Pluggers by Rick McKee for December 05, 2019

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    Baarorso  about 5 years ago

    Pluggers were indeed raised with a sense of sartorial decorum that their cubs and kits do not possess. :/

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    Seasider48.  about 5 years ago

    I know what they are saying – why do they dress little girls in “dresses” that look like they forgot to put on a skirt or pants and then wonder why they dress like strippers when they get older?

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    well, consider me one of the older pluggers

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    Dtroutma  about 5 years ago


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  5. Img 1945
    Zykoic  about 5 years ago

    Let this plugger think back

    Yep, Levis, Tee shirt, loafers, Luckies roll-up in my tee shirt sleeve, pound of pomade in my hair and stealing my older brother’s model B.

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    Breadboard  about 5 years ago

    Humm I take this style of wearing one’s pants this way as a teaching moment. Now you know how difficult it is for some older folks to just walk ;-)

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  7. The rings
    Liam Astle Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Hey now. That’s their culture.

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    tkcoker  about 5 years ago

    I told one young fellow with his pants hanging down like that, “You must be very brave”. He asked “Why”. I said “Because if you were to get into a fight you can’t run with your pants like that so you have to stay and fight”.

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    Ontman  about 5 years ago

    This should be a ‘No OK Boomer’ zone.

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    UmmeMoosa  about 5 years ago
    Oh come on plugger, I am sure your parents didn’t find guys wearing tight jeans that showed the outlines and open dress shirts exposing chest hair and huge afros a respected presentation either.
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    namleht  about 5 years ago

    Hey Now you’re an All Star
.scooby doodby doo!

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    Display  about 5 years ago

    Took a while to stsrt but the jump from Dukes of Hazard to Boyz in the Hood happened fast. But now that’s way out of step with the times too.

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    Caldonia  about 5 years ago

    If it bugs you so much, stop staring at Norm like that! Look, now he’s Googling “what to do if you have a stalker”!

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    the lost wizard  about 5 years ago

    Underpants showing are embarrassing. butt crack is really bad.

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    ctolson  about 5 years ago

    Love watching Live PD when the young guys take off running and fall down when their pants slide down to their knees and they do a face plant on the ground.

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    Alberta Oil  about 5 years ago

    I’m old but have to wonder how (un)comfortable it must be to wear pants with the crotch down by our knees.. WHAT is the point.. attraction????

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  17. Ek at joes
    geneking7320  about 5 years ago

    When is this going to finally play out?

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    David Rickard Premium Member about 5 years ago

    From today’s Comics Curmudgeon:

    Finally, folks, finally, at long last, Pluggers has weighed in on the trend of wearing baggy pants that sag low enough to expose your underwear, the trend that (according to the impressively detailed and cited Wikipedia article) began over 20 years ago in the mid 1990s, long enough ago that many who were young and hip when it started have since aged into pluggertude, long enough ago that the trend has had time to mostly peter out and then be revived, and here is what Pluggers has to say about it: pluggers simply do not care for it. They do. not. care. for. it. Congratulations, Pluggers, on producing possibly the least surprising Pluggers panel in the entire history of this feature.

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    anomalous4  about 5 years ago

    Or “Teacher, teacher, I declare / I see someone’s underwear!”

    Either way, in my experience it pretty much only applied to us girls when our skirts got flipped up. Boys didn’t care if the elastic on their tighty whities showed above their jeans waistbands.

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  20. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 5 years ago

    It started with poverty; not being able to afford pants that fit & always wearing hand me downs you haven’t grown into. Then there’s prison; where you’re often issued pants that don’t fit.

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    gorgolo_chick  about 5 years ago

    I love that the kid’s droopy drawers match the plugger’s shirt collar

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    KEA  about 5 years ago

    Yeah, really don’t understand that
 but then my parents thought pegged pants were ridiculous.(they were
 couldn’t get them on or off.)

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    tcayer  about 5 years ago

    When I was a kid it was “I see your hiney, all black and shiny!” But that’s probably racist now

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    tcayer  about 5 years ago

    True story- When I was a cop, I saw a young man for whom we had a warrant. I pulled over and got out and he took off running, and his pants fell down. As I cuffed him, I told him “You would have gotten away if you wore a belt!”

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    thuddriver01  about 5 years ago

    I see Freddie I see Jack but when I look at you I see your crack.

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    kathleenhicks62  about 5 years ago

    Started in prisons

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  27. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  about 5 years ago

    It’s actually a protest statement against the oppressive restriction of clothing. Fortunately, many young women have come to see that wearing less and less makes for a happier world

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