Mike, you shallow SOB. You came to this reunion looking for an affair. And now that Nicole is no longer the babe of your dreams, you can’t even be bothered to hear her tell the story. For shame.
On the other hand, living in a world with ice cream available on almost every street corner, your body is not going to find its “natural weight” by itself. (And I’m not talking about how other people think you look.)
I’ve found success recognizing when life is shaping me in ways I can avoid. I’ve also found success keeping my mouth shut when I see life shaping others in ways they COULD avoid.
She doesn’t look horrible, Mike. It’s not like she’s morbidly obese or something. She appears to be at a healthy weight. Not skin and bones and not fat and flab.
Guys should be glad that women don’t hold them to the same standard. We know a lost cause when we see it. A lot of the female pressure though is woman to woman competition.
This is, obviously, a commentary on the objectification of women by men, and I do admit that it is accurate. However, women are just as apt to disregard less than perfect men.
I suppose sometimes it is easier to give into the ice cream than it is to seek the nice dream. Ice cream you can get at the corner store. Dreams are a lot more elusive.
Nichole has gone from being seductive to being completely self-obsessed. If Mike (or any man) doesn’t pay attention to her now she will never blame it on her complete lack of personality.
<< A study spanning almost four decades and involving more than 100,000 adults in Denmark found that those with an ‘overweight’ body mass index (or BMI) were more likely to live longer than those in the ‘healthy’, ‘underweight’, and ‘obese’ categories. >>
BE THIS GUY over 5 years ago
Mikes eyes are wandering to other prospects.
DennisinSeattle over 5 years ago
And now you know what Mike saw in you. Mike, you are a jerk.
Watcher over 5 years ago
And now she can no longer be validated by men.
Differentname over 5 years ago
Check out the second to last episode of the latest season of GLOW. Geena Davis shows what not giving a f%%k really looks like.
alaskajohn1 over 5 years ago
Mike’s about to get punched in the face or at least have his drink in his face.
dadoctah over 5 years ago
I’ve decided to be happy with my natural blood pressure. My doctor can find someone else to nag about it.
DonPoole over 5 years ago
Well, reality is at best a two edged sword.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 5 years ago
Mike, you shallow SOB. You came to this reunion looking for an affair. And now that Nicole is no longer the babe of your dreams, you can’t even be bothered to hear her tell the story. For shame.
Enter.Name.Here over 5 years ago
Mike: “I don’t know what your natural weight is either….but that ain’t it.”
She didn’t just stop starving herself…Nicole went on a binge to try to make up for it all.
Yontrop over 5 years ago
On the other hand, living in a world with ice cream available on almost every street corner, your body is not going to find its “natural weight” by itself. (And I’m not talking about how other people think you look.)
kauri44 over 5 years ago
I used to be angry at J.J. for the way their marriage ended but I’m starting to change my mind.
SwimsWithSharks over 5 years ago
I’ve found success recognizing when life is shaping me in ways I can avoid. I’ve also found success keeping my mouth shut when I see life shaping others in ways they COULD avoid.
bookworm0812 over 5 years ago
She doesn’t look horrible, Mike. It’s not like she’s morbidly obese or something. She appears to be at a healthy weight. Not skin and bones and not fat and flab.
WestofthePecan Premium Member over 5 years ago
Mike, oh Mike. We hardly knew ye. Or want to, apparently.
Bloomerl over 5 years ago
As usual, on spot & all the sadder for it.
Jelliqal over 5 years ago
Guys should be glad that women don’t hold them to the same standard. We know a lost cause when we see it. A lot of the female pressure though is woman to woman competition.
summerdog over 5 years ago
I just want to be thinner than my passel of sisters-in-laws. Oh please, please, please!! (Heh, heh!)
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 5 years ago
You’ve probably heard that there’s good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Personally, I prefer not to be so judgmental.
joefearsnothing over 5 years ago
….. uh sorry, I was distracted by an insane physical ideal! ;o]
MartinPerry1 over 5 years ago
Nicole, you can be any weight you want. Just don’t expect me to be happy about it.
soap12 over 5 years ago
This is, obviously, a commentary on the objectification of women by men, and I do admit that it is accurate. However, women are just as apt to disregard less than perfect men.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I suppose sometimes it is easier to give into the ice cream than it is to seek the nice dream. Ice cream you can get at the corner store. Dreams are a lot more elusive.
Diat60 over 5 years ago
Nichole has gone from being seductive to being completely self-obsessed. If Mike (or any man) doesn’t pay attention to her now she will never blame it on her complete lack of personality.
dogday Premium Member over 5 years ago
I react to you less because of who you are and more because of who I am.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
<< A study spanning almost four decades and involving more than 100,000 adults in Denmark found that those with an ‘overweight’ body mass index (or BMI) were more likely to live longer than those in the ‘healthy’, ‘underweight’, and ‘obese’ categories. >>
bakana over 5 years ago
Mike was looking at the Starving woman on the other side of the room.