Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 20, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    Are the girls here even on the same page? (Long time no see with them though.)

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    Prescott_Philosopher   over 6 years ago

    Well, we finally have a new arc. Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

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    howtheduck  over 6 years ago

    Actually there is a company called YoYo Mats, that actually created a self-rolling yoga mat that rolls up on its own.

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    Rosette  over 6 years ago

    I’m quite glad to see some old faces, such as Bern and Des. Also, I for one am glad to hear that Tiff is back to her old, spoiled self. It’s better than her being depressed!

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  5. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  over 6 years ago

    That much and she’s still chunky Tiff?

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  6. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  over 6 years ago

    Jumping Jiminy! Tiffany is back!!

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    Vilyehm  over 6 years ago

    Zero. Zero. Zero.

    Zero character development after the weight gain.

    Zero character development after the lingerie arc.

    Zero trust in Greg and Karen to future character development arcs.

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    kenhense  over 6 years ago

    Did Tiff gain back some of the weight she lost during the battle with A.E?

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    kenhense  over 6 years ago

    I thought Tom cut Tiff’s spending money in half.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  over 6 years ago

    She got fatter in a health spa ironic?

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    Dreamdeer  over 6 years ago

    Overly quick weight loss can trigger your body into thinking that it has suddenly hit a famine, which triggers three simultaneous hormonal reactions: one to slow down your metabolism to conserve calories, one to increase your appetite, and I think the third one was to make you more efficient in converting carbs into body fat.

    Slow and steady weight loss is best. And the pictures of her do show her gradually slimming.

    It might well be that Tiffany (or real life people like her) might never get her model-body back, and will have to learn to be comfortable with one in the heavier end of the healthy range. To even get there will take a lot of work.

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  12. Dessert
    cdgar  over 6 years ago

    I liked Tiffany better when she was slim and desirable. Now she’s chunky like so many others.

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    Binky  over 6 years ago

    Was wondering when we’d see Tiffany again

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  14. Tyge
    Tyge  over 6 years ago

    Yay! My deliciously delectable Tiffany is back in all her pulchritudeness! And! She has dusted off her old clueless and shallow act. Let the games begin!!!

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    luann1212  over 6 years ago

    Well those pining for Tiffany here she is. I like Dez coming in, and being socially conscious, we have no idea yet on what Bernice did, and Tiffany looks great. There is such silly weight profiling. She seems to be herself again, which may or may not be a good thing (trying to run away from her dad and Ann, or maybe has really come to terms) but interestingly enough she seems to have no shortage of money. Anyway this arc is still fetal, lets see where it grows/goes from here.

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    Joe1962  over 6 years ago

    Nice to the old gang back together.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Okay. Everybody Just Relax! (Said a GIDDY, Mordock)

    Yes, its GOOD to see Tiffany back again!

    And YES, One of My Questions has been answered. Namely which “Tiffany” returns? Looks like it’s the current “Pleasingly Plump” Tiffany. And That’s GOOD.

    But let’s not be sure cock-sure that She’s back to Her Old “Shallow” Self. Tiff likes to put up a “front.”

    Remember this? (Panel 2)

    The whole “I had fun at the Spa bit” may just be Tiff’s “Public Face.” And Notice She DIDN’T mention Paris. Has She moved beyond Summer Trips to Paris, that the coming of Ann Eiffel Interrupted? Too bad Gunther is not here. She’d break down and tell HIM the truth.

    And What of Ann Eiffel? Is She STILL around? Or did Tom Wise Up and Get RID of Her?

    Or, is Ann and Tom engaged? Or (better still) Married?

    Which of Our Young Lads will Contact Tiff first: Gunther or Le$?

    Or, Which Lad will Tiffany CONTACT First?

    And Speaking of Le$. Has He been ignoring Tiff on the account of Her weight gain? Or as KEN said, was he so truly focused on destroying his mom Ann, that He all but ignored Tiff? (Note that NEITHER lad bothered to contact Tiff during Summer Break, ONCE AGAIN)

    So many questions. And I suspect, We’ll get many answers before this Arc is over. But I predict, a LOT of Us ain’t gonna like ‘em. If nothing else, I personally HOPE that when the dust settles, Tiffany and Gunther will at least remain pretty close friends, NO matter what’s about to happen.Frankly, I’d to see them as MORE than friends, but I ain’t holding My COFFEE Tainted breath.


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    chris_weaver  over 6 years ago

    Build a home, roll up a mat.

    Potayto – potahto.

