Class of ‘71. Never been to a reunion. There are only two people from those days that I would have any interest in seeing. One I’m still good friends with. The other is dead.
For my 50th (class of ‘68, 200+) What was the main clique put together a 3-day golf extravaganza. I wasn’t in that group then, and I’ve never taken up that particular form of self-abuse. . . 8^)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 5 years ago
“So is living membership, coincidentally.”
david_42 about 5 years ago
Had a heck of a struggle getting my name off the last reunion list. Like I’m flying coast-to-coast to see people I didn’t like 50 years ago?
WaitingMan about 5 years ago
Class of ‘71. Never been to a reunion. There are only two people from those days that I would have any interest in seeing. One I’m still good friends with. The other is dead.
jpayne4040 about 5 years ago
I can’t see that increasing attendance.
Ellis97 about 5 years ago
I recall my Class of 2015 reunion.
GaryCooper about 5 years ago
Attendance is down because 22% of them are dead.
samfran6-0 about 5 years ago
When we had our 10th, in ’75, I was in such bad shape I was too embarrassed to attend.
kab2rb about 5 years ago
For me after graduation from HS I never went back to reunions. Husband who is much older never went to his and smaller group.
1MadHat Premium Member about 5 years ago
For my 50th (class of ‘68, 200+) What was the main clique put together a 3-day golf extravaganza. I wasn’t in that group then, and I’ve never taken up that particular form of self-abuse. . . 8^)