Nothing more frustrating than to be watching a Netflix movie streaming and the internet signal drops and you have to start over and fast-forward to where you think you were in the story.
A day or two ago I mentioned I had a recipe for lasagna made in a slow cooker. Somebody asked me to post it, but I can’t remember who comic or who it was. If you go to and search for “Easy Slow Cooker Lasagna” it is there. The only change I made was to use a package of thawed chopped spinach in place of the Swiss chard. Enjoy!
My father was a journalist and a writer. He tapped out forty books on his manual typewriter…with two index fingers, no less. My brother, thinking he’d bring dad into the modern world, bought him a word processor for his eighty something birthday and tried to teach him how to use it. After my brother left, he put it back in the box and hid it in his closet. Same thing happened with the snow blower we bought him for Christmas ( without the box) ( or the closet). An article about him in some rag or another mentioned that the reporter had been served coffee made in an old fashioned percolator. LUDDITES UNITE!
I’ve had a $60 Netflix gift card for over 2 years that I’ve yet to activate. I keep thinking that when I sit down long enough to watch something, I’ll learn how it works. But I’m too busy DOING things to stop and WATCH things. I just retired and don’t envision sitting anytime soon. Someday I might not have any option but to sit.
We tried the Netflix 30-day trial. We couldn’t find anything we really wanted to watch. They sure have changed from the DVD days when you could find practically every movie ever released.
Don’t ask him. Just pull up one of his favorite TV shows or movies, and he’ll be hooked on commercial free TV in no time. Then he’ll be begging you to show him how to make it work!
Dirty Dragon almost 6 years ago
When you reach the age where you’ve seen every “Murder, She Wrote” ten times… yet the murderer is always a surprise.
Templo S.U.D. almost 6 years ago
cannot teach an old dog new tricks
enigmamz almost 6 years ago
I don’t need that fancy-shmancy, la-de-da, e-lec-tronic garbage! Just get me a set of rabbit ears and some tin foil!!!
KA7DRE Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Come on Earl, stop being an old fuddy-duddy and give it a try. You might like it !
KEA almost 6 years ago
the day you stop learning is the day you start dying
Zebrastripes almost 6 years ago
I can’t blame Earl! Enough is enough! What other fandangled contraption will they come out with next….cant keep up….lol
The Old Wolf almost 6 years ago
I bet he would love “Father Brown,” or “Hinterland.”
jagedlo almost 6 years ago
With my Dad, we (meaning my sister who has the best penmanship) just wrote down the instructions and he was able to do it on his own!
BearsDown Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I’m so proud of my Dad. At 76 he went out, bought his first computer, and learned to use it on his own.
ptnjbrown almost 6 years ago
Nothing more frustrating than to be watching a Netflix movie streaming and the internet signal drops and you have to start over and fast-forward to where you think you were in the story.
Qiset almost 6 years ago
Netflix has become a liberal stronghold. I dropped them too.
forsyth almost 6 years ago
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, …is it any wonder old people get confused?
nisedc almost 6 years ago
How can I get in touch with Sylvia? I"d like her to show ME.
Dani Rice almost 6 years ago
A day or two ago I mentioned I had a recipe for lasagna made in a slow cooker. Somebody asked me to post it, but I can’t remember who comic or who it was. If you go to and search for “Easy Slow Cooker Lasagna” it is there. The only change I made was to use a package of thawed chopped spinach in place of the Swiss chard. Enjoy!
magicwalnut almost 6 years ago
My father was a journalist and a writer. He tapped out forty books on his manual typewriter…with two index fingers, no less. My brother, thinking he’d bring dad into the modern world, bought him a word processor for his eighty something birthday and tried to teach him how to use it. After my brother left, he put it back in the box and hid it in his closet. Same thing happened with the snow blower we bought him for Christmas ( without the box) ( or the closet). An article about him in some rag or another mentioned that the reporter had been served coffee made in an old fashioned percolator. LUDDITES UNITE!
El Cobbo Grande almost 6 years ago
No, but you can pay for some, just ask Kraft and Trump
277bartlett Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I’ve had a $60 Netflix gift card for over 2 years that I’ve yet to activate. I keep thinking that when I sit down long enough to watch something, I’ll learn how it works. But I’m too busy DOING things to stop and WATCH things. I just retired and don’t envision sitting anytime soon. Someday I might not have any option but to sit.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I love Netflix!
ms-ss almost 6 years ago
We tried the Netflix 30-day trial. We couldn’t find anything we really wanted to watch. They sure have changed from the DVD days when you could find practically every movie ever released.
WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago
DON’T DO IT! I got Netflix a couple of months ago and can’t stop watching it…I may need to do a stint in rehab soon…
ellisaana Premium Member almost 6 years ago
It is liberating to stream programs without commercials. But without them, how would Earl know which medication he needs but isn’t taking.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 6 years ago
“I can’t already not do all I intended to not do.”
ArtisticArtemis almost 6 years ago
I am ever so glad I don’t own a television.
The only thing I ever really miss is the newest Doctor Who.
ex window inspector almost 6 years ago
C’mon Earl……are you older than me? I’m 66 and just bought a smart TV…….it’s fantastic!
JanBic Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Earl probably knows he needs account with monthly payments.
JanBic Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Amazon Prime is easier to find good movies on. I use both but Netflix is harder to search.
pcolli almost 6 years ago
Does she pay the subscription?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
A-literates are that way. More of them than illiterates in this backwards barbaric society we live in.
Mj Cook almost 6 years ago
I didn’t even realize I had a “smart tv” for several months. Then it took more time to learn how to access Netflix! Old age is a bummer sometimes!
Sue Ellen almost 6 years ago
Don’t ask him. Just pull up one of his favorite TV shows or movies, and he’ll be hooked on commercial free TV in no time. Then he’ll be begging you to show him how to make it work!
Daeder almost 6 years ago
I think he just wants some help getting his rabbit ears hooked up.