Fowl Language by Brian Gordon for April 21, 2022

  1. Zebra pegasus
    alcorn  almost 3 years ago

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  2. Img 1612
    Zebrastripes  almost 3 years ago

    Don’t bother….just walk away…..they always eat when they’re hungry…

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  3. 8ulstyi9 normal
    Publius10608218  almost 3 years ago

    Worst foods I’ve ever tasted: 4. Scorpion it was stale and salty might have been better if actually prepared instead of dried. 3. Beets it tastes like dirt and caterpillars even when cooked. 2. Peanut butter frozen yogurt the tang of yogurt clashed with the nutty peanut flavor in all the wrong ways. 1. Mead a drink made since before the Vikings it may as well have been that old, the sickly sweetness of honey that has been rotten for years. Runner’s up, non-alcoholic beer, boiled whole little octopus, durian candy, cricket cookies. (I’ve also eaten ants, but I liked those).

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    DO_WHAT_DA_DOG_SEZ (NOT THE REAL ONE)  almost 3 years ago

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  5. Nelsandkaren
    NELS BALWIT Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I’m retired and there are still foods I’ve never tried. My thinking is, if I like it, great now I have to add this to the menu and if I don’t like it, I just wasted that day’s calories on something yucky. My wife just goes “good more for me.”

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  6. Cars
    sacredsock  almost 3 years ago

    To be fair, the kid has a point

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