Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 05, 2018

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 7 years ago

    Older not wiser.

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  2. Godzilla  i of the storm by adiraiju d4r0ysf
    Adiraiju  almost 7 years ago

    “You know, I vote… aren’t you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt?”-Bill Murray, I forget the movie.

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    Varnes  almost 7 years ago

    I hear they’re the moderates from the original “I’m going to keep your ball party.” Personally, I wouldn’t mess with kids these days….They’re young, very intelligent and they have a lot of energy…. and they’re pissed….Follow or get out of the way….

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    Varnes  almost 7 years ago

    Oh, and no matter what some people say, they are the best educated generation in history. Believe it or not, most of them paid attention in class…..I’ve only been out of the classroom for two years, here’s a secret. They’re sandbaggers…They know more than they let on…..They talk in code….They’re actually inscrutable….On top of that, they know how everything works…..The best thing about them is that they judge people by their merits and how they act, and not much else when it comes right down to it…..

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  5. Desron14
    Masterskrain  almost 7 years ago

    Well, the last year HAS been a real boon for the Democrats…

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    dot-the-I  almost 7 years ago

    Not to mention the party’s casual dress code chasm.

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  7. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    This happens when your party agenda, ideals and goals are only defined for new voters by your opposition.

    They consider themselves well informed. They are told that they are smart for opposing your group. They know that they are too smart to ever be lied to. Yes… it is a Hat Trick.

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  8. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  almost 7 years ago

    Was a time having teens on your lawn meant they probably were cutting your grass to make money for something or other. Try finding many who do it that way today.

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    e.groves  almost 7 years ago

    G.O.P. Geezers Old Party.

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  10. Wailingandgnashing
    vics_machine Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    A man is drowning 100 feet from shore.

    The Republican throws out 50 feet of rope and yells, “swim to it”.

    The Democrat throws out 200 feet of rope, and walks away.

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  11. Great view up here
    comixbomix  almost 7 years ago

    It means, “stop treating voters like cattle”…

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  12. Desron14
    Masterskrain  almost 7 years ago

    To them, “Young” means anyone between 65 and death!

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    Sportymonk  almost 7 years ago

    Shame people can’t use their brain and vote according to the issue instead of blindly following the party like sheep. Imagine a person voting for a Democratic issue one time and a Republican issue next! Wow! Thinking? Unheard of, just follow the party. (I am an Independent BTW)

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    WCraft Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Miller brings it every day! Excellent!

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    sarah413 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Come senators, congressmen

    Please heed the call

    Don’t stand in the doorway

    Don’t block up the hall

    For he who gets hurt

    Will be he who has stalled

    There’s a battle outside

    And it’s ragin’

    It’ll soon shake your windows

    And rattle you halls

    For the times they are a changin’

    B. Dylan

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    booga  almost 7 years ago

    “The Rent Is Too Damn High” Party is my fave!

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    Varnes  almost 7 years ago

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  18. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 7 years ago


    Back in the ‘60s I did a couple of tours in Nam for Mr. Johnson’s war. I then went to Europe and was one of the folks who brought you Biafra.

    By the time I returned to the States in very late ‘69, I’d paid my dues and was, – to use the term of the time – a radical Vet. I became active in the VVAW and was part of the protests in D.C.

    While I was literally world’s apart from the “younger” generation of kids who were protesting, and disagreed ( at that time ) with dodging the draft, we still were trying to stop the same thing – needless carnage and the waste of young lives for spurious political ends.

    I am so reminded of myself and others like me when I see these young people protesting.

    Yes, the “times they are a changing” AGAIN !

    My hope and prayer, is that these bright young people succeed where we failed – not only ourselves but them. I don’t look at them with bafflement, or contempt and fear, but with understanding and pride in their willingness to stand up for what is right.

    They’re welcome on this old Irish curmudgeon’s lawn anytime !

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    TurbosDad  almost 7 years ago

    Bash the Millenials all you want. Yes, many are entitled whiners and used to being coddled (thank you Gen X and some of us Boomers) but I have found they are resilient and when they learn they are in the Real World now and their tantrums won’t go far they shape up, learn the lesson and apply themselves accordingly. I am hopeful and encouraged by this generation…

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    This is all fine, but I give you this as a caution when speaking of revolutions and other radical changes:

    Two guys walking down the street.

    First guy yells, “Yeah!! Come the revolution!” and pumps his fist up and down.

    Second guy yells, “Yeah!! Come the revolution!” and pumps his fist up and down too.

    First guy yells, “Yeah! Come the revolution, we are all going to eat strawberries!”

    Second guy doesn’t say anything. First guy turns his head and looks at him, and asks, “Whats the matter?”

    Second guy says, “Well, when I eat strawberries, I get this horrible, itchy rash with blisters and it lasts for a day or so. And I get stomach cramps, painful ones, and I vomit a lot. I can’t eat strawberries.”

    First guy shakes his head and says, "Tsk Tsk… Thats to bad, because come the revolution,


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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 7 years ago

    Not all revolutions are televised or violent. The one against our way of life is all around us. Charles Koch has been funding most of it since the 1980’s. What the Libertarians want. And some of what they don’t want. Charles’ autocratic nature has creeped into the equation. End the govt taxation, end welfare, end Social Security or put it into private hands. Look to Chilé for an example since 1973 of what they have in store for us. It is all around us and they are dedicated.

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    gsteele531  over 5 years ago

    And the Democrats will continue to struggle until they understand it’s not THEIR lawn.

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