Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 30, 2019

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    Kurtass  over 5 years ago

    No one is above the law Winslow.

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    pschearer Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Impeachment and removal has the advantage of preventing him from running. That might allow the GOP to remember they once had integrity.

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    kaffekup   over 5 years ago

    Pass. I’m not for giving him another year to destroy the country and fix the election.

    I’ve already written Scott and told him so, and why.

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    braindead Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Scott, reports are that, during Col. Vindman’s testimony, all Republican questions were attempts to get him to reveal information about the whistle blower. NOTHING about the Ukraine call. Col Vindman was the only witness to date that had listened in on the call.

    Republicans are hoping that once the identity of the whistle blower is known, they will die just like a Russian journalist, under tragic and mysterious circumstances.


    Yeah, I know, Trump is, you know, too moral to let anything like that happen.



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    taxidancer  over 5 years ago

    Actually, there is nothing in the Constitution to prevent an impeached and convicted person from running for the office again. The matter simply is not addressed.

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    rhtatro  over 5 years ago

    He may not leave even after his term is up.

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    RobinHood  over 5 years ago

    Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth

    and the truth isn’t what you want to see

    In the dark it is easy to pretend

    That the truth is what it ought to be

    Softly, deftly, darkness shall caress you

    hear it, fear it, secretly possess you

    Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwindIn this darkness which you know you cannot fight

    The darkness of the power that is mine.

    Webber / Rice (Paraphrased)

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    JamieLee Premium Member over 5 years ago

    You can say that but the last election proved that statement is not true when meddling is present. Just look at Illinois politics/elections!

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    The Rs think an investigation is asking the criminal “Did you do it?” and getting an answer “Nope” and it’s all done.

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  10. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    There is nothing stealthy about closed-door hearings. They are standard, and all the Republicans know it. And 47 Republicans are part of the hearings.

    And if elections mean you shouldn’t impeach, you might as well take impeachment out of the Constitution entirely.

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I’m a little slow. The new rules are it’s ok to cheat to become president and it’s ok to cheat to remain president?and the military, fbi, and cia are notoriously pro-democrats?ok, good to know…

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 5 years ago

    There are 47 Republicans that are on the committees that are interviewing the witnesses and reviewing information. Therefore the heearings aren’t secret by any stretch of the imagination.

    The “investigation of the investigation” being done by Barr and Durham IS being done secretly. Information came out that said this is now a CRIMINAL investigation, but there are no details about when this status changed or why.

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    gcottay  over 5 years ago

    Scott, with one side of your mouth you claim that House members must be kept ignorant because they leak state secrets. And with this side you claim that members of both major parties in the room asking questions is somehow too secretive.

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    gilker  over 5 years ago

    The marketing on this strip tries to claim balance. Embracing this GOP propaganda and validating it undercuts that claim. The “dark room” preliminary hearings were Republican rules that the Democrats are following. The vote to proceed with formal impeachment proceedings that, also according to the rules will include public hearings is upon us.

    Sorry, Stantis, you’ve shown yourself to be just another mouthpiece for Republican propaganda.

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    RobinHood  over 5 years ago

    Ever since CNN USA Today The Washington Post, and MS-NBC broke the story 6 days ago the new number 47. Just count haw many times its brought up. I talked to a couple numeroligst that said that number bode well for political gain next year.

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    Cheapskate0  over 5 years ago

    I agree with pcshearer above.

    Republicans have the most to gain from impeachment, not Democrats. And not for reasons like some have posited – that Trump would simply ride the victim train into a permanent presidency and Republicans, the minority party, would finally accomplish what Rush Limbaugh has been preaching for the last forty years – one party rule!

    But a real reckoning as to what it means to be a Republican and limited government.

    Yes, I may be a Democrat, but I have known Republicans who I was able to talk to, able to see their side of arguments. I have even had Republicans who were friends.

    The present iteration of Republicanism, if such a thing exists, is scary.

    Beyond scary.

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    Cheapskate0  over 5 years ago

    kaffeekup above mentions having written Scott. Bravo to him! (Or her, if that be the case)

    This week’s strips are why I have become – let’s just say, frustrated with Prickly City.

    Scott “says” he’s a never Trumper, whatever that is anymore. Apparently, it’s whatever Trump wants to call the latest person who has issues with his reign.

    And yet, Scott consistently portrays anyone in the business of trying to hold Trump accountable as lower than the pond scum that is in the White House.

    Total irony today: The two week delay has introduced yet another embarrassment: The house is about to make the impeachment inquiry public, anyway.

    And, what was it, two weeks ago, when Scott published that cartoon on his other soapbox, the one with Hillary peeking from behind a curtain?

    I’m beginning to think that, whatever planet Scott is on, it isn’t earth…

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    yup, yup, yup. Saw this strip coming from a mile away. He is anti Trump,but only until the Democrats start actually finding laws and the sections of the Constitution that he is violating

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    Plods with ...™  over 5 years ago

    Hmm. Interesting concept.

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    walkingmancomics  over 5 years ago

    And consider how much FURTHER damage he can cause given those 14 additional months (Nov19-Dec20). Out, now!

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    ThomasBonsell  over 5 years ago

    All grand juries operate in secrecy to protect the innocent who might be related to or associated with suspects and to keep testimony out of the public to prevent possible witnesses from concocting future testimony to fit what the grand jury has heard. The process now occurring in the House of Representatives is in essence a grand-jury action and must be in secrecy.

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