And then Minister Fudge (Corny to his pals) played the Get Out Of Azkaban Free card, passed Go, and bought Diagon Alley all in one unbelievable roll of the dice!
(best viewed by Google Chrome which can automatically translate most pages as necessary) has info and links that point to info about this roughly greeting card size painting.
Perhaps those who read German can find more about this artist, in addition to what’s indirectly pointed to by the above URL. I couldn’t, that Chrome could automatically translate, even with Google Translate added to chrome://extensions/. Auctions of his works sometimes list his year of death as 1900, others as late as 1919, with years in between. Maybe 1900 was the end of his active period, perhaps for medical reasons or whatever. Some list his middle name as Hermann, others, less frequently, list it as Friedrich, or, like here, no middle name at all. And, that his first name is the name of a month, also makes searching for biographical info about him difficult. In any event, this is the first work by him used here.
Again, a larger strip image is shown by clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #1953 (May 15, 2018) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 6 years ago
They were getting suspicious when they spotted Herman pulling cards out of his wig.
BE THIS GUY over 6 years ago
The INCEL support group of Bad Kreuznach tried to convince themselves that they did not need women to enjoy life.
Strob over 6 years ago
Second-worst strip poker game ever.
Egrayjames over 6 years ago
Poker night! When are we going to have a Chutes & Ladders night?
aerotica69 over 6 years ago
And then Minister Fudge (Corny to his pals) played the Get Out Of Azkaban Free card, passed Go, and bought Diagon Alley all in one unbelievable roll of the dice!
Csaw Backnforth over 6 years ago
Johann doing his Carnac impersonation.
Radish... over 6 years ago
Dogs playing poker are always funny.
rugeirn over 6 years ago
To judge by the proportions of the heads to the bodies and the bodies to the chairs, four little people got together to play cards.
Call me Ishmael over 6 years ago
“Who dealt this mess?”
Linguist over 6 years ago
Never, never play cards with a guy named Doc.
( And never eat at a place called Mom’s )
PoodleGroomer over 6 years ago
He would telepathically read his cards, bet, and win.
Snolep over 6 years ago
Mortimer made a life out of readin’ people’s faces. He knew what their cards were by the way they held their eyes.
J Short over 6 years ago
Shirts vs Blouses.
mabrndt Premium Member over 6 years ago
Playing Cards:
(best viewed by Google Chrome which can automatically translate most pages as necessary) has info and links that point to info about this roughly greeting card size painting.
Perhaps those who read German can find more about this artist, in addition to what’s indirectly pointed to by the above URL. I couldn’t, that Chrome could automatically translate, even with Google Translate added to chrome://extensions/. Auctions of his works sometimes list his year of death as 1900, others as late as 1919, with years in between. Maybe 1900 was the end of his active period, perhaps for medical reasons or whatever. Some list his middle name as Hermann, others, less frequently, list it as Friedrich, or, like here, no middle name at all. And, that his first name is the name of a month, also makes searching for biographical info about him difficult. In any event, this is the first work by him used here.
Again, a larger strip image is shown by clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #1953 (May 15, 2018) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment.
BillJackson1 over 6 years ago
The regular Friday night D&D group was amused at this new game called Magic, The Gathering…
MissScarlet Premium Member over 6 years ago
garcalej over 6 years ago
“I see…….Ace of Spades!!!”
“Real neat, Mort. Classy…….but you do realize you’re not supposed to tell us which cards your holding until the pot’s full, right?
d1234dick Premium Member over 6 years ago
got any threes? go fish gramps.