Gilda Radner once sang a song titled “Never Tell an Alligator ‘Bite My Sn****’” Not bad advice. So Jake cowers in trash cans when it’s topsiders, but goes all Clint Eastwood behind a desk? Flask had her trusty zero gun for such situations, maybe Jake keeps an armed rat in a desk drawer?
Wednesday, someone had the poor taste by using the word Antifa to comment on Endtown. I guess it’s my turn to show even more poor taste by trying to respond to that comment. //
I do not have a history for the word, Antifa, nor do I care. I do know that, until Charlottesville, I had never heard the word. And now, it appears to have grown and taken on a life of its own. //
The problem is perception. And the perception is, to be Antifa is every bit as bad, even more so, than those we oppose. You know, folks like Nazis, the KKK, and even Communists, if you think about it. That somehow, to take a stand, however feeble, against these so very anti-American people and ideas, makes us worse than the very people we oppose. //
And rightly ought to oppose. //
My father-in-law fought in World War II. He fought the very people that we are talking about. I guess that makes him Antifa. //
God bless him. //
Four generations in New Mexico, yet, my father-in-law’s children will still get challenged from time to time, “Where are your green cards?” His family didn’t cross the border legally or illegally; the United States border crossed over them in one of our many Mexican wars. //
But too many don’t know the difference. //
Since a natural born citizen doesn’t get a green card, what’s a Spanish looking, Spanish speaking person supposed to carry? Birth certificates? Sheriffs will claim that they’re forged. National citizenship card? We already know that state drivers’ licenses and identification cards won’t do. //
And if Hispanics have to carry a national ID card, shouldn’t the rest of us have to, as well? I mean, how do we know if an English speaking Anglo isn’t an illegal immigrant from Canada? //
It saddens me tremendously that to want to fight against racism, one party rule, and supremacy of a
It saddens me tremendously that to want to fight against racism, one party rule, and supremacy of any flavor, as Walt Kelly once famously said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”
Lucas is looking seriously unhinged here – makes me wonder if there’s some sort of reverse schism-syndrome thing?
Schism-syndrome seems to be caused by a mutant failing to accept their mutated status and losing their mind because of it, but overembracing it the way Jackrabbit wanted seems pretty dangerous and unhealthy too.
And as cool as Jackrabbit’s being (it’s high time someone told Lucas just how horrible he is) I can’t feel too hopeful – this is the man who won his position through destabilizing Endtown through plants, lies and using civilians as props. If he comes out on top there’s no guarantee it’ll be best for the town or its people.
Lucas is a predator like a stapler is a predator. You get bit if you’re not paying attention, but that’s it. On the other hand, what we’re seeing here is standard canine intimidation techniques when backed into a corner. Lucas has “cur” written all over him. Not “Cujo.”
Sorry for repeating myself, but the truth is hard, kids:
Why is it so hard for some to understand why many people dislike Antifa? The problem with Antifa isn’t that it’s against facism. Any sane person would also be against facism. The problem is how Antifa defines facism.
The problem is that Antifa calls anyone who is on the right to Stalin and Karl Marx a facist. THAT’S the problem. Facists are dangerous, but anyone who dares to say something like “capitalism is better than communism” or try to advocate that people should face due proccess to prevent witch hunts or, in fact, say any innocuous argument that left wingers disagree will automatcally be labelled a facist.
Antifa members refuse to study history or pick a dictionary for the matter.
While i’m no fan of street fighting, and would never go about in a black hoodie & wielding a cudgel, i don’t think i’d cross the street to prevent a neo-nazi from getting his butt kicked in.
Saddest thing about the current Antifa groups is that they are giving these loudmouthed losers the attention they crave.
“I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.” -G.B.Shaw.
