If this is not a criminal situation, why was Elly ticketed over a dispute between two motorists? I agree with the other commenters that this is a screwy storyline. Lynn Johnston said this was based on her real life, so I have no idea what the courts are like in her jurisdiction. Need I ask if Canada has the death sentence? :P
If she keeps this up, she will find herself in the same boat as Marie Antionette, Mary Queen of Scots and Anne Boleyn. Elly will go home a head shorter!
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
was the “doyousweartotellthewholetruth…” bit THAT funny to El?
capricorn9th about 6 years ago
So far, nothing funny here. Just caricature of the justice system.
Argythree about 6 years ago
Some people react to nerve-wracking situations by fainting, some by giggling. Some of us just forget how to talk…
nosirrom about 6 years ago
Ninette about 6 years ago
Take off your hat. Raise your right hand, now put your left hand here. TAKE OFF YOUR HAT!
dwane.scoty1 about 6 years ago
“Do the Hokey Pokey & turn yourself around!”
USN1977 about 6 years ago
If this is not a criminal situation, why was Elly ticketed over a dispute between two motorists? I agree with the other commenters that this is a screwy storyline. Lynn Johnston said this was based on her real life, so I have no idea what the courts are like in her jurisdiction. Need I ask if Canada has the death sentence? :P
GumbyDammit223 about 6 years ago
That judge must be very observant. He has four eyes!
jless about 6 years ago
Lynn’s Notes:
This actually happened. You can’t make this stuff up!
rebelstrike0 about 6 years ago
If she keeps this up, she will find herself in the same boat as Marie Antionette, Mary Queen of Scots and Anne Boleyn. Elly will go home a head shorter!
1JennyJenkins about 6 years ago
I have that giggling problem also. It gets really bad when I go to a funeral, and though I’m really sad on the inside, the giggles percolate up…
coffeeturtle about 6 years ago
They are quite serious about traffic violations!
BluNova about 6 years ago
The storyline has gotten boring to me. Time to move on to something else.
dwane.scoty1 about 6 years ago
@blu: Yeah! Like Lizzie gets Preggers!
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member about 6 years ago
Many years ago, Bay County Sheriff M. J. ‘Doc’ Daffin would begin his speaking with the same one word: ‘disisyosheriffmjdocdaffin’.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Some by maniacal laughter.