Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for February 28, 2020

  1. 98dc6e4d 2f79 4b1b b6ad 40e22f07889d
    Buoy  about 5 years ago

    Put That in your pipe and smoke it. I hear it’s legal now, though pretty lame compared to licking a frog.

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  2. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  about 5 years ago

    Mr. Slaphappy wears her heart on his sleeve.

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  3. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member about 5 years ago

    …his lady bug is giving him a Johnson…

    …aaw… a V.D. bug…

    …will leap day create a leap Frog?…

    …lady bug badges are given to the gender fluid scouts in Boy scouts…

    …which brings up a sore subject…

    …if you are born that way…

    …do you have to be dyslexic?…

    …do you have to give into the urge to wear pantyhose?…

    …do you have to drink two 25oz. Natty Daddys every night?…

    …do you have to watch Picard every Thursday?…

    …and the new Clone Wars on Friday?…

    …do you have to write the same damn thing every single morning, the very first thing you do every damn morning?…

    …or can you be what you want to be?…

    …even if every ounce of your being cries…

    …yes! Vote for fried green tomato flavored Lays!…

    …you don’t have to go to Walmart just to get the Hot Sauce flavor!…

    …I look in the mirror…

    …and I don’t even know myself anymore…

     •  Reply
  4. Img 3761
    Zebrastripes  about 5 years ago

    Fly away fly away fly away now!

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  5. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Space Madness at The Station*  about 5 years ago

    Whatever is a human on your butt for Peggy?

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  6. Colt2
    coltish1  about 5 years ago

    When buttoning up stretches your face taut.

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  7. Colt2
    coltish1  about 5 years ago

    I hear it’s just the thing to ward off coronavirus.

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  8. Td  2
    Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member about 5 years ago


    Ladybug, red

    Violets, blue

    The Frog Applause™ Owned Bath Mat Factory

    Is not on fire.

     •  Reply
  9. Missing large
    WaitingMan  about 5 years ago

    Why, yes. That is a ladybug. But this is not a pipe.

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  10. Painpain
    painedsmile  about 5 years ago

    “Unhand me, you cad.”

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  11. Painpain
    painedsmile  about 5 years ago

    It’s a ladybug refrigerator magnet.

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  12. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member about 5 years ago

    They’re on the way to the Ladybug Picnic.

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  13. 7831c9a4 3d01 43f0 af20 333f72f4f2c7
    Howard'sMyHero  about 5 years ago

    Wanna bet he named the ladybug Spot …?

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  14. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  about 5 years ago

    One potato, two Potato, three potato four

    Plushophilia, klismaphilia, formicophilia I adore!

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  15. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 5 years ago

    What if its a male lady bug?

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  16. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 5 years ago

    To each his own. But if you insist on wearing it on your sleeve, people will talk. Or write pithy comments or stream-of-consciousness versicles (verselets? small verses? versus verses? Bah! Who cares?)

    Froglandia, home of the free verse!

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