I think this was brought up back in the reptile colony arc, but their animal traits are NOT heritable. The animal you mutate into is supposed to be random, for all he knows this wolf guy’s son could come out a hamster, a giraffe, a lion, or literally ANYTHING. In context of Endtown’s world a species supremacist movement leads not only to mass murder and ethnic cleansing, but also infanticide. As hard as it is to believe, Racism is actually FAR worse in this world than it is in ours.Also don’t forget how much mayor Bunny has a hand in that…
We hunans were prey once. One picked up and used a stone to beat a predator to death. Predator or prey depends on which end of the weapon is aiming at you.
Talked to Aaron last night and every single one of you are wrong. The script for this arc was written back in 2014, so you’re reading into any modern analogies or parallels. Sorry.
He’s going to address this in between this arc and the next (about 2 months from now). Everybody take a step back and calm down.
With respect to Shon Howell, above, that this story was written back in 2014, well, all I can say is, we sure don’t learn much from history because we seem to keep repeating it!
I understand that many may have been offended by my comment above (about antifa). I want to offer an apology, but I also want to pose a question (and I may be restating what I said above): Again, I am not into the history of the word, antifa, but it sure looks like anyone who opposes Nazis is now automatically labeled as antifa. (I also happen to think that this question is central to what is going on in Endtown, as well) If being againstNazis is to be considered worse than the Nazis, then just what are we supposed to do? Just sit back and let them carry their torches? (In Endtown, the answer was easy: Call out the rats!)
What the vast majority of ANTIFA does, they don’t make a lot of noise about.
The big thing now is to infiltrate Alt-Right and other White Nationalist groups and spy on them.They then usually pass the information to other organizations and Law Enforcement.It is a very loos group of loose groups.
There fore you will end up with members that will get overly enthusiastic about what they are doing.Those are the ones we see getting out of hand at counter protests.
If you look them up on the internet, be careful about where you get your information. There are lots of Alt-Right sites that are not overtly racist on first viewing that attack ANTIFA by shining the worst possible light on them.
Are they perfect? No, nothing is.
Do they serve a purpose in standing against the evil that is Whitepower movements? No doubt in my mind that they do.
I’ve said it before… A lot of people in Endtown are acting the way they think their animal bases are supposed to act, not how the animals act in reality. Just as their forms are based on cartoon animals, they act the way those animals act in cartoons, or comic books, or whatever other media the fictional animal form came from. Holly thought mice were supposed to like cheese, so she behaved accordingly. Lucas thinks wolves are top of the food chain and “lower” animals in the chain should fear them, but that’s the case in 1950s Warner cartoons, not nature. People are prejudiced against themselves because of how they look as much as other people, but however they look, they’re still human.
Predator, indeed… Lucas is nothing more than a bully. While he’s not very intimidating, he uses his way with words to get his way, and Heaven help anyone who is against him.
He went completely over Dottie’s head, corrupting what should have been a paper about anti-prejudice. As a result, a good lawyer was publicly murdered, a seamstress was driven to suicide, and every wolf in Endtown that has not been killed by Security is hiding for their lives. Does any of that really matter to him? Nope. Not a bit.
This delusional fool thinks he’s some kind of hero. And now, he’s trying to intimidate a rabbit who has the power to summon gun-toting rats that will have no qualms using him as target practice.
Lucas has so much growing-up to do, it’s not even funny. Makes me wonder how intimidating he’ll feel once he realizes what a fool he’s been all this time.
Aaron, I want to tell you again how much I love your art-style and your drawing, how you give us the essence of the emotions you are portraying. the one with the l settle of s raving wolf and the very picture of a clever rabbit who can give the perfect answer.
The problem is fundamental to human nature. Lack of education, or more precisely lack of knowledge opens us all up to becoming the victims of that dread disease, ISM. Be it Communism or Nazism or Fascism or Racism or Trumpism or Antifaism, these concepts prey on the spirit of mankind, reducing our empathy and understanding to levels bordering on that of beasts. We are beings of a dual nature. We cannot destroy the evils that exist because they are a part of us and we cannot destroy ourselves. To defeat our base nature, we must acknowledge it exists and then embrace our nobler selves. We must study our history and find within it the great thoughts and philosophies that show respect to our fellow man. We are all in this world together, and it is only through our shared experience that we can move into the future. – Thus endith the lesson.
