Pickles by Brian Crane for February 14, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago

    I guess it’s a good thing my stepsisters’ families live close to our parents in order to baby-sit the little ones; my brother’s family lives clear across the other side of the nation.

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    stairsteppublishing  almost 5 years ago

    As if your own children never did anything like that?

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    DavidWilliams1  almost 5 years ago

    Why don’t Nelson’s friends ever come over to play?

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  4. Rick o shay
    wiatr  almost 5 years ago

    If that’s so Opal will live a long time. She’s already sitting for Earl as well as Nelson.

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  5. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  almost 5 years ago

    They keep you active, anyway!

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    Breadboard  almost 5 years ago

    Nelson why were you in Opal’s bedroom in the first place ? Is there a TV in that bedroom?

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    jagedlo  almost 5 years ago

    Wonder if any of those “scientists” had grandchildren?

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    ForrestOverin  almost 5 years ago

    “I wiped it up with your white tablecloth!”

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    Frankie5466  almost 5 years ago

    He probably used those fancy “guest” towels Earl isn’t allowed to use!

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    rhpii  almost 5 years ago

    Concord Grape wiped up with your new white towels.

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    eladee AKA Wally  almost 5 years ago

    I’m going with seems longer.

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  12. Coexist
    Bookworm  almost 5 years ago

    Bumper Sticker on the car parked next to mine; “Let me tell you about my grandkids.” Bumper Sticker on my car; “Please Don’t. Thank you.” (Okay, so I’m an old curmudgeon. What can I say?)

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  13. Ashampoo snap tuesday  october 4  2022 11h37m17s
    Ken Norris Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Guy is told by his doctor that he has only about a year to live, asks is there anything he can do. Doctor says he should marry an ugly, mean-tempered woman, move to (insert your state here) and buy a rundown house. Guy asks if that will lengthen his life. Doctor says, “No, but it will just seem like forever.”

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    swanridge  almost 5 years ago

    Really wasn’t grape juice, but admitting to drinking red wine might have resulted in a different response.

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    ptnjbrown  almost 5 years ago

    Babysitting your grandchildren can help YOU live longer. The grandchildren, however, may not.

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  16. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  almost 5 years ago

    The “HER’S” towels?

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    whenlifewassimpler  almost 5 years ago

    At least he came out and told her and tried to clean it up. I think it’s a good thing he did by telling her. Most kids wouldn’t and would end up blaming someone else. How do I know I had a sister and brother who always tried to blame it on me. Luckily I had a mother who knew darn tootin well I would never do whatever they were saying they didn’t do and it must of been me.

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    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    Oy, Oy, and Oy!

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    Orcatime  almost 5 years ago

    That’s what some marine biologist said about grandmother killer whales!

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