Pat Oliphant for February 12, 2011

  1. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 13 years ago

    Big ones.

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  2. Dscn1514
    willikiii  over 13 years ago

    I agree with JohnnyDiego.

    The entire area is rumbling.

    Now the question is WHO is going to step into the vacuums being created in the countries that are in revolt.

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  3. Missing large
    blackash2004-tree Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Probably the Muslim Brotherhood.

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  4. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Death for tyrants. Or at the very least an early retirement.

    Sadly, it’s been the history of the United States that our national leaders back foreign dictators who are perceived as able to do something for us. This is how we got our national anthem. In spite of G Washington’s warning, our federal leaders took the side of Napoleon Bonaparte. The Brits gave us a bloody nose for sticking it where it didn’t belong. But we never learn.

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  5. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    Funny….we never heard conservatives wringing their hands and worrying about “who will fill the void?” when Saddam’s statue came down.

    Why was that?

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  6. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    So you say jackson….but let’s see some examples of that talk.

    All I heard back then from conservatives was, “USA! USA! LIbs are traitors for not supporting the war!”

    The best shot as any country at what? There’s still bombings happening in Baghdad, and the infrastucture is still in shambles,

    And the Iraq Prime Minister is a member of guess which party? That’s right, the ISLAMIC Dawa party

    So is the Defence Minister

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  7. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    jack75287 said, 27 minutes ago

    When Regan found the Communist in South America Venezuela, Nicaragua others new for a short time freedom. ( ? )

    Communists in South America? In Venezuela?

    jackson…there is NOTHING I could possibly say here that would do as much damge to your credibility as you just did to yourself

    As for Nicaragua….guess who’s President right now?

    Iran Contra accompished NOTHING in that country.

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  8. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    Using the same logic as you just did, jmatt….YOUR avatar ( Obama as a player in a MInstrel show ) proves that you’re a racist.

    Now then….

    Bush didn’t PLAN for our troops to be there as long as they have, Tex. As a matter of fact, the Bush Administration deliberately ignored all plans presented for a post-war Iraq.

    And the cons couldn’t have cared less.

    ( The Atlantic Monthly, by the way, is NOT a liberal publication. Click on the article, “A Post Saddam Scenario” in that link I just posted. )

    Oh, and one more thing…shortly after Bush’s lil’ photo-op with that Mission Accomplished banner, he flew to Qatar and said the following to the troops:

    “America sent you on a mission and that mission has been accomplished.”

    And this time he was speaking to the troops of the US Central Command.

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  9. Walter brennon avatar
    didereaux  over 13 years ago

    Isn’t just to funny that most of the foolish fail to realize that those ‘creepy’ ugly characters are from the same bloodlines as all those oppressed arabs?

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    For all the “anti-Islam” and anti-Arab folks, especially those misrepresenting the Quran all the time, or attacking Semites who are NOT Jewish, I might suggest a re-read of the book of Joshua for a reveal on a “really sweet guy”. Joshua simply makes bin Laden seem “pacifist”. Right, then there’s the Crusades when “good Christians” killed every living thing in Jerusalem, Jews, women, children, rats, but the Crusaders themselves were allowed to leave unharmed when THEY surrendered and lost the city.

    It isn’t just pots calling kettles– it’s folks who should be in straight jackets wearing their “religious garb”.

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  11. Eye
    Chrisnp  over 13 years ago

    Dudley, if you are pointing out that the oppressors and the oppressed are from the same race, all I’ve got to say is that’s not particularly unusual. If you are pointing out that the people portrayed as villains in political comics are drawn creepy and ugly, again, what’s new?

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  12. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Jack#s said:

    “Anyway, if conservatives didn’t worry about who would fill the void in Iraq, why are our troops still there?”


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  13. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Best case is going to be a government similar to that of Turkey. The Muslim Brotherhood will be popular, but they don’t have the backing of the military, so an out & out Theocracy is unlikely.

    Worst case is another military dictatorship.

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  14. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 13 years ago

    We’ll see, won’t we.

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  15. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago


    I like Simon Winchester’s work….a lot . Krakatoa, the Day The World Exploded and A Crack In The Edge of the World were both great, Will have to check out Atlantic, when I can

    As usual,churchy comes back with a non-sequitur….but I’ll answer anyway

    Did YOU read Saddam Hussein’s declaration of war? No of course you didn’t, there wasn’t one.,

    But guess which one the righties’ hero George W. Bush made his priority? ( While the other one was never caught. )

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  16. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    ^”Beyond Fundamentalism-confrontng religious extremism in the age of globalization” by Reza Aslan also does a good “review” of all these nut cases and their history. It clearly identifies their IS a difference between those of faith and extremists- many of whom DO NOT even follow their own “religions”, or teaching of their “faith”, and that is a key element. (Beck(just a nut), bin Laden(Al Qaeda), and Pat Robertson(Christian) all fit in this mold, as a few examples)

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  17. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    ^What were YOU doing at a Farrakhan rally?