I don’t suppose we could be lucky and the two of them will just rip each other to shreds? No it’s never really that easy is it. Either way I have a sneaking suspicion someone’s going to have a case of Schism Syndrome- Real or Fabricated I’d imagine that’s up to the Jackrabbit.
Am I the only one here who’s been bitten by a rabbit? Incisors that cross, and rip back out? It was decades ago, and I still get the shudders thing about it. Nasty bite.
DADOF3 about 7 years ago
Gilda Radner once sang a song titled “Never Tell an Alligator ‘Bite My Sn****’” Not bad advice. So Jake cowers in trash cans when it’s topsiders, but goes all Clint Eastwood behind a desk? Flask had her trusty zero gun for such situations, maybe Jake keeps an armed rat in a desk drawer?
mddshubby2005 about 7 years ago
WHO was it again that wanted everyone to accept their animal natures a couple of story arcs ago??? I guess that doesn’t apply to the food chain…
salenstormwing about 7 years ago
Oh, tooth & claw. Not exactly effective against things like kevlar body armor and hollow-point bullets and disintegrating zero guns….
Cheapskate0 about 7 years ago
Wednesday, someone had the poor taste by using the word Antifa to comment on Endtown. I guess it’s my turn to show even more poor taste by trying to respond to that comment. //
I do not have a history for the word, Antifa, nor do I care. I do know that, until Charlottesville, I had never heard the word. And now, it appears to have grown and taken on a life of its own. //
The problem is perception. And the perception is, to be Antifa is every bit as bad, even more so, than those we oppose. You know, folks like Nazis, the KKK, and even Communists, if you think about it. That somehow, to take a stand, however feeble, against these so very anti-American people and ideas, makes us worse than the very people we oppose. //
And rightly ought to oppose. //
My father-in-law fought in World War II. He fought the very people that we are talking about. I guess that makes him Antifa. //
God bless him. //
Four generations in New Mexico, yet, my father-in-law’s children will still get challenged from time to time, “Where are your green cards?” His family didn’t cross the border legally or illegally; the United States border crossed over them in one of our many Mexican wars. //
But too many don’t know the difference. //
Since a natural born citizen doesn’t get a green card, what’s a Spanish looking, Spanish speaking person supposed to carry? Birth certificates? Sheriffs will claim that they’re forged. National citizenship card? We already know that state drivers’ licenses and identification cards won’t do. //
And if Hispanics have to carry a national ID card, shouldn’t the rest of us have to, as well? I mean, how do we know if an English speaking Anglo isn’t an illegal immigrant from Canada? //
It saddens me tremendously that to want to fight against racism, one party rule, and supremacy of a
Cheapskate0 about 7 years ago
It saddens me tremendously that to want to fight against racism, one party rule, and supremacy of any flavor, as Walt Kelly once famously said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”
sailorbeefcake about 7 years ago
Lucas is looking seriously unhinged here – makes me wonder if there’s some sort of reverse schism-syndrome thing?
Schism-syndrome seems to be caused by a mutant failing to accept their mutated status and losing their mind because of it, but overembracing it the way Jackrabbit wanted seems pretty dangerous and unhealthy too.
And as cool as Jackrabbit’s being (it’s high time someone told Lucas just how horrible he is) I can’t feel too hopeful – this is the man who won his position through destabilizing Endtown through plants, lies and using civilians as props. If he comes out on top there’s no guarantee it’ll be best for the town or its people.
Ida No about 7 years ago
Lucas is a predator like a stapler is a predator. You get bit if you’re not paying attention, but that’s it. On the other hand, what we’re seeing here is standard canine intimidation techniques when backed into a corner. Lucas has “cur” written all over him. Not “Cujo.”
