The Grizzwells by Bill Schorr for May 01, 2018

  1. Whatever  almost 7 years ago

 First time I see a topical political jab here. And a good one , too.

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    formathe  almost 7 years ago

    I wonder if all cartoonists are butthurt dems? As soon as an alleged comedian says “Trump” I shut it off. As soon as they start yelling, I shut it off. I wonder where all the good comedians went? Dead now I guess.

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  3. Egret chick
    Fontessa  almost 7 years ago


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    Nancy Blasch Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Please leave politics out of your cartoon. Actually, you’re not very good at it.

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  5. Watermelon avv
    car2ner  almost 7 years ago

    I tend to not want to see political editorial in my funnies, but this one did make me chuckle.

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    serial232  almost 7 years ago

    Who else is tired of the pathetic democrats that constantly shove their opinion down your throat. I loved to read this scrip the first thing each morning, now I doubt that I will look at it again. Trump, whether I voted for him or not, has been the greatest president that this country has ever had so far. I would like to point out womanizing JFK, who lied about Cuba, and why he threw us into Vietnam. I would like to point out Johnson, who was much worse than Trump when it came to sexually harassing women and having mistress’. Actually about the democrat in the last 150 years has been Jimmy Carter, who couldn’t do anything without permission from Roselyn. And don’t get me started about the republicans or I will be here all day.

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    JMG316  almost 7 years ago

    You, too Mr. Schorr?

    What Noah Boddie said #NoPoliticsInComics

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    ChattyFran  almost 7 years ago

    Mr. Schorr, don’t worry about those poor, easily offended Republicans who apparently also suffer from short-term memory loss. (“We never treated Obama like this
”) Your anti-Dump humor is much appreciated.

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  9. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 7 years ago

    Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. It could be a very important event, or not. Time will tell more than Gunther and Pierpoint will

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    CTew Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Let’s see, from 5+ lies a day to 6 to 6.5. Yeah, that really polishes America’s apple and makes us great again.

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