Hey, I’m a fan ever since I saw the video of this guy playing Metallica on flaming bagpipes. A number of rock bands have made good use of bagpipes, like Korn…
And then there’s the Unipiper, who plays the Star Wars theme, on flame-shooting bagpipers, while riding a unicycle, and dressed as Darth Vader, all in front of a sign that say, “Keep Portland Weird.”
I had a neighbor who played rap music. I nicely told him that his base line was booming into my apartment. I then winked and told him that I could play Show Tunes to cover it up. He asked “what are show tunes”. I also thought to tell him, “I have friends who play bag pipes. Don’t tempt me”
Templo S.U.D. almost 6 years ago
Anyone got an ultra sharp sword wherewith to puncture the bagpipes and sever the electrical cords?
kfccanada almost 6 years ago
He’s definitely going to get a reaction shortly…..lolol
Bilan almost 6 years ago
Lio used to fight bullies, but now he is one?
What happened?
!!ǝlɐ⅁ almost 6 years ago
Lio, you know that bagpipes sound like cats being tortured*, so what will Cybil think of you now? (In other words, top up her gin!)
*to some people, of which I’m not one!
chris_weaver almost 6 years ago
Chapter Two: the Accordion.
fusilier almost 6 years ago
Back about 1980, or so, The Tannahill Weavers came to Indianapolis. They amped, even though the venue was pretty small.
Let’s Just Say (tm from another list)that SIL#1 is an International Category 1 piper.
James 2:24
ajr58 almost 6 years ago
Look for Albannach on youtube!
Radish... almost 6 years ago
Turn it up to eleven!
dukedoug almost 6 years ago
Get some more microphones and stick one in each drone …
WaitingMan almost 6 years ago
Just play a recording of “Freebird”. Much less expensive and much more annoying than any sound bagpipes could produce. OK. Bring on the hate.
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 6 years ago
If for no other reason than “Amazing Grace” at a funeral, bagpipes have a right to exist.
Amra Leo almost 6 years ago
Hey, I’m a fan ever since I saw the video of this guy playing Metallica on flaming bagpipes. A number of rock bands have made good use of bagpipes, like Korn…
jagedlo almost 6 years ago
Someone’s going to get a visit from the police for being a public nuisance!
enigmamz almost 6 years ago
Are all the clocks running 25 minutes late, as well?
Display almost 6 years ago
Jeff Beck, watch out! Here comes Lio.
johndifool almost 6 years ago
So, Lio has been turned into a Scotsman?
newyorkslim almost 6 years ago
Chapter 4: Introduction to Gangsta Rap
Bookworm almost 6 years ago
Just a thought; compare the skirling of the pipers to the wailing guitar of the late Jimi Hendrix. Just sayin’, that’s all.
Godfreydaniel almost 6 years ago
The Celtic taste in music
Is rapidly eroding
This explains why bagpipes
Sound like cats exploding!
(Please don’t send a dirty letter
I’m half-Irish and half-Setter!)
Ermine Notyours almost 6 years ago
Annoying people? That’s Lio’s bag.
ajn90280 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
If he somehow manages to incorporate Auto-tune, then he’ll achieve an even higher level of “annoying.”
rshive almost 6 years ago
It’s certainly cruel and unusual. Probably punishment too.
MD Bear Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Lassies and laddies, I give you… The Red Hot Chilli Pipers. (Yes, you read that correctly.)
MD Bear Premium Member almost 6 years ago
And then there’s the Unipiper, who plays the Star Wars theme, on flame-shooting bagpipers, while riding a unicycle, and dressed as Darth Vader, all in front of a sign that say, “Keep Portland Weird.”
jvn almost 6 years ago
“And for my next song, here’s a little number by Justin Beiber that goes something like this…”
banjinshiju almost 6 years ago
With bagpipes no amps are needed. The sound is reputed to carry for a mile.
car2ner almost 6 years ago
I had a neighbor who played rap music. I nicely told him that his base line was booming into my apartment. I then winked and told him that I could play Show Tunes to cover it up. He asked “what are show tunes”. I also thought to tell him, “I have friends who play bag pipes. Don’t tempt me”
Sisyphos almost 6 years ago
Silly book! —Doesn’t realize that some of us love bagpipes, the louder, the better!
craigwestlake almost 6 years ago
And this begs the eternal question: If your bagpipe’s out of tune how will you know?…
Dragon Lady Rebecca almost 3 years ago
Oooo, bagpipes! I likey! Just make sure you play them PROPERLY Lio.