Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 23, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago

    Ann strikes a hard, hard bargain.

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    Charliegirl Premium Member over 5 years ago

    If Tiff is smart, she’ll have set her phone on RECORD!

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    Baarorso  over 5 years ago

    Tiff has no backbone. Shame on her.

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  4. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  over 5 years ago

    Ann is the kind of person who makes paid hitmen ALMOST sound like a good idea. Dang bothersome manslaughter laws! ;-)

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    Airman  over 5 years ago

    Making Tiff that offer she can’t refuse? All this started when Uncle Al came to town with his family of spiders. It’s about time that the FBI moved in and pulled the plug on him. Then, I would cheer as the whole family went down the drain. All this stuff is getting too heavy for me. If we can have a Duchess Meghan Markle baby watch, we can have a Toni (Mrs. Brad) Degroot baby watch.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Tiff i would chose option two!!!

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    Mission: totallypossible  over 5 years ago

    Which begs the questions… Why? And the point is? What is Ann’s end game? Who wins this convoluted game here??

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  over 5 years ago

    There are more than two options.

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    kenhense  over 5 years ago

    Tiff has some negotiating power here. She should decline the selfie. I think Ann would like to bring back something better than just saying Tiff was rude to her. Tiff could offer to text her Dad saying something like, “Ann & I are working on making things better. Miss you Dad, hope to see you soon.” This puts the ball back in Tom’s court and buys some time. In the meanwhile – Tiff needs to go to work preparing for life as a grown woman on her own.

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    kenhense  over 5 years ago

    Tiff has the occasional good punch line. “Your love overwhelms me” is a zinger.

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    luann1212  over 5 years ago

    Anyone who believes that Ann holds the cards here is not paying attention IMHO. The options are a friendly selfie, or telling Tiff’s allegedly on death’ door father that Tiffany was rude because she refused Ann’s offer of love? Give me a break. Ann does not have the slightest idea of what love happens to be; in her psychotically delusional mind it’s entirely transactional, you love me or else. I think Tiffany will reject this non-offer, it’s really is not an offer, it’s a con’s psuedo mind trick. I have been wrong before, and Tiffany could suddenly cave, but I doubt it. I think in the end Ann is going to be left out in the cold, as she was with Les. Not that this will be end of Ann, but this gambit is going to fail.

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 5 years ago

    OK. Tiff’s dad is a total loss. However, to this point, Tiff has been getting free room and board at the college, her college paid for, a nice red sports car that she let Gunther drive home from the salamander hunt, and she evidently still gets a bit of money. True, her allowance was cut in half, but we do not know how much her allowance and credit card limits were to begin with. I would bet what she still gets is not chunk change. She already knows her old man will throw her over in an instant, so her best option is to make fake peace with that pit viper and play her old man for everything she can get out of him while she knuckles down in college to be able to make it on her own, or if not (this is Tiff we are talking about here), it will give her time to become some rich guy’s arm candy.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    You know what Tiffany? That glass of ice water is really going to WASTE here.

    What are You WAITING for Ms Farrell? Ask the QUESTION, Girl! Ask the DAMN Question! Look, Let Me Help:

    1) “What about your SON, Les?”

    2) “Does “US” being a “Family” INCLUDE Your SON, Les?”

    3) Have You told My Dad lately, about YOUR-SON-Les??”

    4) “Where’s WALDO?” (No skip THAT one)

    5) “Do you know I still have a copy of that Customer List and have ALL of the angry customer’s names on speed dial? And while you made a deal with YOUR-SON-LES, you did not make a deal with Me! I really hope you ENJOY Prison Food!”

    There! You see? “Easy-Peasey, Ann’s a Sleazy!” Just say the magic words, “Les Knox!” Now use that “ammo” and free yourself. And enjoy the rich irony that Ann once gave BIRTH to her eventual downfall, plus the fact that you’ll soon be dating your dad’s ex-girl friend’s “Son,” Les Knox.

    And always remember: YOUR “Happiness” will come at the expense of your Dad’s “Happiness.” There’s been a lot of THAT going around lately in this Strip. Too much, in fact. Just ask your ex pal, Gunther……,

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    howtheduck  over 5 years ago

    “offered you my love”? I didn’t see any scented oils?!!

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    31768  over 5 years ago

    I’m so annoyed I barely want to comment. Tom is a waste of time as well. Poor Tiff, she’s conceited, but she’s not evil. Ann Awful is both! It enhances her darkness. Reminds me of a certain jedi movie.

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    SactoSylvia  over 5 years ago

    The witch plays with her claws out! Waiting for Tiffany’s next move….

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    c001  over 5 years ago

    Greg seems a little confused.Panel 1: 1 glass, no flowersPanel 2: no glass, no flowersPanel 3: 2 glasses, flowers

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    Cronkers McGee  Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Ann Ethel is a horrible person. I hope Tiffany can come up with something to expose Ann. Ann sucks the life out of everything and anyone she comes into contact with. Boo to Ann, Boo!

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    LeighBurton  over 5 years ago

    Get out of that restaurant now, Tiffany! Call your father before Ann does!

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    ctolson  over 5 years ago

    Looks like an Ann blackmail scheme or con in the making. Probably to show Tiff’s supportive of them getting married.

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    Sakamichi  over 5 years ago

    Tiffany needs to borrow a “cleaner” from the Clinton Foundation….That is unless Eifel already works for them.

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    MelissaHintz2  over 5 years ago

    One thought…“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. Maybe it’s time to fake friendship with Ann…see where that takes you.