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Lucas what a typical street thug. Which is why we have laws and police to enforce them.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 7 years ago
Never screw with a bunny. Especially if the bunny has poison fangs.
angelusalvus about 7 years ago
Sorry for repeating myself, but the truth is hard, kids:
Why is it so hard for some to understand why many people dislike Antifa? The problem with Antifa isn’t that it’s against facism. Any sane person would also be against facism. The problem is how Antifa defines facism.
The problem is that Antifa calls anyone who is on the right to Stalin and Karl Marx a facist. THAT’S the problem. Facists are dangerous, but anyone who dares to say something like “capitalism is better than communism” or try to advocate that people should face due proccess to prevent witch hunts or, in fact, say any innocuous argument that left wingers disagree will automatcally be labelled a facist.
Antifa members refuse to study history or pick a dictionary for the matter.
Feli about 7 years ago
The last panel had me absolutely giggling. Mostly because I swear it’s something I would do.
gigagrouch about 7 years ago
While i’m no fan of street fighting, and would never go about in a black hoodie & wielding a cudgel, i don’t think i’d cross the street to prevent a neo-nazi from getting his butt kicked in.
Saddest thing about the current Antifa groups is that they are giving these loudmouthed losers the attention they crave.
“I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.” -G.B.Shaw.
Shazzaron about 7 years ago
Careful Jacob, the whole encouraging people to embrace their animal identities could come back to indeed bite you on the backside.
yangeldf about 7 years ago
I think this was brought up back in the reptile colony arc, but their animal traits are NOT heritable. The animal you mutate into is supposed to be random, for all he knows this wolf guy’s son could come out a hamster, a giraffe, a lion, or literally ANYTHING. In context of Endtown’s world a species supremacist movement leads not only to mass murder and ethnic cleansing, but also infanticide. As hard as it is to believe, Racism is actually FAR worse in this world than it is in ours.Also don’t forget how much mayor Bunny has a hand in that…
Vet Premium Member about 7 years ago
We hunans were prey once. One picked up and used a stone to beat a predator to death. Predator or prey depends on which end of the weapon is aiming at you.
RDT64 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Ok, I know how he got into power but right now I’m on the Bunny’s side…
Shon Howell about 7 years ago
Talked to Aaron last night and every single one of you are wrong. The script for this arc was written back in 2014, so you’re reading into any modern analogies or parallels. Sorry.
He’s going to address this in between this arc and the next (about 2 months from now). Everybody take a step back and calm down.
Cheapskate0 about 7 years ago
With respect to Shon Howell, above, that this story was written back in 2014, well, all I can say is, we sure don’t learn much from history because we seem to keep repeating it!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
Ironically real wolves would have no such thoughts of “superior” and “inferior” that would be totally human and grotesquely egotistical.
Cheapskate0 about 7 years ago
I understand that many may have been offended by my comment above (about antifa). I want to offer an apology, but I also want to pose a question (and I may be restating what I said above): Again, I am not into the history of the word, antifa, but it sure looks like anyone who opposes Nazis is now automatically labeled as antifa. (I also happen to think that this question is central to what is going on in Endtown, as well) If being against Nazis is to be considered worse than the Nazis, then just what are we supposed to do? Just sit back and let them carry their torches? (In Endtown, the answer was easy: Call out the rats!)
Urbane Gorilla about 7 years ago
Just had a thought: Lucas’s newspaper, the Daily Fang is reminiscent of the Daily Stormer.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 7 years ago
What the vast majority of ANTIFA does, they don’t make a lot of noise about.
The big thing now is to infiltrate Alt-Right and other White Nationalist groups and spy on them.They then usually pass the information to other organizations and Law Enforcement.It is a very loos group of loose groups.
There fore you will end up with members that will get overly enthusiastic about what they are doing.Those are the ones we see getting out of hand at counter protests.
If you look them up on the internet, be careful about where you get your information. There are lots of Alt-Right sites that are not overtly racist on first viewing that attack ANTIFA by shining the worst possible light on them.
Are they perfect? No, nothing is.
