To have a bullied kid stand up to the bully is a nice dream. Sometimes the parents have to get involved. The fact that Moe has gotten away with his actions for all of these years, without any adult intervention, is unbelievable.
Calvin. Tell your dad. He should go to school and straighten it out. When our kids took stuff to school to play with, or for show and tell, or even their shoes and backpacks, we always sewed or painted a 4 digit code on everything not in an obvious place. If some one stole it or took it we had a letter from our parents sealed in an envelope to hand to the teacher proving it was ours. All of our thieves always got caught and expelled or their parents were brought in. We didn’t take any bullying. We had friends that could get together in mass and confront anyone. We weren’t bullies, mostly geeks, but we always won and they knew it and left us alone.
Regardless of Moe, Calvin realizes a toy truck isn’t worth a broken body. Still, Moe should have long ago been incarcerated for beating up Calvin in the past. Or hung above a pit of alligators. Either one.
BE THIS GUY over 5 years ago
Calvin, don’t take out your anger on this kid.
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
Hey, kid yelling at Calvin, let Calvin mope.
The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover over 5 years ago
While Calvin has this kid’s attention, he should make him steal the truck from Moe for him.
in.amongst over 5 years ago
Calvin is not on a swing – but a round-about.
whahoppened over 5 years ago
It’s logical, the more the unbalance in power, the more the underdog realizes he has but ONE shot at revenge!!! (Maybe I shouldn’t have said"shot")
alaskajohn1 over 5 years ago
Reverse psychology won’t work on Moe, Calvin.
GreggW Premium Member over 5 years ago
Relax Calvin, you can just send your friend Hobbes to go get your truck back, right?
orinoco womble over 5 years ago
Calvin, your mistake was leaving it to Moe’s conscience. He doesn’t have one.
Watcher over 5 years ago
Calvin, Moe will tire of it and you will get it back.
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
The swing is serving a different purpose for Calvin right now, kid.
Longhair over 5 years ago
Ahhh a rarity… a kid other than Calvin, Susie or Moe.
sonnygreen over 5 years ago
To have a bullied kid stand up to the bully is a nice dream. Sometimes the parents have to get involved. The fact that Moe has gotten away with his actions for all of these years, without any adult intervention, is unbelievable.
Malcolm Hall over 5 years ago
I bet he could whip the kid in the last panel
sonnygreen over 5 years ago
What’s the new kids name? . . . Stinky!
Ray over 5 years ago
Calvin must live in Seattle. That looks like Bill Gates behind him.
MichaelHelwig over 5 years ago
Moe plays with toy trucks?
1MadHat Premium Member over 5 years ago
Moe comes over to offer a “talk” to the kid pestering Calvin.
joefearsnothing over 5 years ago
Now Calvin will fight! ;o}
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 5 years ago
this is the sort of time mom should step in ’where’s the truck you took to school? it was your favorite"
hk Premium Member over 5 years ago
Calvin. Tell your dad. He should go to school and straighten it out. When our kids took stuff to school to play with, or for show and tell, or even their shoes and backpacks, we always sewed or painted a 4 digit code on everything not in an obvious place. If some one stole it or took it we had a letter from our parents sealed in an envelope to hand to the teacher proving it was ours. All of our thieves always got caught and expelled or their parents were brought in. We didn’t take any bullying. We had friends that could get together in mass and confront anyone. We weren’t bullies, mostly geeks, but we always won and they knew it and left us alone.
yipp_eeee over 5 years ago
That’s exactly how I felt after the 2016 election.
DCBakerEsq over 5 years ago
Life 101. Get used to it.
jvn over 5 years ago
Calvin needs to make friends with an even bigger kid.
zeexenon over 5 years ago
Calvin’s version of Peppermint Patty or the Little Redheaded girl?
Snoots over 5 years ago
Regardless of Moe, Calvin realizes a toy truck isn’t worth a broken body. Still, Moe should have long ago been incarcerated for beating up Calvin in the past. Or hung above a pit of alligators. Either one.
rowena28 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I don’t understand why Calvin didn’t go straight to a teacher. That’s what I would have done.
Kip W over 5 years ago
“‘It was hell,’ recalls former child.” —B. Kliban
Concretionist over 5 years ago
I wonder how Calvin will react just off screen to the right of the last panel. Does he respond well to what he just tried?
mfrasca over 5 years ago
> You’re the one who has to live with yourself!Unfortunately, sociopaths feel no guilt or shame.
Johnny Q Premium Member over 5 years ago
Moe grew up to be Donald Trump…
jdsven over 5 years ago
You know..from the back Calvin looks remarkably like Charlie Brown’s summer camp bunk mate " Shut-up and Leave Me Alone."
dl11898 over 5 years ago
Moe is all brawn and no brain. You can’t fix stupid.