Got a new flip phone. Says here in fine print, “Up to 240 hrs standby.” I guess 22 hours is within that parameter. The low battery alarm goes off around 3 am if I forget to plug it in.
Don’t have a TV in the bedroom, the phones are both “smart” and are never in the bedroom, make that 2 cats instead of the dog, the backscratcher has it’s own place in the bookcase-style headboard and we never eat in bed. Guess we’re not pluggers.
Gent about 5 years ago
Looks like the electricity grid issue is finally resolved.
david_42 about 5 years ago
Got a new flip phone. Says here in fine print, “Up to 240 hrs standby.” I guess 22 hours is within that parameter. The low battery alarm goes off around 3 am if I forget to plug it in.
Breadboard about 5 years ago
Hum wonder what I said the first time this one came around ;-O
zerotvus about 5 years ago
but not necessarily in that order……..
anomalous4 about 5 years ago
Or the cat.
jr1234 about 5 years ago
2 backscratchers? (why aren’t they scratching each other’s back?) and a Partridge in a pear tree
Lb about 5 years ago
Just the dog here, but she commands half the bed. Had to get a King just so we could have some room.
Jan C about 5 years ago
Don’t have a TV in the bedroom, the phones are both “smart” and are never in the bedroom, make that 2 cats instead of the dog, the backscratcher has it’s own place in the bookcase-style headboard and we never eat in bed. Guess we’re not pluggers.
tinner2000 about 5 years ago
Yaaaay! they paid the light bill.
Barnabus Blackoak about 5 years ago
is the ‘dog’ a pet or their child, cuz it looks just like the hubby
Alberta Oil about 5 years ago
And that list is only what is on top of the blankets.. what is under the blankets stays.. under the blankets
the lost wizard about 5 years ago
Forgot the heating pad.
kaycstamper about 5 years ago
It looks like the life!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 5 years ago
Times 3
Caldonia about 5 years ago
I don’t even know why pluggers let other pluggers in their beds. They take up room that should be reserved for more food and beer.
GoComicsGo! about 5 years ago
The back scratcher is obviously for the chip crumbs after you lay on them.