Pickles by Brian Crane for November 08, 2018

  1. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 6 years ago

    And THAT’S how you find your phone charger without admitting you forgot where you left it.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    oh, these senior moments

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 6 years ago

    Maybe they returned it when finished. (Simply being misplaced is inconceivable, of course.)

    I find interesting homeless people charging their smartphones outside stores.

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    Breadboard  over 6 years ago

    Well played Earl :-)

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  5. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  over 6 years ago

    Awful decent of them. Not sure but I think someone stole my socks, will have to ask my wife about it when she wakes up.

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    cubswin2016  over 6 years ago

    But my faith in Earl has been restored.

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  7. Ironpounder
    Iron Pounder  over 6 years ago

    Ya see? There are these micro black holes, you put something down and it gets swallowed up by one. A while later, you hear this tiny little pop and there it is, on another part of the counter.

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  8. Pc200099
    assrdood  over 6 years ago

    I usually blame mischievous ghosts. I can be repairing something, lay down a screwdriver, reach for it 10 seconds later, and it’s not there! And nowhere to be found!

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    sloaches  over 6 years ago

    I hear ya, Earl. In fact, just the other night someone broke in and stole several homemade chocolate chip cookies, and then they had the audacity to leave the crumbs and an empty milk glass on my nightstand!

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    bbbmorrell  over 6 years ago

    At last an explanation of why the elderly worry so much about crime even as crime rates hover at record low levels….

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  11. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 6 years ago

    Nonsense. It’s the Clock family – the Borrowers – that take these things. Sometimes they bring things back because they discover they can’t use them. You’ll find that missing earing or matchbox serving as a coat hook or a baby’s cradle if you know where to look.

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    Stychen Tyme  over 6 years ago

    So, it was an inside job.

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    WCraft  over 6 years ago

    I had those guys! They break into our house, regularly, and take remotes, phone cords, and keys and then bring them back and put them in different places. The fiends!

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