Frazz by Jef Mallett for January 23, 2020

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    herdleader53  about 5 years ago

    I’m sorry but I do not believe anybody could average @18 MPH for 15 hours to cover 268 miles in that time frame. Especially if it involved a lot of uphill terrain.

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    thomas_matkey  about 5 years ago

    Time was actually 83 hours, 12 minutes and 23 seconds. Second place was the previous course record-holder Eoin Keith, more than 15 hours later.

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    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 5 years ago

    That last sentence is the most convoluted I’ve read today.

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    Otto Knowbetter  about 5 years ago

    How do the records look in the Idiot Ride?

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  5. Bluedog
    Bilan  about 5 years ago

    At least they’re not playing football in cold water or on steep hills.

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    Yermo Adam  about 5 years ago

    Not IN 15 hours, but BY 15 hours.

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    Uncle Bob  about 5 years ago

    “Avoid running at all times.” — Satchel Paige

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    DutchUncle  about 5 years ago

    “Huge kudos for Jasmin Paris, the British ultrarunner who has just won the 268-mile Spine Race along the full Pennine Way, in a record time while expressing milk for her 14-month-old daughter, Rowan, along the way. She crossed the line in 83 hours, 12 minutes and 23 seconds – more than 12 hours faster than the previous record holder, Eoin Keith (95:17). Paris is the first woman to win the race outright.” " She is a small-animal vet working at the University of Edinburgh" (for the search-impaired)

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    rf_in_va  about 5 years ago

    Jasmin Paris actually ran the race in a record-breaking time of 83 hours 12 minutes 23 seconds. And was 10 miles ahead of the second place runner when she crossed the finish line. That is stamina!

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    snookdog69  about 5 years ago

    it didn,t say she ran in 15 hours but won over 2nd place by 15 hours

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    laughseeker  about 5 years ago

    in the not too distant future ALL the female record holders will have a bat instead of a glove!

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    cabalonrye  about 5 years ago

    The kind of jokes no one made when it was men winning those sufferfests. It was all about courage, endurance, warrior spirit… But then, football, ramming head down into other people… (scuttle away sniggering)

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    Seed_drill  about 5 years ago

    Stan Lee had a show, Real Life Superhumans, that analyzed people with abnormal abilities. One ultramarathoner they tested actually metabolized all the lactic acid his body produced. So, basically, he could run as long as he stayed fed and ate and didn’t fall asleep on his feet.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Well, your snotty, condescending little self should be just overjoyed come Feb. 3, when football season is over.

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    stanmans Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Swimming downhill with the current would explain it!!

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    Stephen Gilberg  about 5 years ago

    Guys, I don’t see this as hating football. I see this as noting the fact that football players almost all develop TBI.

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    Ricky Bennett  about 5 years ago

    The English channel? Was it the BBC?

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    1MadHat Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Hey! for a long time, US football players “played” and got their brains scrambled.

    With all the new safety equipment, they still are.

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    Ubermick  about 5 years ago

    The journalist who wrote that column has a narrow range on sports they cover, it seems. What Sarah Thomas and Jasmin Paris did are fantastic feats, but accomplishments by the likes of Billie Jean King, Serena Williams, Mia Hamm, Megan Rapinoe, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Simone Biles, and countless other female athletes happened long before what they did and have been extensively (and justifiably so!) covered in the media.

    Of course, only cycling/swimming/running matters in that school though…

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 5 years ago

    It is too long today so go here.

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