Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for January 18, 2018

  1. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  about 7 years ago

    Cross your legs, Elvis!

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  2. 2018 09 18 bentley jungle
    butler2jc  about 7 years ago

    elvis is about to lose it!

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    poppet bear  about 7 years ago

    Do a little dance … hang on Elvis, soon-ish ;)Elvis does look very forlorn in the first panel, waiting and waiting

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    Sionyx  about 7 years ago

    Man, poor Elvis is doing the potty dance! You’re gonna need to learn to recognize that pretty soon, what with the Baby crawling around. Hang in there, Elvis!

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  5. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 7 years ago

    Oh poor Elvis. The People/Staff/Cleaning Crew need to address the issue of advance notice of future box-sh cleanings.

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  6. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 7 years ago

    Elvis, maybe staring at the box will make it dry faster. Kind of like pushing the elevator button numerous times makes it arrive at your floor more quickly.

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  7. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 7 years ago

    Will we see a hard hitting BCN news story in the near future on the ideal number of box-sh needed per ratio of cats in a household?

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  8. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  about 7 years ago

    Aww, I know that feeling, Elvis. It seems like it takes forever for the cleaning staff to finish up when you need to go!

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  9. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 7 years ago

    Commentary by Sean “Pucky” Connery.

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    Rosette  about 7 years ago

    Aw, poor Elvis! Hang in there, buddy!

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    Ruth Brown  about 7 years ago

    My poor Elvis.

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    Robin Harwood  about 7 years ago

    We attempted to teach The Highest Authority to use the toilet. We got the Litter Kwitter™ system, but didn’t succeed in getting to the green stage. However, we have three toilets in the house, so one is just for Her with the orange ring permanently in place and a bit of litter in it. Most goes right down the hole. Only occasionally does She accidentally do something on the litter. But She prefers to go out into the garden and dig, the way Nature intended.

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  13. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 7 years ago

    There’s always the kitchen sink, Elvis.

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    sarah413 Premium Member about 7 years ago

    As the late Tom Petty once sang, “The wait is the hardest part.”

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    Gloria Fleming  about 7 years ago

    Poor Elvis, the agony!! The Man should be using a hairdryer or SOMETHING to hurry up the drying process or open another facility. How heartless he is.

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  16. Purple hummer
    Krazgamer  about 7 years ago

    In the last panel, doesn’t the Man’s left glove look like a sock puppet face with a s**t-eating grin on it?

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  17. Pytheimperial
    momma-tink  about 7 years ago

    Elvis reminds me of the late great Big Bamboo. Who not only did the hafta potty dance when I cleaned all the boxes, but then ‘christened’ each one immediately after they were cleaned. I swear, that cat would drink enough water to fill a pool in anticipation of the weekly clean the box event. #mainecoonlife

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  18. April elephant 2010
    Sabrina17  about 7 years ago

    Growing up my husbands family had an indoor/outdoor cat. Stinker had no idea that he could go potty outside. One morning he was outside crying pitifully for someone to open the patio door. When father in law finally opened the door, Stinker made a mad dash for the litter box. He said he could see Stinker literally pulling his pants off while running.

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  19. Bits2
    Diat60  about 7 years ago

    FYI, piece of paper towel dries in a hurry. Of course, no comedy in that!

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    diskus Premium Member about 7 years ago


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    diskus Premium Member about 7 years ago


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    diskus Premium Member about 7 years ago


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    ladykat Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Happy Purrsday and warm orb hugs, boops and bumps to all. When Yum Yum wants her box cleaned, she sits by it and screams until it is done. She usually wants it cleaned every time she goes. Such is life with a mouthy Siamese.

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    myork06  about 7 years ago

    In the last panel, I thought the man was making faces with his hand to amuse Elvis but then after looking at it several times, I realized that he was putting on the other glove. I need to grab some hot chocolate to wake up this morning.

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    Serendewi  about 7 years ago

    I don’t know how you do it, Georgia, but Elvis in the last panel looks (and sounds) exactly like my oldest daughter! She makes that noise and and drops her head exactly the same way when life has been too much for her teenage self.

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    Kitty Katz  about 7 years ago

    I wouldn’t hold Elvis responsible for anything he might do right now.

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    pekenpug  about 7 years ago

    OMG, Poor Elvis! His expressions and body language are exquisite , not to mention the whole strip is perfect! (and for some reason I need to go every time I look at it)

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  28. Ruke toe
    miscreant  about 7 years ago

    Definitely need more than one litter box. Elvis may come unglued. I clean one box at a time as not to disrupt potty time.

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  29. Triumph
    Daeder  about 7 years ago

    This is why I have two sets of litter boxes. I always put fresh litter in the clean boxes before dumping and cleaning the dirty ones.

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  30. Bear2
    johovey  about 7 years ago

    I know why the man is smiling. He has the company of the most entertaining felines! How fun are they! I would smile too while I was cleaning the litterbox if I were being supervised like that. :D

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  31. Poor elbis
    Maizing  about 7 years ago

    This arc is reminding me of something I saw on Quora recently. I suspect that this was a troll question though, because I can’t believe that anyone could be so stupid (and I have a pretty low opinion of the intelligence of the average human).

    Anyway, the question was asked how to train a cat to use a litter box that does not have any litter in it. The person asking said that they had a kitten that had been trained to use a litter box, but they didn’t want to buy litter every month, so they wanted it to just use an empty box. They said that the kitten was peeing in the box, but was pooping in the middle of their kitchen floor.

    This presents me with another reason to believe this was a troll question. I can believe that the poor kitten was pooping on the kitchen floor, but am skeptical of the claim that it was peeing in the empty box.

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    BillJackson1  about 7 years ago

    I dunno… I had a cat once that was paper trained, apparently on brown paper grocery bags (this was before they became extinct in most places). She would poop in the litter box, but insisted that she pee on the paper bag (folding up the edges made a shallow pan out of the bag). If there was no bag available, she used the kitchen floor. But anyway, it’s either a troll or a goon to be so… lets say dim. Cats prefer to bury it, and I’ve never had trouble training a kitten ot use a litter box.

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Dried? I have special towels I set aside to wipe the pan clean. (They then go through the laundry so they’ll be decent for next time.)

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    lalybarger  about 7 years ago

    Hi everyone in the Orb. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and kind thoughts during the past weeks, Allie went over the Rainbow Bridge peacefully with me petting her and letting her know that she was loved as she went. I know she was ready to go. I will miss her but it was for the best. Orb bumps to all of you.

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  35. Picture 7 banjogordy crp 100
    Banjo Gordy Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Is man making a glove face in last panel? To amuse Elvis?

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  36. Aslan avatar
    Aslan Balaur  about 6 years ago

    I’d like to sing poor Elvis a song:

    “The tide is high but I’m holding onI’m really gonna go number oneI’m not the kind of cat who gives up just like thatOh, no”

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  37. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 1 year ago

    Top/Back of Cat Head.

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    Lupin of B.C.N  9 months ago

    Why does Puck have a lisp?

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