I fear that it must be said/ though said with a measure of dread/ ’neath the Heaven of God/ there are few things as odd/ as what Madam will put on her head.
“In the town where I was born, lived a man who sailed to sea..blah blah.. something something..WE ALL LIVE ON A YELLOW SUBMARINE, A YELLOW SUBMARINE, A YELLOW SUBMARINE…”
BE THIS GUY over 5 years ago
Jeanette enjoyed modeling hats but it didn’t pay enough to quit her day job.
Buzzworld over 5 years ago
Edith knitted herself into a trance.
Egrayjames over 5 years ago
Edith knew she shouldn’t, but she so loved to double-up on her daily dose if Xanax.
pcolli over 5 years ago
Thinking it’s about time she harvested her main crop in the cellar.
rmremail over 5 years ago
Edith found that it was easier being a wallflower when her dress matched the wallpaper.
aerotica69 over 5 years ago
There is no prince, Aunt Imogene. You need to talk to someone about these delusions you’re having, before you grow old and weird.
thebashfulone over 5 years ago
Pee Wee Herman’s great-grandmother.
Call me Ishmael over 5 years ago
I fear that it must be said/ though said with a measure of dread/ ’neath the Heaven of God/ there are few things as odd/ as what Madam will put on her head.
Reader over 5 years ago
But where should I hide the body…hmm….
Kilrwat Premium Member over 5 years ago
…as all good gardeners do!
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 5 years ago
“In the town where I was born, lived a man who sailed to sea..blah blah.. something something..WE ALL LIVE ON A YELLOW SUBMARINE, A YELLOW SUBMARINE, A YELLOW SUBMARINE…”
Rev Phnk Ey over 5 years ago
Edith’s preference was to use a rolled up $100 dollar bill.
Linguist over 5 years ago
Edith deciding that it’s hemlock harvesting time for Edgar’s tea.
PO' DAWG over 5 years ago
Oh dear, should I stab him in the neck with my knitting needle or fix a nice “doll’s eye tea”?
lagoulou over 5 years ago
Daydreaming about the meatballs she’ll make tonight for her Swede…..
Ugly, Fat and Crabby over 5 years ago
And just in time for World Wide Knit in Public Day! Happy WWKIP a day early!
MissScarlet Premium Member over 5 years ago
Sometimes Jeanette felt a little guilty about putting the little neighbor girl in the painting, but not much.
Another Take over 5 years ago
Who was more potted; the plants or Edith?
d1234dick Premium Member over 5 years ago
Since Marie Elaine was married to a idiot the conversations with her plant were a vast improvement.
Zykoic over 5 years ago
Holy heck! Those are planar inductors on her jacket! She is using radio to communicate! The flower is a hex beam antenna!
Mother Superior over 5 years ago
Since she had the IQ of a turnip the potted plant would dominate their debates.
J Short over 5 years ago
When the Colonel was away, she would often wear his uniform; but the plants would rarely follow her commands.
GoComicsGo! over 5 years ago
“Hhmm? I wonder what he would look like without his pants?”
PatsyL.Paul over 5 years ago
Aunt Edith often retired to the greenhouse to smoke a joint before teatime.
Radish... over 5 years ago
she led a sketchy life
Indianapolis Smith over 5 years ago
“And that painted harlot in the window will pollinate with ANYONE…