Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for October 03, 2019

  1. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 5 years ago

    Good morning™, lures!

    These two have a tremendously long menory!

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  2. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 5 years ago
    ”It was a dark and stormless night …” ✨
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  3. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  over 5 years ago

    Good morning™, troublesome detective problem solvers !

    Frisk’s junky mom must be out on parole to be available.

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  4. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 5 years ago

    Enough with this Flick Tracy infomercial for the tobacco industry.

    It’s such a cheap, cheesy way to try and set a mood.

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  5. New icon
    michaeljwolff  over 5 years ago

    Has she been able to stay in contact with her Martian overlords, or do those antennae not have enough range?

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  6. Missing large
    h.v.greenman  over 5 years ago

    And, as they say, “The plot thickens”

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  7. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    Oh geez. Again with the burning filter.

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  8. 10155273 624313380994797 1301453986 n
    Knightman Premium Member over 5 years ago

    A trap!!! I wonder how??? We shall see!!!

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  9. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 5 years ago

    I think we will find out, that former detective Frisk is taking care of her mother.

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  10. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 5 years ago

    in the first panel, why is he lighting the stub of the cigar that is still smoldering and was smoking yesterday? I’ve given up on the fact the artists has no idea which end of a cigarette to smoke. though in the 1st panel she looks like it’s all filter.

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  11. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 5 years ago

    Y’know… the ONLY thing i can think of that could possibly explain the THREE DAYS AND COUNTING of errors regarding the cigarettes is that theyre using cigarette holders which are white and the cigarette itself is brown

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  12. Missing large
    johnnyjaymuzik  over 5 years ago

    Black and Tan cigars…white plastic tip

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  13. Missing large
    buckman-j  over 5 years ago

    Anti-Smoking campaign, perhaps? PSA by “storytellers” who aren’t real good at telling stories

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  14. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  over 5 years ago

    Well, we know they are selling babies but how does this scheme work? Are they getting the babies from some Government department that is complicit in the scheme? Are they buying them from unwed mothers and reselling them? That would seem easy to discover. There have to be birth records at the hospitals.

    They obviously have records of where the infants are placed. Are the babies legally adopted?

    I’m just interested in how these baby mills work. I think it needs to be explained better. I understand that these two are doing something disgustingly evil but I think so far this story line presupposes that readers know more about this subject than we do. Perhaps it will be more fully explained.

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  15. Mickey mouse works.phantom blot
    Blot  over 5 years ago

    this story,characters, etc. sort of remind me of the old 1950’s comic books of dick tracy……………

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  16. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 5 years ago

    It looks as though sweet old Clair, with Jimmy complicit, intends to lure Detective Frisk into a trap baited with her birth-mother. Then, most likely, whack both. End of “Frisk problem” and smooth sailing for Howell babies racket. That’s the plan; what actually will transpire is likely to be somewhat different….

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  17. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 5 years ago

    1-ROSEY: I gotta splittin’ headache. DAN: I ain’t surprised…

    2-…you got two nails in your skull.

    3-ROSEY: Sure I do. You can’t kid a kidder, Dan. Now go buy me a carton of menthols. Them medicated smokes always fix me right up.

    DAN: OK but I’m bringin’ in the claw hammer just in case.

    ROSEY: Oh you card!

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