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    ianm  over 6 years ago

    @mordock999 – People of any gender look better with a smile on their face. It seems guys cannot express a preference for slim or curvy without being accused of being male chauvinists or perverts. I wonder whether a woman saying she liked guys with tight buns would get the same abuse. Thanks for the link to the old slim Tiff – just for comparison of course. One of my own favorites is at You get to see Crystal as well – and could there be a guest appearance of the famous Souffle undies?

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Volunteering to roll yoga mats? That’s mighty big of you Tiff

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    znhoja  over 6 years ago

    Good to see Bernice – Tiff again need Luann to join in. Hope Tiffany can get her weight down. Gunther can drop in once in a why’ll. Will Quill come back?? Hope so.

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    31768  over 6 years ago

    Well, Paris’ (tiff) still her wide, clueless self. And she don’t seemed too bothered about it anyway. Guess it is a stage in her life. Oh well


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    CeeJay  over 6 years ago

    I can relax now because: BERNIE IS BACK !!!!!!

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Dez is awesome and Tiffany is fun. I hope they start doing yoga together. This would be very good for Tiffany, she started to worry about others, but she has a lot to learn. And Bernice can do yoga with them and say sarcastic comments.

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    Airman  over 6 years ago

    Wouldn’t mind getting getting down on a yoga mat with Tiff. Now, that could be my kind of work out.

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    speedy3011  over 6 years ago


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    GirlGeek Premium Member over 6 years ago

    She looks healthier

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    WilliamVollmer  over 6 years ago

    At least Tiffany volunteered SOMEWHERE. Although it wasn’t as societally important as what Dez did.

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  29. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Tiffany may not have lost much weight, but Des surely has! Also, it seems out of character for Des to spend the summer rebuilding houses destroyed by the hurricane instead of going on some spiritual journey of self-discovery to consult with shamans and gurus in remote parts of the world. Apparently Des is transforming into the new Delta?

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    6foot6  over 6 years ago

    I have friends like that. They lock in on a word that they relate to and ignore everything else other people have said. its not that they don’t care, they just want so much to be part of the group.

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    Code the Enforcer  over 6 years ago

    Different standards at work here, but I think Tiffany is at least sincere and more positive in this case. “Baby steps” for her and such. She may have even lost a couple of pounds. As a character, I think she looks fine!

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  32. Dk
    kunddog  over 6 years ago

    while I like the change of characters its still the “luann” comic, I just hope that it doesn’t become another three + weeks of tiffanydes and bernice

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 6 years ago


    Wow! My head is spinning
 several nice changes:

    1. We have moved away for a while from the “Odd Couple” arc. That is very nice.

    2. Tiffany seems genuinely happy! That also is very nice.

    3. Dez worked on helping folks after the hurricane damage in Puerto Rico! That is IMO very much in keeping with her character and is also very nice.

    4. Bernie even seems happy! Very nice!

    5. The “punchline” today (Tiffany comparing her volunteering to roll up the yoga mat with the volunteering Dez did.) was cute and funny
. and IMO helped us to see that while Tiffany is definitely growing, maturing, and becoming more insightful
. she still has a ways to go
 and some of her prior qualities still remain!

    6. I also found it funny and cute that Greg has Tiffany having a “lips” pillow on her couch. Very “Tiffany”. :)

    I am quite optimistic that this will be a fun and enjoyable week!

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The same old Tiffany.

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  35. Tyge
    Tyge  over 6 years ago

    I keep trying to figure out how Greg and Karen (GnK) view their characters. Mordoc999 referenced a potentially telling strip (8/7/2015) for an insight into the Gunther and Tiffany characters. If we look at the arcs in the last couple of years, these characters seem to revert to a basic stereotype (in the main).

    Tiffany: Greg appears to view Tiffany as a stereotypical Poor Little Rich Girl. Always given every thing she wants but never what she needs. Now don’t go over analyzing it people! What ever she has done in these strips, she returns eventually to the persona we see today as a basic life position in Greg’s mind.

    (As an aside. From what I have read in both these comments and newspaper interviews, I believe Greg still controls the characters and Karen provides the stories; or “arcs as” they’re called here.)

    Gunther: Gunther is a socially inadept nerd type of character, especially with females. His one foray with a character that returned his interest, Rosa, turned out disastrously. This may admittedly have been at a time when Greg or Karen wanted to purge the character permanently or temporarily. He returned with a more macho image. But eventually reverted to norm. He puts Mama’s face on females (of interest) and seeks that symbiosis.