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  18. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    Note I said “all these nut cases”- it is fundamentalists who are intolerant. I attended a Klan rally in the mid 60’s, just to observe real insanity in action. I saw the first Watts riots in 65, first hand. War in Viet Nam revealed just more of “Man’s inhumanity to Man”. Most of it driven by religion (remember, Viet Nam was to save them from “Godless Communism”, though definitely not), followed by politics(which IS sometimes “religion” as well). Hatred and snide insults are constantly exchanged between these folks. When challenged- they see any fact they can’t accept as “hate”. Buddhism recognizes other people’s beliefs, and doesn’t try to impose on others. “Leave me alone, and I’ll leave you alone” isn’t always “pacifist”- but it is more logical.

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  19. Cathy aack Premium Member over 13 years ago

    C. A. Brobst – It’s been US history that we back right-wing foreign dictators – because that’s who we are.

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  20. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 13 years ago

    Interesting, trout, but any religion can be put to bad purposes, including Buddhism. Comes of being fallible creatures. The Dalai Lama has an interesting form of Buddhism which trains how to exhibit compassion at will, and indeed active brain scans indicate that something is definitely happening in a particular area of the brain when they try, which opens up some interesting notions!

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  21. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    ^Agree, and interesting the the brain actually works faster than “we” do. It starts doing things BEFORE we actually “think” about the actions we’re about to take. (more brain scans)

    Also- experience is perhaps not “the greatest” teacher, but certainly most profoundly affects us. Which, why is it so many in America deeply resent anyone who’s actually LIVED experiences and observed the world? While scars leave some folks bitter, others learn. While some have never received those wounds- they can’t understand those who have. While “virtual” life substitutes for actual life, why do those with only “virtual” experience resent real life? Why are they also the ones most consumed by myth, and unable to actually think for themselves? Right- their brains act before they think, and they don’t want to actually “think”.

    Is “knee jerk” reaction autonomic, or choice?

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  22. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Church, what was your last comment supposed to mean? What were you trying to say?

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  23. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 13 years ago

    Egyptians day by day Would gaze upon the Sphinx And very often say “You know, life really stinks!”

    Mubarak then resigned Though none would call it clever And pretty soon they’ll find That things are worse than ever

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  24. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    I think what churchy was trying to say was, “Hey, looky me! AIn’t ah clevurr? Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck!”

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    ballhed4  over 13 years ago

    All those supporting these corrupt dictators should think again, I hope the Egyptian people can make this change the beginning of real positive change for their country.

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  26. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago

    ^^ Church wasn’t trying to say anything meaningful or bring any point to the discussion. just name-calling, like a ten year-old would do.

    And when liberals do it, it’s just as stupid.

    Except we don’t have to do it so often because facts are more often on our side. Reality has a liberal bias!

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  27. Mexico border
    TruthfulTheocracy  over 13 years ago

    Señor Jack no avian communistas in Venezuela or Nicaragua. If anything Reagan helped put them there. My friend’s father is from Nicaragua and during the Somosa regime businesses were owned by their owners. Despues que Somosa was murdered they had a new regime that took over the buses that he worked for. He and five other guys said that if the government took over that the others would be out of a job. Los otros babosos said you guys went to school and do not know anything and they sided with the new government. After a week half the work force was layed off. It was time for him and my friend to get out and come here.

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  28. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 13 years ago

    ^ Events in the Sudan, rather, southern Sudan, are happening because of other matters, not the one kicked off by Jasmine. Mandela’s legacy (reconciliation) is having a tough time at the moment in the present day Rainbow nation, nevermind beyond its borders. However, democracy is spreading in Africa, albeit slowly, so I’ll join you in your optimism. ( & @ Ahab, thanks for the book reference)

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  29. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    ^Did stay at the HOJO’s across the street in the room NEXT to the room they spotted the Watergate burglars from– but many years later; they even put up a plaque. I was about to my place of work on Wilshire Blvd(that’s in L.A.) when they announced Kennedy was shot and dead.

    As noted, some people have lived “interesting” lives, it’s no big deal. Then they head for somewhere more “peaceful”. (It helps a lot on the PTSD resulting from that “interesting life”.) Some folks have limited knowledge, experience, or intellect, but still have a right to speak, even from ignorance.

    People who HAVE lived, tend to be more civil, and less angry.

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