Pickles by Brian Crane for February 06, 2018

  1. Gedc0251
    Charliegirl Premium Member about 7 years ago

    That’s the way I feel about those checkout stations, too. If they want me to bag my own danged groceries, then I should get a discount for doing it.

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 7 years ago

    Gee, what sort of “unexpected” item would be in the bagging area?

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  3. Mouseanim
    Ratbrat  about 7 years ago

    That would be Earl.

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  4. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 7 years ago

    I have only used one once and it likely would have come to that except for my son’s assistance. And they wonder where the jobs have gone! When was the last time you called a doctor’s office or a company and got a real human being?

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  5. Chubby
    Grace Premium Member about 7 years ago

    We hate those things! We feel the prices reflect getting help checking out and we’re darned well going to get help.

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    clayusmcret Premium Member about 7 years ago

    When stores start giving me a discount for checking myself out I’ll use them. Otherwise, unless in a drastic hurry with an item even a machine can’t screw up, I’ll let them do it.

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  7. Wolfietaroriginal
    Lycanthrope  about 7 years ago

    Those machines are self-service done in the worst possible way.

    Zappy guns are, so far, the only self-service I’ve ever used that’s actually good.

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    cubswin2016  about 7 years ago

    Earl is the dumb one if he is yelling at robots.

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  9. Dolphin
    Gamboa Dolphin  about 7 years ago

    My lovely wife keeps walking as we go through the self checkout. I find its the only way I can get the last word in. Even at my “old age” it makes me feel good I can move faster than a computer.

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  10. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  about 7 years ago

    …and Earl can’t go to the store any more.

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  11. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  about 7 years ago

    My wife is always complaining that I take longer to do something than she expected, but then, at least between the two of us, I suspect her estimates are way off.

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    pcolli  about 7 years ago

    Every time I’ve used one of those things, it’s stopped working and I’ve had to take my stuff to another checkout, which also stopped working.

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    Diat60  about 7 years ago

    Earl’s not so dumb! He got just what he wanted.

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    jpayne4040  about 7 years ago

    The first time I used one 12 years ago, I got so enraged at it the store clerk had to talk me out of getting one of their hammers and smashing the thing. I still hate those things now even though I’ll usually use it.

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  15. Little b
    Dani Rice  about 7 years ago

    “Efficiency experts” have determined that self checkout lines are actually slower if you have a large order. (One or two items do go faster.) The fact that you are busy doing something, instead of standing and watching the clerk, make it seem as if they are going more quickly.

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    indysteve9  about 7 years ago

    Yeah, those self check out lanes don’t save time, they just save the store money because they don’t have to hire more check out clerks.

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  17. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 7 years ago

    I hated those things when I lived in the States because I felt that they were designed to lower the number of store employees and not help the customer.

    Thank goodness, they haven’t caught on in Ecuador. The large supermarkets still have grocery baggers, who cheerfully, not only pack all your groceries but take them out, and put them in your car or a taxi – for free !

    Gasoline stations still have employees who fill your tank, and ( if asked ) will gladly check your oil, water & tire pressure.

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    sfreader1  about 7 years ago

    I have used a self checkout, but only if there are just one or two items. If I have a coupon, then I will not. I tried using a coupon once and could not get it to scan. Had to flag down one of those “minders” to get it done, and she had trouble too.

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  19. Can flag
    Alberta Oil  about 7 years ago

    We.. should all boycott the whole concept of self serve. Our economy works only so long as there are workers that get paid.

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  20. Large screen shot 2020 04 25 at 12.52.24 pm
    juneybug  about 7 years ago

    Self-serve civilization is a graceless waste of time. We redeem mammon only by adding the Christian element of human contact: the smile; the “how are you;” the “thank you;” the “you’re welcome;” the “have a good day.”

    The sheer horror of how base we have become hit me on Christmas Eve when I finished paying the self-serve gas pump. In an act of high treason against “The Machine,” I walked all the way into the store and stood in line, not to buy anything, but just for the privilege of wishing the clerk a “Merry Christmas” and allowing him to do the same for him.

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    forsyth  about 7 years ago

    I always feel like the checkout monitor thinks I’m trying to steal something at the self checkout.

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  22. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member about 7 years ago

    At Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart you don’t even have to go through self checkout. Just scan each item with your phone as you shop and pay on the app. Jobs are not lost because it frees up people for stocking, organizing and customer service.

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    msprecious  about 7 years ago

    Next they’ll want us to stock the shelves for them.

