In all reality , Come on Gil man up and call Teddy out for being a lying scumbag or since this is Milford would Gil call him a no good Rat Fink, inquiring minds want to know .
Hey, I’m surprised nobody has thought of this yet, but they don’t use the same test year after year. So let me be the first to point it out! And speaking of pointing out things, I’d like to point out that today’s installment of Mopped Up Thorp is online.
Okay the ‘real’ Steve Luhm will return to the strip and exonerate Chris. Chris will say he threw it in the trash and Steve will pull the test from his trash bin proving Chris’ story.
kdizzle almost 5 years ago
So this doofus steals a test and gets off scot-free?
TheBrownStarfish almost 5 years ago
P1, That was your big mistake, Teddy. "Only I “give it” to Chris!" screams Gil.
P2, I was shocked at their size! We both were!
P3, But Alexa didn’t touch it. I only wish she’d touch me.
bearwku82 almost 5 years ago
Spin a tale of cheating? No. One. Has. Cheated. Where did Teddy’s little friend Art jettison off to?
Mr Reality almost 5 years ago
In all reality , Come on Gil man up and call Teddy out for being a lying scumbag or since this is Milford would Gil call him a no good Rat Fink, inquiring minds want to know .
Mopman almost 5 years ago
Gil is talking to Phoebe in P3? Especially in the color version, she looks like she’s 40 years old. What happened to her?
cuttersjock almost 5 years ago
Reason for fierce competition for Valedictorian: the one year membership in the Jelly of the Month club, the gift that gives the whole year long!
Irish53 almost 5 years ago
P 4: “…plus, she prefers girls anyway…”
hifirick1953 almost 5 years ago
I don’t think that is what Alexa said.
st_barnett almost 5 years ago
Why is Teddy not being punished for stealing it in the test in the first place?
wmac8898 almost 5 years ago
Why is Gil chasing this down? Doesn’t Milford High have a janitor they can throw this busy work at?
James St. John Smythe almost 5 years ago
With Gil now involved we can soon put an end to this fourth place in the conference season, say some more “Hamanas” then move along to base/ softball.
tcayer almost 5 years ago
I’ll say it again. They don’t use the same test year after year.
Mopman almost 5 years ago
Hey, I’m surprised nobody has thought of this yet, but they don’t use the same test year after year. So let me be the first to point it out! And speaking of pointing out things, I’d like to point out that today’s installment of Mopped Up Thorp is online.
Irish53 almost 5 years ago
P 1.5: “…I just noticed this, but you’ve got to be one of the ugliest kids I’ve ever seen here…”
tcar-1 almost 5 years ago
Okay the ‘real’ Steve Luhm will return to the strip and exonerate Chris. Chris will say he threw it in the trash and Steve will pull the test from his trash bin proving Chris’ story.