Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for June 30, 2018

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    chiphilton  over 6 years ago

    Maybe the rules have changed, but I got a couple of recruiting letters eons ago and they came to my house, not the school. And if they had come to the school, it certainly wouldn’t have rated an announcement for everyone to hear.

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    chiphilton  over 6 years ago

    It appears Dafne is only allowed to work on her story at the Bugle office. I don’t get it.

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  3. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  over 6 years ago

    “To the office”. I guess the school has only one office.

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    cuttersjock  over 6 years ago

    Note to self: “Del” mug ordered for X mas

    Some massive hooves on old Delano, say what?

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  5. Foghorn
    jslabotnik  over 6 years ago

    Moose getting thrown a pity recruitment?

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    TheBrownStarfish  over 6 years ago

    P1 Coach Delano’s right ankle appears to be broken beyond repair.

    P2, Just the facts, ma’am.

    P3, I like that they waited until he was right under the speaker to call his name.

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  7. 5v65o35x13n83of3pfbaq59a7b680210e10f0
    TheBrownStarfish  over 6 years ago

    Do all the girls at Milford have to wear that same shirt with the one stripe?

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  8. 2015 09 29 07.19.27
    Bucky  over 6 years ago

    P3 What’s with the Boob shade and hair do’s in the whole school are pretty bad. I am opening a new salon and nail joint. What is Double D’s girl friend holding a broken field hockey stick???

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  9. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  over 6 years ago
    I wonder if Milford High plays chimes before morning announcements like Rydell High. Pels to the office for “Pearls” of wisdom.
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  10. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The way I see it, Coach Colvin is also the wrestling coach, and in panel 1 he is taking a selfie showing his skill at applying a seated version of the figure-four leg-lock to State U.‘s version of Coach Kaz, lying on the floor. Now, once they finally get disentangled, it’s off to the showers!

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  11. Download
    Irish53  over 6 years ago

    Dictates a letter? What is this? 1975?

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  12. Oip
    James St. John Smythe  over 6 years ago

    Hey, just calling a quick time out to wish Wilbur a happy Canada Day. Take the day off tomorrow and don’t check in on the strip until Monday.

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  13. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 6 years ago

    P1 – What the hell is going on? It’s impossible for his right foot to be in that position. The only logical explanation is that it is someone else’s foot tangled up with his. And that other person is on the floor or under the desk. I don’t want to know why.

    P2 – Makes progress? All she is doing is staring at her notepad. I assume she would be writing her story on a computer (assuming the kids have them by now in Milford), not developing it on notepaper.

    P3 – What a weird plot twist. Kevin is being requested by The Office? He’s going into acting? Thing is, that show is now only in reruns.

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  14. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 6 years ago

    I know we like to kid around about the artwork, and I don’t want to belabor the point (well maybe I do), but that foot position is a major screw up. Unless he basically has a clean break in that leg. I cannot think of any way to defend that drawing.

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  15. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  over 6 years ago

    Who is the girl on the left in panel three and why does that announcement give her ‘EES’?

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  16. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  over 6 years ago

    She appears to be a female Russian weight lifter from those arms too.

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    twainreader  over 6 years ago

    Mystery of the day: Why is the girl in P-3 holding a Lacrosse stick upside down in the hallway?

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    Mr Reality  over 6 years ago

    In all reality , Dear Daphne , Coach Delano here at State U we have a top notch Journalism School, hope to see you here next Fall.Hey how many more of these BS letters do I have to do ?

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    Klubble  over 6 years ago

    P3: DD pulls the old gag on the friend: “Point to your head. Now, what’s the abbreviation for mountain?”

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