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    Jack Bell Premium Member about 7 years ago

    I’m glad for all of you who don’t like the self checks. That means there is more likely one going to be open for me and I can get out of there quicker.

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    Jack Bell Premium Member about 7 years ago

    I’m glad for all of you who don’t like the self checks. That means there is more likely one going to be open for me and I can get out of there quicker.

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  26. 1946 dawn
    Thechildinme  about 7 years ago

    The only benefit I see for using the self-checkout aisle is that you don’t have an obviously ill human checker sneezing, coughing, and wiping their nose on their sleeve, while handling every item you’re purchasing, then bagging each and handing you the bag. Especially with this flu outbreak, if at all possible, I avoid human checkers and get in and out of the store as fast as possible. Once back in my car, hand sanitizer is the only weapon of choice and I wipe grocery items with antibacterial wipes when I get home!

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    joefearsnothing  about 7 years ago

    I have been guilty of talking to the “robot”…and not in a nice way!

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    yubi  about 7 years ago

    I love self-checkout maybe because I cashiered for 10 years and know what I’m doing. I don’t like stores that don’t have them.

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  29. Lucyfurr100x100 large large
    fuzzybritches Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Well played, Earl.

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  30. Cgc
    chain gang charlie  about 7 years ago

    Will never use that “Convenience” again. One took my money and refused to give change. Took the store 45 minutes to get it working again and give me my change for a twenty….was about 18 bucks and I wanted it. No one would just give me the change out of the till….Home-depotno change no brainsnever again….

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  31. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  about 7 years ago

    Clearly Opal should program the automated checkout bot.

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    Number Three  about 7 years ago

    I love self service checkouts. A great invention in my opinion.


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    helengg  about 7 years ago

    It IS largely a “Senior problem” but don’t worry, your time will come.

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  34. Bobbyavatar
    Saddenedby Premium Member about 7 years ago

    ding! – on screen – sorry please scan again – ding! – sorry please scan again – ding! – sorry please scan again – did you put the item in the bag? – please call for assistance! – just look at self checkout supervisor and shrug my shoulders – “hmmm sorry sir, let me fix it for you” – ding! – sorry please scan again – “hmmmm well that didn’t work” – “let me try my scan card again” – ding! sorry please scan again – hmmmm, “hey, Jack you got your card with you? – thanks, try to scan this item” – ding! – “yep, now it’s working!” – big smile – screen text – did you put the item in the bag? – “what the?” – “here sir, let me do it at this other station” – ding! sorry please scan again – hmmmm, “let’s try it one more time!” – ding – total is $3.47 – “great!” – ding! – please use cash, credit card or ebt card – insert my bank account chipped use every day bank card that never ever has been rejected for anything ever! – ding! – please use cash, credit card or ebt card – insert my bank account chipped use every day bank card that never has been rejected for anything ever! – ding! – please use cash, credit card or ebt card – “I’m sorry sir.” – “No problem I will put in my five dollar bill” (my first and only words during this whole transaction) – please take your change – no change visible – I look at self checkout supervisor and raise my eyebrows – “so sorry sir, I will get your change for you”. elapsed time 20 minutes. as I leave the store my wife shakes her head and says “only you!” as the SCS calls out a cheery “have a good day sir!” and no I am not making this up. Two weeks ago at a Wallymart.(for you that have a wonderful time using these insane, no time saving devices that ever existed – great – for the rest of us in a world filled with no interaction, text the person standing next to you, no discussion/interaction at the dinner table, coffee shop, or seemingly anywhere else anymore – please enjoy :)

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    Stychen Tyme  about 7 years ago

    Self-service = no service.

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    Wichita1.0  about 7 years ago

    A weekly experience. I blame global warming…or something else beyond my control.

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  37. Icon2
    Wichita1.0  about 7 years ago

    Or maybe society? Tight socks?

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  38. Icon2
    Wichita1.0  about 7 years ago

    Or maybe society? Tight socks?

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  39. Flowers pininterest
    whenlifewassimpler  about 7 years ago
    We had issues with one at K-Mart and same with one of the grocery stores; hence our decision to never use them again! I have even heard store personnel say the same thing!
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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Self checkout for introverts only. I talk back to the thing too but only when it gives me attitude. I don’t like it’s tone when I don’t set an item down fast enough but when I set the thing down and it is not heavy enough to regster the darn computer is really snippy.

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    morgankhat  about 7 years ago

    Having dealt with computers for almost 30 years, I have an innate aversion to using poorly designed user interfaces. Self check out lanes are among the worst.

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