Do they serve a purpose in standing against the evil that is Whitepower movements? No doubt in my mind that they do.
Coyoty Premium Member about 7 years ago
I’ve said it before… A lot of people in Endtown are acting the way they think their animal bases are supposed to act, not how the animals act in reality. Just as their forms are based on cartoon animals, they act the way those animals act in cartoons, or comic books, or whatever other media the fictional animal form came from. Holly thought mice were supposed to like cheese, so she behaved accordingly. Lucas thinks wolves are top of the food chain and “lower” animals in the chain should fear them, but that’s the case in 1950s Warner cartoons, not nature. People are prejudiced against themselves because of how they look as much as other people, but however they look, they’re still human.
Robert Nowall Premium Member about 7 years ago
Someone tell the wolf he’s not a wolf or a predator—-he’s a human being, a plains ape, mutated and deformed till he looks the way he does now.
Dragoncat about 7 years ago
Predator, indeed… Lucas is nothing more than a bully. While he’s not very intimidating, he uses his way with words to get his way, and Heaven help anyone who is against him.
He went completely over Dottie’s head, corrupting what should have been a paper about anti-prejudice. As a result, a good lawyer was publicly murdered, a seamstress was driven to suicide, and every wolf in Endtown that has not been killed by Security is hiding for their lives. Does any of that really matter to him? Nope. Not a bit.
This delusional fool thinks he’s some kind of hero. And now, he’s trying to intimidate a rabbit who has the power to summon gun-toting rats that will have no qualms using him as target practice.
Lucas has so much growing-up to do, it’s not even funny. Makes me wonder how intimidating he’ll feel once he realizes what a fool he’s been all this time.
pam Miner about 7 years ago
Aaron, I want to tell you again how much I love your art-style and your drawing, how you give us the essence of the emotions you are portraying. the one with the l settle of s raving wolf and the very picture of a clever rabbit who can give the perfect answer.
Radical Gopher about 7 years ago
The problem is fundamental to human nature. Lack of education, or more precisely lack of knowledge opens us all up to becoming the victims of that dread disease, ISM. Be it Communism or Nazism or Fascism or Racism or Trumpism or Antifaism, these concepts prey on the spirit of mankind, reducing our empathy and understanding to levels bordering on that of beasts. We are beings of a dual nature. We cannot destroy the evils that exist because they are a part of us and we cannot destroy ourselves. To defeat our base nature, we must acknowledge it exists and then embrace our nobler selves. We must study our history and find within it the great thoughts and philosophies that show respect to our fellow man. We are all in this world together, and it is only through our shared experience that we can move into the future. – Thus endith the lesson.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
“The problem is fundamental to human nature.” That sums up what every drama you can think of up to and including “End Town”.
ganhammer64 about 7 years ago
I think I know what he’s doing, it’s a test of sorts, if he attacks everyone will know it was a wolf and it’ll all go downhill from there.
Tue Elung-Jensen about 7 years ago
This is going to be interesting.
Grey Light about 7 years ago
I starting to think that it maybe wasn’t such a good idea to let him in without cuffs (or a muzzle).
DarthAWQ about 7 years ago
I don’t suppose we could be lucky and the two of them will just rip each other to shreds? No it’s never really that easy is it. Either way I have a sneaking suspicion someone’s going to have a case of Schism Syndrome- Real or Fabricated I’d imagine that’s up to the Jackrabbit.
hawgowar about 7 years ago
He-he-he, at least the Aaron got people thinking with this one.
Casting_Fool about 7 years ago
Am I the only one here who’s been bitten by a rabbit? Incisors that cross, and rip back out? It was decades ago, and I still get the shudders thing about it. Nasty bite.
Casting_Fool about 7 years ago
“thing” = “thinking”
coffeeturtle about 7 years ago
Makes you wonder what these two men would’ve looked like before becoming anthropomorphic characters….
surfstuff55 over 5 years ago
Jenner and Aaron have to stop riffing on each other. I can see Mary saying this!