Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for June 19, 2018

  1. Sylvester1
    Nachikethass  over 6 years ago

    Belated homage for AB, Jimmy? That guy really saw life and told it like he saw it! RIP

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    tudza Premium Member over 6 years ago

    For those about to fry, we salute you.

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    Ontman  over 6 years ago

    Maybe Trump should earmark the money he wants spent on HIS military parade and proposed ‘Space Force’ towards veterans suicide prevention.

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    John Smith  over 6 years ago

    Here’s one JERK!

    On June 10th of 2013, Daniel Somers, a veteran of more than 400 combat missions in Iraq, killed himself. One more name to be added to the list of US veterans who have committed suicide.

    It’s a very long list. And it is growing at an astonishing rate. Just about every single hour, of every single day, another name gets added to it. What America’s enemies could not accomplish in hostile zones, American society appears to be able to do with complete abandon; facilitate the death of US soldiers.

    It’s quite an impressive accomplishment when one thinks about it, really. In 2012, the number of active duty soldiers who killed themselves was greater than the number killed in combat (about every other day a US soldier committed suicide). The same was true for 2011.

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    jarvisloop  over 6 years ago

    How bad were the suicide rates for Vietnam, Korea, and World War II? I have no idea.

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    LadyPeterW  over 6 years ago

    This is a comic strip forum. This is not a political comic. These kind of comics are supposed to give us a moment of relief from everyday life, and just maybe remind us of our humanity, or lack of humanity. It’s up to us, IRL, to remember those who fought for us, to take care of them, and to remember them when they are gone. Anthony Bourdain tried to show us that other cultures are just friends we don’t know yet and that we all live the same lives, just with different languages.

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  7. Tyge
    Tyge  over 6 years ago

    A wasted strip, Jimmy. I don’t know why this unknown gets your notice. Was he a personal friend or something?

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    Russell Bedford  over 6 years ago

    ask incarcerated veterans why they are locked up, the answer will surprise you, after the many interviews I’ve conducted with them, I can condense it to a sentence or two
“I separated [got discharged], was confused, depressed, angry and had not support from family or community, became homeless, desperate and did what I did. At least here I have routine, food, and a place to sleep.”

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    jar641  over 6 years ago

    Beautiful work today, Mr. Johnson.

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    flagmichael  over 6 years ago

    It seems Jimmy got our attention, anyway. One of my frequent comments about suicide is “If nobody knows why he did it, that is why.” Nearly two out of three firearm deaths in the US are suicides. I think it is time we got serious about self-destruction.

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    Crandlemire  over 6 years ago

    I am sure that Tony is smiling over this!

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    DDrazen  over 6 years ago

    I’ll admit it: I didn’t know who Anthony Bourdain was until he died and everybody started piling on. So yeah, I needed an explanation for this strip. Otherwise, I wondered whether Arlo was engaging in engaging in a form of the annual Japanese ritual of praying for the souls of the eels who were devoured over the past year.

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    pjsdoghouse2003  over 6 years ago

    If the news coverage of Anthony Bordain’s death gets us talking about suicide and mental health then the coverage is a good thing. The fact that he is a celebrity and appeared to have everything he could want and yet he still chose to end his life shines a powerful light on a subject nobody wants to talk about.Suicide is tragic, the loss of a life not yet lived is tragic, hiding from the reality of it is even more so.

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    Hippogriff  over 6 years ago

    “No man is an island entire of itself. Each is a part of a continent, a piece of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less; just as though a promontory were, or the manor of thy friend, or thine own. Each man’s death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind. Therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls – it tolls for thee.” – John Donne

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    kbm  over 6 years ago

    He may have been a celebrity and all, but I believe he was a horrible person when the cameras were off. It’s high time to stop glorifying celebrities, folks.

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  16. Ella nov 2022  11 months
    m b  over 6 years ago

    for those who think veterans or anyone else who commited suicide aren’t as newsworthy as Anthony B, get a life

Go to a VA hospital, DAV facility and talk to some veterans who served in wars – pure HELL
.these people put there life on the lines for our freedom and you think they don’t matter as much as some guy who became popular because he lucked into TV. He had a vulgar side to him – quotes from a bio on him ""Due to his liberal use of profanity and sexual references in his television show No Reservations, the network added viewer-discretion advisories to each episode.""" and ""also known for his putdowns of other celebrity chefs""" I don’t see where someone with that personality deserves to be put on a pedestal, if you read a lot about him, he had a rather Narcissistic Personality. He may have been a good chef, can’t say as I never ate at one of his restaurants, but I do NOT think he deserves more recognition than our veterans (whether they committed suicide or not) or anyone else who commited suicide. All deaths are sad, but because someone was a “celebrity” should not mean that it is continuous news


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  17. Ella nov 2022  11 months
    m b  over 6 years ago

    @Jimmy Johnson – if this is a reference to Anthony Bourdain, it’s a too little to late. The man was arrogant, self involved, put down others in his field of work, heaven forbid someone got more attention than him..he should not be “immortalized” because he killed himself

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    not my real name Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Maybe tomorrow Janis will do something for Kate Spade?

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Wow! People are awfully damn violent about this comic today. My take is pretty simple:

    1. Suicide is a tragic, ugly, unfortunate, horrific event that permanently and forever effects families. I have two suicides that have occurred in my family, and believe me it hurts and shapes family dynamics forever.

    2. Whether the person is famous or not really does not change the event.

    3. AB was the focus here because JJ felt moved and disheartened enough by this death to use his artistry to comment on it. I think it is very hurtful, unkind, and impolite for anyone here to dismiss or denegrate his work about this subject. I firmly believe that JJ was paying respect to AB because he perceived AB’s value and was saddened by it.

    4. Literally all suicides invoke pain in the living.

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  20. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 6 years ago

    How did “I love vanilla ice cream” get twisted by some into “Why do you hate chocolate?”!!!!!

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    coreyj  over 6 years ago

    Wow, there’s some awful people here. It’s okay to be sad when someone dies. It doesn’t take away anything from other people dying.

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    mobile  over 6 years ago

    This is just the “What About
.” illogical argument of the Far Righters. Called “deflection”. DoesnÊ»t work.

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    awesomesteeler  over 6 years ago

    I personally liked Anthony Bourdain! May his soul rest in peace

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    kfccanada  over 6 years ago

    Millions of people watch TV everyday for various reasons. Like it or not, the constant exposure to various celebrities does, in fact, draw criticisms as well as praise for the various personalities. But, that person you are praising or dissing is ONE PERSON
..and not usually the current president or a previous one. MR. Bourdain had a lot of followers who really liked him and he was considered good at what he liked to share on TV. May he rest in peace!

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