Well so no having to look into any but one. Simplified. But is it that simple? Someone who can set this up like the fake video tape would need to take time to get what he or she needs once it is decided how to go about laying the trap. I would have suspected that the killings wouldn’t have happened so fast unless it was during several months or years.
I don’t generally like Joe’s inks as much as Shelly’s, but today they work extremely well. Shelly’s inks embellish, whereas Joe’s usually feel like a new layer of pencilwork that takes advantage of the what the brush can do, the result often blocky and sometimes crude (which always is interesting and very easy on the eyes, nonetheless). But today the ink lines are a little lighter in places, so the panels are nicely balanced. Renderings of Sam are particularly strong.
Okay, the most well-known villain associated with poison gas in DT is probably Pruneface. Now, he’s dead (twice, right?) but this could be the execution of a plan formulated by Pruneface before he died.
Well done, Sam. By narrowing down the field of potential suspects, your investigative work has set this story on course for resolution in its allotted time! Panel 3 Tracy is the grim LEO ready to do what is necessary to end this series of poison gas murders….
Neil Wick about 6 years ago
Good morning™, life fighters!
It sounds like Sam has narrowed the field considerably, so that’s good progress.
Yngvar Følling about 6 years ago
So Sparkle is still alive. Yesterday’s strip made it seem otherwise.
There doesn’t seem to be much of an actual mystery. They’ve only talked about a single suspect. The only question is where to find him.
HarryCK about 6 years ago
Good morning™, monopoly contractors !
Solving this wont take but a Minute !
Donnie Pitchford Premium Member about 6 years ago
Thanks for reading – good night all!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Well so no having to look into any but one. Simplified. But is it that simple? Someone who can set this up like the fake video tape would need to take time to get what he or she needs once it is decided how to go about laying the trap. I would have suspected that the killings wouldn’t have happened so fast unless it was during several months or years.
crobinson019 about 6 years ago
Well that certainly narrows it down
tsull2121 about 6 years ago
nice to see some actual detective work taking place
micromos about 6 years ago
Finally a clue.
brackishboy about 6 years ago
I don’t generally like Joe’s inks as much as Shelly’s, but today they work extremely well. Shelly’s inks embellish, whereas Joe’s usually feel like a new layer of pencilwork that takes advantage of the what the brush can do, the result often blocky and sometimes crude (which always is interesting and very easy on the eyes, nonetheless). But today the ink lines are a little lighter in places, so the panels are nicely balanced. Renderings of Sam are particularly strong.
buckman-j about 6 years ago
The “mystery” is why are these 2 weeks being wasted
Don Bagert Premium Member about 6 years ago
Okay, the most well-known villain associated with poison gas in DT is probably Pruneface. Now, he’s dead (twice, right?) but this could be the execution of a plan formulated by Pruneface before he died.
patroman about 6 years ago
The mystery is – who’s gonna keep Tracy and Junior from beating the s**t out of the perp.
iggyman about 6 years ago
Angeltop Jones? Apparatus? hmmm
Durak Premium Member about 6 years ago
Not much of a mystery if there’s only one option.
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
Well done, Sam. By narrowing down the field of potential suspects, your investigative work has set this story on course for resolution in its allotted time! Panel 3 Tracy is the grim LEO ready to do what is necessary to end this series of poison gas murders….