Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 26, 2010

  1. Scan003
    LHPuttgrass  about 14 years ago

    You donā€™t need to refridgerize peanut butter.

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  2. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  about 14 years ago

    You do if itā€™s natural peanut butter, Puttgrass.

    It appears that many might pay to use the radio-groper.

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  3. Thegayphilosopher
    ButchInWaukegan  about 14 years ago

    TSA, keeping us safe, one absurdity after another.

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  4. Pirate smiley
    orfreebird  about 14 years ago

    You could market that pelvic radio-groper if you could get it to work with instant messaging.

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  5. Barnegat2
    annamargaret1866  about 14 years ago

    orfreebird, comments like yours are why I read the comments!

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  6. Plinyelder
    Tommy1733  about 14 years ago

    What is the man in the last panel hiding behind his back? Peanut butter? Mixed-berry jelly?

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  7. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  about 14 years ago

    Niceā€¦ tip of the hat for spotting the ā€œCaine Mutinyā€ parallels in the whole TSA debacleā€¦

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    DJGravityX  about 14 years ago

    Shouldnā€™t they have employed the peanut/jelly sniffing dogs first? Oh wait, I forgotā€¦ TSA. Sorry, I was thinking straight.

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  9. Angry baby
    drtom01  about 14 years ago

    Since people complain about the security just drop it. When an airplane gets blown out of the sky people will not think the security is so bad.

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    rhulshof Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Brilliantly done. Thanks for helping inspire my post today on The Solipsistic Me:

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    SmokyStover  about 14 years ago

    Unfortunately, there is no other way to make things secure. How do you think antivirus software gets developed? One virus at a time.

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  12. Bunnypancakehead
    DarkHorseSki  about 14 years ago

    Thatā€™s not right Smoky, not only is it not right when it comes to antivirus software, but it is also not right about security in general.

    Well done on this comic.

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    ponytail56  about 14 years ago

    lets grope little children because men between the ages of 20 and 35 are the age group of terrorists. oh yeah grope grandma too.

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  14. 1939 11 adventure neff
    Donaldo Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Since every single airplane terrorist is an extremist muslim, letā€™s only groin-grope muslims

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  15. Angry baby
    drtom01  about 14 years ago

    And you expect the extremist Muslim to identify themselves and not be like Richard Reed the shoe bomber, a white male. Also the PAN-AM flight over Scotland was destroyed when a white female carried a bomb on-board that she did not know was in her luggage.

    The bottom line is drop the security and when a plane is blown out of the sky just say to yourself at least they didnā€™t need to go through the hassle of security.

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  16. Avatar02
    jpozenel  about 14 years ago

    I for one, feel so much safer now!

    P.S. I havenā€™t flown in years.

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  17. Missing large
    tobybartels  about 14 years ago

    viri. (gotta love micro$haft spell checker - doesnā€™t recognize Latin plurals)

    To be fair, ā€˜viriā€™ is not actually the plural of ā€˜virusā€™, even in Latin. (It is the plural of ā€˜virā€™ in Latin and so means ā€˜menā€™.) In classical Latin, ā€˜virusā€™ is a mass noun and has no plural; the only accepted plural in English is ā€˜virusesā€™.

    At least you didnā€™t say ā€˜viriiā€™!

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