    Looking around the characters most likely to fit their ‘toon personas. Jack would be a good linkup with the Tiffany character. If Luann hasn’t permanently changed him with the dog park strip. Dez for Gunther. She could take him on as a project and “mama” him very easily; and he would respond.As I said earlier.. “Let the games begin.”

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Good Thing here, IMHO, is that Tiffany, Dez, and Bernice are STILL Good Pals. And Tiffany is Still the “Hero” for getting their Money back from the Evil Ann. But there never was an Arc where the Gals “thanked” Tiff for her efforts.

    I cannot but help to think that the subject of “Ann” WILL come up before this Arc is over. And I still think that Tiffany is putting up a “front” here. No matter what She told Le$ or MRS Fogarty or the Gals here, the fact that Ann has driven a “wedge” between her and her dad, is still gnawing at her.

    So, Will Tiff renew her assault on Ann alone, or will She enlist the “help” of the Girls here? After all, they do OWE Her one. Or, will She get Le$ to help Her?

    I said earlier that as far as We know, neither Le$ Nor Gunther bothered to contact Tiffany over the Summer Break. I could argue that Gunther didn’t because he truly had a LOT on his mind, from His Mom getting married to a virtual “Unknown Quantity,” to moving to a new place a to having to cohabitate with a mortal enemy. Le$ on the other hand, had NO excuse. He’s got no worries, no more payments to his Mom, he’s getting a new place, a new loving aunt and his own personal “punching bag.” Everything is coming up Roses for Le$ with no end in sight. The only reason he didn’t contact Tiff is because he just didn’t care. Does anybody think that if this were still the “Slim Tiffany” that Le$ wouldn’t have been calling and texting her every 30 seconds? Nope. And there’s no way in the Hell Le$ would have missed a Slim Tiff’s advance, last Spring.

    It’s gonna be real interesting to watch Mr. Knox’s reactions as the story moves forward. He’s got NOTHING to lose either way. But in the end, I fear, the only real “loser” will be Gunther

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    kenhense  over 6 years ago

    All time best Bimbo Comment: At a party – some young thing was chatting with a distinguished author. She says, “What a coincidence! You’re writing a book and I’m reading one.”

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    Airman  over 6 years ago

    Things are lookin’ good. Bernice needs a little makeup, Dez needs a makeover, and Tiff needs to be making out with some hot guy.

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  39. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Tiffany’s pose, especially the curl of her fingers with her hands on her hips, in the last panel somewhat reminds me of the drawings by Mad’s Don Martin. See Fester – Bester Tester in the link below:


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    Airman  over 6 years ago

    I have to agree with Mordock’s statement, “Don’t over analyze this stuff.” Just wait ‘till Christmas when Tiffany’ father and Leslie’s mother present them with a new baby sister. Surprise.

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  41. Ligand1
    RSH  over 6 years ago

    a few weeks back we saw Jack get launched on his academic path. I’m hoping we will have the same for Tiffany, and we still don’t know what Dez is majoring in. Tiff spent the summer in a self soothing mode. She should be ready for the real world of Mooney now; no more crying and moaning about her dad; she has moved on. She said so to Les a few months ago.

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  42. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    OK, enough of overweight Tiffany. Can we please have her get over her daddy issues and back to normal?

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  43. Gocomics avatar
    Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I’m not going to make a judgement call on Tiffany’s look, but when I color her in Photoshop, I apply the paint bucket to fill her face (something she does well), then I take a walk, get some exercise, take a shower, feed the cats, eat breakfast, mow the lawn, talk to the mailman and maybe do a few chores. After that the paint bucket tool has usually done its job and I can continue coloring more svelte characters.

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  44. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 6 years ago

    Poor Tiffany. Her summer has not resulted in any discernible weight loss. But she is working to keep herself fit, it seems, and that’s definitely better than just moping around in her dorm suite snarfing pizza.

    And, generally, it’s good to see any characters other than Leslie and Gunther for a change!

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    JPuzzleWhiz  over 6 years ago

    “Fa la la la la Lala Health Spa” (â™Ș)

    “Volunteer Army”

    “The Happy Homemaker, Er, Home Builder”

    “House Everything?”

    “Friend Or Photo?”

    “The Big Pictures”

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    kittysquared Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Thank goodness, I can read the strip again. Dysfunctional Felix and Oscar are lodged in their bean bag chairs.

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    Bernedoodle  over 6 years ago

    You’ve come a long way Tiffany! Really like your “softer” side.

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