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    Counterpoint  over 5 years ago

    Just a thought – If Ann is so interested in getting a photo of her and Tiff making nice together, she must be worried about what Tom will think when she tells him that his daughter has rejected her inclusion into his family – she certainly didn’t demand a joint happy land selfie to help Tiff and Tom cement their relationship – she demanded it for Ann’s sake only…

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  24. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Call the b****’s bluff.

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  25. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Tired of this. Wonder what’s going on at FBOFW?

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    SweetSinger  over 5 years ago

    This arc has so much potential for a fun catfight. Yet it fizzles.Ann is slick tho. “Hon”? Not hardly.

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    dwayne1961decker  over 5 years ago

    Come on Tiff! She’s obviously blackmailing you! Walk away!

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    chris_weaver  over 5 years ago

    Ann’s ‘love’ is an offer Tiffany can’t refuse!

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    Vangoghdog01  over 5 years ago

    “Go ahead. I have options too and you have more to lose than I do. If you doubt that, call my “bluff.” You have one safe option, fold now, cut your losses, and leave town, while you still can. That Ann, is a better deal than you deserve, but I’m in a good mood.”

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    metagalaxy1970  over 5 years ago

    Wonder if she called her dad and the phone is on right now and he’s listening in on the conversation?

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  31. Tulips
    locake  over 5 years ago

    Tiffany should NOT take a friendly photo with Ann. Ann will use it against Tiffany some way in the future.

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  32. Tulips
    locake  over 5 years ago

    Surely Tiffany can communicate privately with her father some way? Text or email. He must have some privacy from Ann.

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    StoicLion1973  over 5 years ago

    Tom made his choice; Tiff needs to make hers.

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    Code the Enforcer  over 5 years ago

    It’ll be tough for Tiff! Ann has Tom’s ear … but Ann’s ear, and likely elsewhere, will have that scented oil upon later that night…

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    Moon57Shine  over 5 years ago

    By all means, Ann, tell him how rude Tiffany was. It’ll go over well.

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    jdi801  over 5 years ago

    The whole Ann Eiffel character and story line is getting very boring.

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    erin.adamic Premium Member over 5 years ago

    UGH. DON’T fall for it!!!!!!!

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    TwilightFaze  over 5 years ago

    Ahhhhh, blackmail. Guess Anne’s out of patience too if she’s switching gears. Personally since Tiff and her dad are already strained, I think she should just let her say what she wants and still leave.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Tiffany, don’t fall into Ann’s blackmail, go away!

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    jmworacle  over 5 years ago

    Well, Ann knows how to size up her mark.

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    Ruth Brown  over 5 years ago

    Tiff, go see how Les and Al extracted Ann from their lives. Or better yet, set up another lunch with Al in tow. How would Ann react? Imagine what you want, Al is the male with the most backbone in this strip.

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    katzpawz1a  over 5 years ago

    Refresh my memory please, Why is Ann known as Ann Eiffle and not Ann Knox?

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    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Greg, would you please squash Effiel for Christmas! Thank You!

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 5 years ago

    I agree @Charliegirl, in this day and age she could have been recording the conversation and maybe even sent it to his phone immediately after. And not say a word to her.

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  45. Ligand1
    RSH  over 5 years ago

    Tiff, why are you sitting back down? You are giving her opportunity. Your back should have been turned by now and with you walking away.

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    sueb1863  over 5 years ago

    Why did she sit back down?? Just say “Go ahead and tell him whatever you want, he’s obviously in your corner anyway. He knows how to get in touch with me if he wants to talk. Bye.”

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    MyWord  over 5 years ago

    Too bad her father is dumb enough to fall for Ann’s B.S. Hoping something happens to wise him up.

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    MyWord  over 5 years ago

    Ann hasn’t said anything that would “expose” her to Tom. Saying she’d tell Tom how rude Tiff was to her isn’t a reason for him to kick Ann to the curb. He already thinks Tiffany IS rude and unfair to Ann, so this would just reinforce that. Tiffany accused her of wanting Tom’s money – all she said was no, I want us to be a family. Sorry, there’s nothing so far in this conversation that would prove anything to Tom.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I hope Greg has planned something truly nasty for Ann.

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  50. Ligand1
    RSH  over 5 years ago

    Ann informs Tiffany that she has two options??? portraying an ‘..i’m in charge..’ approach. I hope Tiff says “look.. you can tell my father whatever you want but your ideas and schemes are of no interest to me..”

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    Sisyphos  over 5 years ago

    Either Tom Farrell is a fool, or…. No, wait. Tom Farrell is a fool, just as his sweetie, Annie Awful, is a minion of Satan. Maybe the Tiffster should sprinkle her with that holy water from earlier….

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    kittysquared Premium Member over 5 years ago

    yawn Ann’s machinations are old hat. Tiff should just shrug and leave. That would deflate Ann really quickly. Tiff would be in charge with that move. These kids need to grow up and be in charge of their lives.

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    ktrabbit33  over 5 years ago

    “Dear”? “Hon”? Yeah…bu-bye sweetie!

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    adrianrune  over 5 years ago

    Option three. Tiff sends Dad a selfie with Les and Mr. Gray suggesting a complete family gathering. I don’t remember any indication Dad knows about them.

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    katzpawz1a  over 5 years ago

    For my Christmas present from Greg – I want him to send Ann Awful to prison! And have Tiffany’s MOTHER come into the picture!

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