Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for December 22, 2018

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    somebodyshort  about 6 years ago

    The best part of grand kids is being able to send them home

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    LadyPeterW  about 6 years ago

    Grandchildren are parent’s revenge for all they put up with when they were trying to raise their children to live long enough to be able to have children of their own. Hahahahahaha.

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    IndyMan  about 6 years ago

    With the look(all the time) on ’Roz’s visage, what child would want to be around her ????

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    contralto2b  about 6 years ago

    I helped my niece with her first two kids when she was a single mom (they were 3 yrs. and 18 mons). I am not overly fond of kids, but knew how to change diapers, feed them, bathe them, put them to bed and leave them alone so they can learn to entertain themselves (I would play with them some, just not all the time). As long as there was no screaming or blood, I knew they would be fine. The mom preferred me (at that stage) to watch her kids because HER mom (the grandma) would have coddled them and my niece didn’t have time for clingy, needy kids. I was also good at calming her following children when they were infants. At family gatherings, I would hold the newest kid and they would fall asleep in my arms. That way the mom got a break, and I got the desire for grandchildren out of my head. LOL My daughter is fine with that!

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    2peabody1  about 6 years ago

    I didn’t have any and neither did my dead brother, just me and the wife and the step kids, and they ……

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    firesail  about 6 years ago

    my granddaughters will be here tomorrow.

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    david_42  about 6 years ago

    No kids, no grand-kids and a thousand miles from nieces and nephews. Life is good.

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    Bruce1253  about 6 years ago

    Being a grandparent is the best job in the world. I feed them full of chocolate, buy the noisiest toys I can find, and give them back! My son asked me, Dad why do you do this? The answer is simple, my son. . .REVENGE!

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    1953Baby  about 6 years ago

    I like best the stories from my friends who have grandkids. None of the melodrama of daily family life. . .had enough of that as a kid myself.

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    DCBakerEsq  about 6 years ago

    Kids are overrated. #BanChildren

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    Neat '33  about 6 years ago

    Gotta wonder if Earl ’n Opal could/will do that with Nelson in “Pickles” ?

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    pchemcat  about 6 years ago

    Never had kids, never wanted to have kids, never regretted that decision. When I was 13, I got a job babysitting for a family of 4 (ages 6, 4, 18 months and 6 months) I babysat every Friday and Saturday night for $5 per night. After I turned 16 and bought my own car, the parents would take long weekends on occasion and at least one week-long vacation away from the kids (the mom was a stay-at-home and the dad worked in oil fields so was gone quite a bit – they needed time to reconnect!). I did that until I was 18. I loved those kids, they were great kids. But diaper duty, snotty noses, cleaning up puke, etc. is NOT my cup of tea. My husband has two children, both in their 40s with kids of their own, but the only time we hear from them is when they want $$. Otherwise, they have no use for us and are quite disrespectful. There is a young couple near us with 4 kids (2 of his through previous marriage and her nephew and niece that she has custody of because of her sister’s drug habits). They are our family and the kids see us as their grandparents. Best of both worlds, I was able to have a “daughter” and grandchildren that actually love and respect us for us and not for our $$.

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