about some (slightly) overweight woman once, and my dad, exasperated, responding “You and your skinny women….!” I still chuckle about that quite often.
joeatwork212 about 7 years ago
If fat women are called curvy, what do you call fat men? Slobs?
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 7 years ago
I LOVE big women!
mafastore about 7 years ago
Do people really gain extra weight during the holidays? I always lose weight during same. This year 6 lbs.