For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 06, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 7 years ago


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  2. Dragon
    Asharah  almost 7 years ago

    Elizabeth, you are in big trouble!

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  almost 7 years ago

    Like taking candy from a baby. Valuable lesson learned. Now if you still want it, dig for it in the snow.

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    alondra  almost 7 years ago

    This doesn’t look right. Milk in Canada is sold in bags. You get a plastic bag with 3 small plastic bags of milk that you put into a plastic pitcher type thing and snip off the end to pour it. So how did Lizzy break all 3 of those plastic bag things?

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    capricorn9th  almost 7 years ago

    I never could understand kids like Liz – tossing around bags. My boys knew better than to do that because they knew it annoyed me. Hold the bags the normal way. Well, no use crying over spilled milk. Elly will ask her where the milk is. Looking forward to what she will say to that.

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    Rosette  almost 7 years ago

    In the grand scheme of things, Lizzie ruining the milk is such a small deal. At least it wasn’t something expensive, like a vase or a dress.

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    Sisu60  almost 7 years ago

    wouldn’t of happen if she asked for paper

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    dlkrueger33  almost 7 years ago

    How in the world did a cardboard container of milk break like that? Unless it was glass. Do Canadians still use glass?

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  9. Bicycle
    Ian Treloar  almost 7 years ago

    I looks like the handle tore away from the rest of the bag, and the bag was traveling at some speed. Even a carton could split open at speed if it impacts something hard and at the right angle, and it doesn’t look like broken glass. But in the end it doesn’t matter exactly how it broke open; it’s a story and what happens in relation to Lizzie is what will count.

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  10. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator almost 7 years ago

    There goes yesterday’s happy ending.

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  11. Littloopy
    A R V reader  almost 7 years ago

    Shouldn’t have spent the change right away, it could’ve bought more milk.

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    john  almost 7 years ago

    When I was 12 my mother sent me to an unfamiliar store for a quart of milk. All the bottles had the same unfamiliar word on them, so I just picked one at random. When I got back, Mother was “severely disappointed” with me because the cream was not separated, so she could not use it in the sauce she had planned to make. That was our first exposure to the word “homogenized”.

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    john  almost 7 years ago

    When I was 12 my mother sent me to an unfamiliar store for a quart of milk. All the bottles had the same unfamiliar word on them, so I just picked one at random. When I got back, Mother was “severely disappointed” with me because the cream was not separated, so she could not use it in the sauce she had planned to make. That was our first exposure to the word “homogenized”.

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    USN1977  almost 7 years ago

    As a teenager I worked in a convenience store. One customer dropped a bag and broke the milk container (but this lady had not been lackadaisical like Elizabeth). I cleaned up the mess and gave her another one on the house.

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    Egrayjames  almost 7 years ago

    When I was about Elizabeth’s age my mother brought home a plastic bottle of shampoo. It was the first clear “unbreakable plastic” bottle I had ever seen….said so right on the bottle. I purposefully threw it to the floor. It didn’t break, but split wide open. Lesson learned. Didn’t do it again…and Elizabeth will be more careful next time.

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    Alberta Oil  almost 7 years ago

    Stores are using cheaper plastic.. don’t even have to swing it to have a bag fail. All part of a plot to force you to use / buy cloth bags.

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  17. Bearfront
    paranormal  almost 7 years ago

    Elizabeth learned a lesson that will stay with her for the rest of her life. Like me lighting a sparkler in the house when I was six or seven years old. It set a table cloth on fire and I had to buy a replacement.

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    summerdog86  almost 7 years ago

    I’ve seen plastic jugs of milk set on the car to put the rest of the groceries in, and the milk jug either slides off the car and explodes, or they drive away with it on the roof …same ending.

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    kodj kodjin  almost 7 years ago

    She was just being a happy, trouble free, kid; go easy on her.

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    Alphaomega  almost 7 years ago

    I seem to remember this strip from the past year or so,or one similar to it.At any rate,Liz will have some “splainin” to do when she gets home.

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    Satchel,Koko,LDL,Kenny  almost 7 years ago

    The talk about milk in bags reminded me of something completely off the topic. Anyone remember when margarine first came out, some had a yellow dot in it that you had to knead into the stuff to make it look like butter?

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  22. Dragon
    Asharah  almost 7 years ago

    Somebody on Etiquette Hell talked about being their Mom’s helper at the grocery store when they were Elizabeth’s age. The family had 6 kids and she was in charge of getting things like milk, bread, eggs from a list, while her mother picked out the produce & meat. So there she is one day, loading up on the milk and this woman walks up and asks “Little girl, does your mother know what your doing?” She show the woman the list with “7 gallons of milk, 5 dozen eggs etc.” Woman asks if they have guests, kid says no, that’s what they buy every week.

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    Train 1911  almost 7 years ago

    She sweet little girl was told get milk from store on her way home she broke the container and in this she learned responsibility and hope family anger dose not take this away

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